NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (2024)

Many players do not pay much attention to the jumpshot creator feature in NBA 2K23. However, this is the first step to getting the Best NBA 2k23 jumpshots. The Jumpshot Creator allows the players to customize their hop shot as per the player‘s physical attributes.

Key Takeaways

  • The jump shot options include Lower/base, upper release 1, upper release 2, and blending.
  • Consider player height and shot ratings for effective jump shot setups.
  • Set shot release timing to “Early” in controller settings for optimal results.
  • Unlock and equip shooting badges for improved shot success.
  • Boost your jump shot success rate through precise shot release, hot zone shooting, and wise shot selection.

Best Jumpshots In NBA 2K23 Comparison

Here is a list of the best jumpshots in NBA 2K23.

JumpshotsLower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Defensive Immune Jumpshot SetupCole AnthonyDamian LillardLuka Doncic64%/36%
Best Jumpshot for players under 6’5”Ray AllenOscar RobertsonOscar RobertsonAny blending
Best Jumpshot for players between 6’5″ and 6’10”Ray AllenLarry BirdOscar Robertson15% Larry Bird, 85% Oscar Robertson
High Jumpshot SetupLaMelo BallRudy GayLuka Doncic50%/50%
Fastest Jumpshot Setup for players under 6’5″LaMelo BallCole AnthonyCole Anthony50%/50%
Fastest Jumpshot for players above 6’5″ and below 6’10Kyle KuzmaRudy GayJulius Randle40%/60%
Jumpshot Setup For Tall BuildsChris BoshKarl-Anthony TownsKevin Durant75%/25%
Best Overall Jumpshot SetupDarius GarlandOscar RobertsonStephen Curry70%/30%

Defensive Immune Jumpshot Setup

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (1)
Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Cole AnthonyDamian LillardLuka Doncic64%/36%

The Defensive Immune Jumpshots are more suited for comparatively shorter players. So if your player build has a height of 6’5″ or less then you should go for the high Defensive immunity Jumpshot. The shot also has a quick release which is a huge plus point. Since some of the defensive guards on the opposing team are taller than your player, having a slow release will make it impossible for your player to execute a flawless jump shot.

If you’re someone who gets pressured by the opposing team way too quickly while making the shot, then this choice is a no-brainer for you. Here’s a quick rundown of the Defensive Immune Jumpshot in NBA 2K23 for player builds with heights less than 6’5″.

Best Jump Shot For Heights Below 6’10”

First Jumpshot

Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Ray AllenOscar RobertsonOscar RobertsonAny blending

Jump shots setups must be designed keeping in mind the heights of players. Most players are above 6’10” so, there are many jump shot setups for such players available. Jump shot setups for players under 6’10” and above 6’5″ are not very common. So, here is a jump shot setup for shorter heightened players.

The blending percentage here does not cause a lot of difference as both releases are the same player. This jump shot setup will provide you A+on release height, release speed, and defense immunity which will make your shot pretty much unlockable. We have selected Ray Allen as a base because making a jump shot with this base is very quick. Players can receive the ball and directly proceed to the jump shot without any extra animations.

Second Jumpshot

Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Ray AllenLarry BirdOscar Robertson15% Larry Bird, 85% Oscar Robertson

For players between 6’5″ and 6’10,” we have designed another great jump shot. We have tested out this jump shot and it provides great success rates. We have selected Ray Allen as a base because he is one of the best bases for shorter heights. Larry Bird is mostly used as release 1 by different players for jump shots setups involving players under 6’10”.

This jump shot setup provides anA+ on release height. This means that this jump shot would be effective against most of the defenders even if they are greater in height. Also, this setup would provide you with a defense immunity A+ which further increases the success rate of this jump shot. This Jumpshot setup is very effective in almost any situation.

High Jumpshot Setup

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (2)
Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
LaMelo BallRudy GayLuka Doncic50%/50%

Moving on we have another Best NBA 2k23 jumpshot which suits mid-heightened players, especially the ones between 6’5″ and 6’10”. Despite being one of the best high jump shots, it’s also one of the most balanced ones in the game. It will get you a decent score at Release Height, Defensive Immunity, and Release Speed.

You will instantly notice the insane stats once you pick all these options in the Jump Shot Creator. Your player will now have an ‘A+‘ grade for Release Height, which is why we termed this shot as the High Jumpshot. Apart from that, you will get an ‘A-‘ in Defensive Immunity and an ‘A‘ in Release Speed.

Fastest Jumpshot Setup

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (3)
Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
LaMelo BallCole AnthonyCole Anthony50%/50%

Or you could also go for the following setup based on your build:

Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Kyle KuzmaRudy GayJulius Randle40%/60%

Having the fastest jump shot can make everything else look unnecessary on the field. If you’re skilled enough to get green jump shots with quick releases then you don’t need any other buffs added to your jump shot setup. Our goal with this setup is to get a jump shot with a high rating in Release Speed.

We will include Two Different Setups, one for players below 6’5″ and the other for players above that height range but below 6’10”. Even though you will have to give up some of your other strengths, the rapid release will let you take the shot while your opponent is still unprepared.

Jumpshot Setup For Tall Builds

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (4)
Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Chris BoshKarl-Anthony TownsKevin Durant75%/25%

Of course, we can’t move on without covering our tall ballers in NBA 2K23. If your player is above 6’10” then you will need the best jump shot that keeps their height in mind. With tall players you can sacrifice some release speed, since your player will be pretty tall it will be harder for the opposition to block his shots.

Getting this setup will yield you an ‘A+’ in Release Height, which is exceptional since you’re already a tall player and it ultimately makes your jump shot almost unblockable. Apart from that, you will get an ‘A’ on your Defensive Immunity and an ‘A-‘ on the Timing Impact.

Best Overall Jumpshot Setup

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (5)
Lower/BaseUpper Release 1Upper Release 2Blending
Darius GarlandOscar RobertsonStephen Curry70%/30%

Last but not least, we have the Best Overall Jumpshot in NBA 2K23 for our Point Guards out there. By using the build you will get some amazing personal stats on the board by ripping out easy green jump shots in the game. The key to getting the Best Jumpshot is to keep your focus on the Release Speed and Defensive Immunity.

Once you choose these options in the Jumpshot creator, you will automatically notice outstanding grades. You will have an ‘A+’ in Release Speed, an ‘A-‘ in Timing Impact, and another ‘A+’ in Defensive Immunity. Hence, if you’re a point guard then we highly recommend you to try out this Jumpshot in NBA 2K23.

Best Jumpshots Settings

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (6)

Shot Timing Release Time determines your preferred time to release the shot button while making the jump shot. The best thing to do here is to set this option to ‘Early‘, which is by far the most used one. The majority of the best NBA players keep their shot timing release time at ‘Early’. Since it gives that extra edge at making the perfect green jump shots in the game.

With that, we reach the end of our guide. If you follow all our steps and practice your jump shots, we guarantee you that you will start scoring 3-pointers with your eyes closed. We have covered all the build types so that you can handpick the Best NBA 2K23 Jumpshots for your player.

Apart from the Jumpshots for every class, we also brushed over the relevant in-game settings and some great shooting badges that will further enhance your jumpshot ability in the game. Thank you for reading our guide. Make sure to stay up to date at eXputer to learn even more balling skills for your NBA 2K23 journey!

We advise you to read our guide about the Best Dribbling Moves in NBA 2K23. Pair these sick moves and finish it off with the perfect jump shot to become the best NBA 2K23 player!

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Very well written and informative!

finally someone who explains what\'s the release are

Most definitely thanks for let in me on such a great jump shot info.

NBA 2K23 BEST Jumpshots [All Positions] (2024)


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