Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach (2025)


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Doyou want toupgrade your interior design without buying anything particularly expensive? Lush Cosmetics isone ofthe places you might want toexplore. There are various lighting devices among the items ofthe store. Ifyou want toget aconvenient standard ortable lamp, chandelier ordecorative wall-mounted light, you may appeal tothe store'ssellers. They will help you pick the lamp with anapplicable style, inform you indetail about the assortment presented inthe store. That way itwill become easier for you tomake the correct choice and acquire the commodity that meets your demands.

Lush Cosmetics (rating ofthe organization onour website -4.8) works atUnited States, Newport Beach, CA92660, 249Newport CenterDr. You may visit the company’s portal toview for more You can voice the matters byphone: (949) 759—1756.

gifts, cosmetics and perfumes, hair cosmetics store, gift certificate store
Clothing and footwear
yarn, lighting, soap, cosmetic cases, lipsticks, laundry detergent, disinfectants, gift wrapping, shower gels, personal care products, facial oils, lip balm, aromatherapy products
Sale of goods
beauty salon supply stores

Phone number

(949)759-17...— show


Newport Beach, CA 92660, 249 Newport Center Dr
Working hours















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28photos Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach

Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach (1)

Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach (2)

Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach (3)

Prices Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach


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Shaving Creams

By agreement

Body Cleansers

By agreement

Body Butters

By agreement

Shower Bombs

By agreement

Body Conditioners

By agreement

Body Scrubs

By agreement

Bubble Bars

By agreement

Bath Bombs

By agreement

Shower Gels

By agreement

Bar Soap

By agreement

The prices on this website are for informational purposes only. They are not final and not a public offer. The management reserves the right to change prices.
You can check the price by phone.

Reviews about Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach


/ 47 reviews and107 ratings

Rating is formed based on customer reviews, ratings and telephone surveys.

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  • Elizabeth H.

    October 16, 2021, 2:42 am

    This store isa must see ifyou're visiting Fashion Island. The customer service was incredible and the product selection was even better. Here are afew ofour favorite finds from our visit.



    • Ruben U.

      October 3, 2021, 8:06 pm

      The staff was really helpful and nice.



      • Nicole Y.

        September 14, 2021, 7:51 pm

        Always think this place isoverpriced for what it's worth. Smell soartificial.



        • Acarmen K.

          August 14, 2021, 6:42 pm

          Love the products and the staff were awesome.



          • bicky- c.

            July 19, 2021, 5:52 pm

            Extremely nice staff and they make you feel athome.



            • rhy

              June 24, 2021, 4:31 am

              AMAZING STORE



              • Alexandra S.

                June 22, 2021, 9:39 pm

                Friendly staff always willing tohelp and explain all the products. Ilove Lush and this ismy favorite one tovisit!



                • Ashleigh D.

                  May 14, 2021, 9:14 pm

                  Back intheday, Iwas obsessed with Lush. Ibought aton ofthings Ididn't need.Now, Igo inquickly and buy what Iwant because the smell triggers migraines with the strong scents. Ihave tried many oftheir products. Iwish Iloved itall, but Ihave super sensitive skin aswell, and Ican't use everything. The eye make upcaused rash onmy eyelids, and some the scents often cause itching. Not their fault, it's myskin's fault.

                  I stick with what Iknow isOK forme, and Ido well. T

                  his Lush isa small one compared tosome. The people working were friendly.– show



                  • Taylor H.

                    March 26, 2021, 9:08 am

                    Some great skin care products that are different than anything I've seen. And Ilike the results after acouple weeks enough toreturn.



                    • Jacqueline B.

                      March 10, 2021, 4:09 am

                      I love this specific location and the employees onstaff. They are sowelcoming and informative. The place iskept really clean despite items being bare without packaging aswell asitems incontainers. They haven't lost quality oftheir products despite the changing times but even more impressively the demeanor ofcustomer service has not wavered, they have tons ofgreat recommendations and have helped suggest items for several age ranges that Iwas shopping for and that helped immensely.



                      • Ginny R.

                        October 4, 2020, 1:47 am

                        Great products and helpful staff.



                        • Lisa R.

                          March 11, 2020, 3:20 am

                          What adelightful experience wehad atLush. The manager was friendly and knowledgeable. Heintroduced usto products wewere unfamiliar with and made great suggestions. Highly recommend this location.



                          • Eric N.

                            March 1, 2020, 8:05 am

                            Love getting soap



                            • Jenn H.

                              February 18, 2020, 4:05 am

                              Loveit! Purchased the birthday party for my16year old daughter! She took two friends! Had ablast. The staff was helpful andfun!



                              • Alberto C.

                                February 15, 2020, 9:17 pm

                                Hola they are very friendly and they are sonice



                                • Eleni H.

                                  January 27, 2020, 2:19 am

                                  Loved ithere, special shout out toLinda for her help! Ihave been aloyal and regular Lush customer for probably almost 8years. Fashion Island isn't myregular location but Ihad been there afew times back incollege and Iwas inOC for awedding. The remodel here isgreat, somuch more spacious than most Lush locations! Inaddition, Idon't know ifthe commission pressure has changed inthe Lush company orif this store has asuper great culture, but when lmet Linda and she helped meI felt nopressure atall asI have inthe past atother locations. Ionly came into cash inmy 5recycled pots for afresh face mask not necessarily soshop too much and Linda enthusiastically assisted meand wanted tohave aconversation about myskin care. Isort knew, being anexperienced customer, Iwanted the Brazened Honey face mask hehe;P But Linda helped suggest agentle cleanser for regular use that islike myusual Cerave called Ultradent and did awonderful sample/demonstration onmy hand. Itold her myhand felt softer and nicer than after the mani Igot for the wedding! Icame back acouple hours after food later somy fresh face mask wouldn't sit inmy car and she remembered meand fixed asample ofthe Ultradent for meto try athome for myface. Ihonestly felt sohappy and cheesy after this Lush visit and had agreat bath that night exfoliating myface! Thank you Linda and Lush atFashion Island! Ihope tocome back here soon:)– show



                                  • Jeff L.

                                    January 9, 2020, 6:22 am

                                    Friendly and knowledgeable staff



                                    • Rashida R.

                                      November 15, 2019, 3:51 pm

                                      Beautiful store. Clean and bright. New manager Bri isamazing! Every shower/bath has been afull experience ever since!



                                      • Vet U.

                                        November 11, 2019, 2:25 am

                                        great stuff



                                        • John F.

                                          November 2, 2019, 2:22 pm

                                          I love the bath bombs here



                                          Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach (4)

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                                          Average rating- 4.8based on47 reviews and107 ratings

                                          • Newport Beach
                                          • Shops in Newport Beach
                                          • Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach
                                          Lush Cosmetics in Newport Beach (2025)


                                          Is Lush doing well financially? ›

                                          Financial position and current trading

                                          The Group finished the year with net cash, being cash less debt, of +£68.0m with +£37.4m held within our North American businesses. The consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 2022 reflects a healthy position with net assets of £197.9m and net current assets of £115.0m.

                                          Are Lush products 100% natural? ›

                                          At Lush we minimise the use of synthetics and preservatives. We take special care to ensure we use only the safest and mildest preservatives we know. Our fresh masks are as nutritious as fruit smoothies for the face – 100% natural, totally unpreserved – they are the centre piece of our shops.

                                          Who is the owner of Lush cosmetics wife? ›

                                          Lush Retail Ltd. is a British cosmetics retailer which is headquartered in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom. It was founded in 1995 by trichologist Mark Constantine, his wife Mo Constantine and five other founders.

                                          What makes Lush so special? ›

                                          We believe in making effective products from fresh, organic* fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics. We invent our own products and fragrances.

                                          What is the downfall of Lush? ›

                                          Last year Lush walked away from Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat globally after becoming exasperated at the business practice behind these platforms in particular, that were basically the antithesis of everything Lush stands for: wellbeing, self-care, kindness and being good to yourself and others.

                                          Where is Lush most popular? ›

                                          Company overview

                                          Lush operates in over 20 countries, and the United Kingdom and Europe are currently the most lucrative areas for the company's business, followed by Asia.

                                          Are Lush products actually clean? ›

                                          Using words like “natural” on their packaging convinces consumers that the brand is free of harsh chemicals, but in reality, “natural” really doesn't mean a whole lot. The reason so many Lush products are chock-full of chemicals is because they are largely water-based formulas.

                                          Is Lush a cheap brand? ›

                                          The INSIDER Summary: Lush is known for having higher-priced items, but it's still possible to treat yourself on a budget. The trick is knowing which products in the store will give you the most bang for your buck. Your $10 will go far in the bath, shower, and skin care sections of the store.

                                          Who is Lush's target audience? ›

                                          Target Audience of Lush

                                          The primary target market of Lush Cosmetics is young, working women between 18 and 45 years old. These women earn middle-to-high wages and have advanced degrees. Additionally, they typically reside in cities or close by.

                                          Who bought out Lush? ›

                                          Statement on Silverwood Brands Plc acquiring Lush shares

                                          Those shares amounted to circa 95% of the issued shares in Silverwood. The Articles of Association of Lush contain various provisions which dictate how a transfer of shares is to take place and are binding on the company and its shareholders.

                                          Is Lush worth the price? ›

                                          However, the brand is often criticized for its high prices and overwhelming scents. The bath bombs are popular but considered overpriced. The brand has a strong presence and is easily recognizable, however, some customers find the scents overpowering and the products underperforming compared to the prices.

                                          What is Lush famous for? ›

                                          Creators of pioneering beauty products such as the fizzing bath bomb, shower jellies and solid shampoo bars, we place emphasis on fresh ingredients like organic fruits and vegetables, fight against animal testing and combat over-packaging by developing products that can be sold 'naked' to the customer without any ...

                                          What is the weakness of Lush? ›

                                          Some of the key weaknesses of Lush Cosmetics are: High cost of retailing: The cost of retailing is growing as brands focus increasingly on improving the in-store experience. Factors like in-store lighting, product display shelves, in-store product demonstrations etc. are all proving to be costly for the company.

                                          Why was Lush boycotted? ›

                                          A Dublin store of Lush, a British cosmetics maker, sparked controversy when it briefly posted a sign in its window this week saying “Boycott Israel.” With the war between Israel and Hamas creating tensions on social media and beyond, a photo of the store drew attention, and some people called for a boycott of Lush.

                                          Who are Lush main customers? ›

                                          Share of Lush Cosmetics shoppers by age UK 2017-2018

                                          Consumers aged between 16-24 constituted Lush's main shopper group in 2018, despite a slight decrease from the previous year. In 2018, shoppers between the ages 25-34 showed an increase on the year prior, going up to 27 percent.

                                          Is Lush making a profit? ›

                                          The chart shows that the company experienced a swing from profit to loss, registering a loss of about 16 million British pounds in 2020. In 2022, Lush had an operating group profit amounting to -0.6 million British pounds.

                                          What's happening with Lush? ›

                                          From 26th November 2021, the global Lush brand will be turning its back on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat, until the platforms take action to provide a safer environment for users. This policy is rolling out across all the 48 countries where Lush operates.

                                          How is Lush so successful? ›

                                          Innovating since 1995. Many of our products have little or no packaging, with the creative development team constantly rising to the challenge of making innovative products in solid formulations that don't require bottling. Lush have spent decades developing solid products that work really effectively.

                                          What is the reputation of Lush? ›

                                          Lush is a brand known for its strong aromatic products and eco-friendly packaging. However, the brand is often criticized for its high prices and overwhelming scents. The bath bombs are popular but considered overpriced.


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                                          Article information

                                          Author: Carmelo Roob

                                          Last Updated:

                                          Views: 5715

                                          Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

                                          Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

                                          Author information

                                          Name: Carmelo Roob

                                          Birthday: 1995-01-09

                                          Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

                                          Phone: +6773780339780

                                          Job: Sales Executive

                                          Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

                                          Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.