ESCAPADE - Chapter 1 - renskzi (2024)

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ESCAPADE - Chapter 1 - renskzi (1)

You're no good for me

But baby, I want youI want you

(Diet Mountain Dew - Lana Del Rey)

Felix stood amidst the chaos, his heart pounding as reporters bombarded him with questions.

"Did you know that the boy band you're working for is affiliated with the most influential mafia out there?" one reporter shouted, thrusting a microphone in his face. The guards around Felix tried to shield him from the out of control crowd, but the questions kept coming.

"Are you in a relationship with the band's guitarist, Hwang Hyunjin? " another reporter pressed, the mention of Hyunjin's name making Felix's heart drop.

"Are they innocent?" someone else demanded.

"Who is Yang Jeongin and how is he involved in this?" another voice called out.

"Is it true that some members are in a relationship with each other?" yet another reporter asked.

“What happened in Paris, France three months ago?” another queried.

Then came the question that froze Felix's blood.

"Is Hwang Hyunjin truly dead ?"

The question hit him like a punch to the gut. Finally, Felix finally reached inside the van and collapsed inside, tears streaming down his face. Hyunjin's absence overwhelmed him, crashing over him like a tidal wave. The emptiness in his heart was a physical ache, and the thought of never seeing Hyunjin again was unbearable. He missed him so much it hurt, and the pain of that loss threatened to tear him apart.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

— 1 year ago.

Felix walked into the sleek, modern office, clutching his portfolio tightly in his hands. The walls were lined with photos of the boy band, their vibrant energy captured in every shot. This was his dream job—stylist for one of the hottest bands in the industry. Nervously, he approached the receptionist, who flashed him a polite smile before directing him to a waiting room.

"Mr. Jang will see you now," she said after what felt like an eternity. Felix stood up, smoothed down his clothes, and followed her into a spacious office where a man with a friendly demeanor greeted him.

"Lee Felix, right? Have a seat," Mr. Jang said, motioning to the chair opposite his desk. "I've reviewed your portfolio. Impressive work. What made you want to work with our band?"

Felix took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "I've admired their style and the way they express themselves through fashion. I believe I can bring a fresh perspective and help them continue to evolve their image."

Mr. Jang nodded thoughtfully. "That's exactly what we're looking for. The boys are very hands-on with their style, so you'll be working closely with them. Are you prepared for that?"

"Absolutely," Felix replied, his excitement barely contained.

Just then, the door behind him opened, and a man he recognized as Hyunjin walked in. His presence filled the room, and Felix felt an inexplicable pull towards him.

Hyunjin exuded a magnetic charisma that was hard to ignore. His sharp features were striking, framed by sleek, dark hair that fell just above his shoulders. His eyes, accentuated by a hint of smoky eyeshadow, held an intense, almost hypnotic gaze that could easily draw anyone in. He had an eyebrow piercing, adding a touch of edgy sophistication to his look.

His lips, naturally red and perfectly shaped, curved into a smile that was both charming and mysterious. The gleam of a subtle, fashionable necklace peeked out from under his sleek, black satin blazer, which fit him perfectly, highlighting his slender yet athletic build. His overall style was a blend of contemporary elegance and rebellious flair, making him the epitome of modern-day rockstar allure.

For a brief moment, hope surged within Felix. But then, Mr. Jang cleared his throat. "We’ll be in touch, Felix. We have a few more candidates to interview."

Felix left the office feeling a mix of hope and uncertainty. Days turned into weeks and into months, and he heard nothing. He tried to move on, applying for other jobs, but his mind kept drifting back to that office, to Hyunjin’s gaze.

One day, Felix was pacing nervously in his small apartment, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. It had been 4 months since his interview, and the silence had been deafening. Just as he was about to give up hope because of how long it has been, his phone rang, startling him. He glanced at the caller ID and saw Mr. Jang’s name flashing on the screen. His heart leaped into his throat as he quickly answered.

"Hello, this is Felix," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Felix, this is Mr. Jang from the agency. I'm pleased to inform you that we'd like to offer you the position of stylist for Strayz. Can you start next week?"

For a moment, Felix was speechless, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Yes, absolutely! Thank you so much, Mr. Jang. I won't let you down."

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

The day finally arrived—it was Felix's first day at work. As he walked into the building, he was greeted warmly by the staff, their smiles and kind words making him feel both welcomed and nervous. He made his way to the waiting room, his heart pounding with anticipation.

When Felix entered, the band members were all there, chatting and laughing. Taking a deep breath, he approached them with a confident smile.

"Hello, I'm Lee Felix, and I'll be your stylist from now on," he said brightly, bowing his head respectfully.

They turned to look at him, and he felt excitement and anxiety. This was the beginning of a new chapter, and he was determined to make the most of it.

"Hey, I'm Bang Chan, but you can just call me Chan. I'm the leader and also happen to be the drummer" the guy with slicked-back black hair said, his dimples adding a charming touch to his introduction.

"Hello, I'm Felix, and as you already know, I'll be handling the styling for the band," Felix smiled shyly, offering a slight bow again.

"Excellent. And this here is Kim Seungmin, our talented main vocalist," Chan gestured to the guy with a smile that could rival a puppy's, his fluffy hair adding to his endearing appearance.

"Han Jisung, our bassist," Chan introduced, prompting a charming smile and wave from the guy beside him.

"Hey," the bassist greeted with a friendly demeanor.

"Next to him is his, uh, friend," Chan corrected himself with a subtle cough, "Lee Minho, but everyone knows him as Lee Know, our keyboard player."

Lee Know exuded a pleasant aura, his cat-like eyes and feline features giving him a unique charm.

"And this is Seo Changbin, our rhythm guitarist," Chan continued, as a boy with a well-built physique stood up and offered a warm smile.

"And lastly the electric guitarist and lead vocalist—" Chan's words were cut off by a voice.

"Hwang Hyunjin," he extended his hand, a hint of mischievousness lighting up his features. "I believe we met last time? That's you, isn't it?"

Felix shook his hand, a timid smile playing on his lips. "The one in Mr. Jang's office months ago? Yeah, that would be me. I’m surprised you still remember me."

"I see," Hyunjin replied smoothly, "I could never forget a pretty face."

Hwang Hyunjin carried a reputation as the band's "playboy." Felix's research uncovered rumors swirling around him, whispers of numerous girls spotted leaving his hotel room whenever they were on tour. Additionally, there were rumors of him extending invitations to pretty girls backstage. These talks added layers of intrigue to his already alluring persona, sparking curiosity and caution alike among those who crossed paths with him.

As the door swung open, a young man with glasses and a camera stepped inside, there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Uh, this is the band Strayz, right?" he asked.

"Yeah?" Bang Chan responded, curiosity piqued.

"Oh, great. I'm going to be the band's personal photographer. My name is Jeongin, or you can call me I.N," he chuckled awkwardly.

"Gosh, he's adorable," Minho cooed, unable to resist the charm coming from the newcomer.

"Well, I guess we're going to introduce ourselves again," Jisung laughed endearingly as they welcomed Jeongin into their midst.

After introducing themselves once again, Jeongin kept nodding, trying to keep up with the rapid introductions. "It's really nice to meet all of you. I'm looking forward to working together and capturing some amazing moments."

As the introductions wrapped up, Bang Chan’s phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, he excused himself, "I need to take this call. Everyone, keep getting ready. I'll be back in a bit." He stepped out, leaving the rest of them to their preparations.

The room buzzed with activity. Minho and Changbin were tuning their instruments, while Hyunjin and Seungmin discussed the setlist. Jisung was fiddling with some equipment, a focused expression on his face.

Felix noticed Jeongin standing a bit awkwardly by the door, so he decided to strike up a conversation. "Hey, Jeongin, right?" he said, walking over to him. "It must be pretty exciting to join us today. It’s my first day as well, you know?"

Jeongin smiled, looking relieved to have someone to talk to. "Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming, but in a good way. I’ve always wanted to capture the energy of live performances."

"Well, you're in the right place," Felix said, laughing. "The guys are great, and there’s never a dull moment from what I can see. You'll have plenty of opportunities to get some amazing shots."

"I can already see that," Jeongin replied, glancing around at the bustling room. "Everyone seems so close-knit. It's nice to see that kind of relationship."

"Yeah, they're like a family," Felix said, remembering how he pulled an all-nighter watching their videos last night to get to know them better. "They’ve been through a lot together, and it shows in how they support each other. Do you have any specific ideas for the photos?"

"Not yet," Jeongin admitted. "I want to get a feel for everyone's personalities and the overall vibe first. But I'm thinking of capturing some candid moments, the ones that show the genuine connection between them."

"That sounds perfect," Felix said. "The fans love seeing those real moments, and it helps them feel more connected to us. Just make sure you catch Minho's good side—he's a bit particular about that," he added with a wink. He learned that information while watching an interview about them on the way here.

Jeongin laughed, relaxing even more. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Felix. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me."

"Anytime," Felix replied. "We're all here to help each other out. If you need anything, just let me know."

As they chatted, the rest of the band continued their preparations, the room filled with excitement and anticipation for the performance ahead.

Felix began his work as the stylist, moving from one member to the next. He adjusted Seungmin's outfit, making sure every detail was perfect, then helped Changbin with his accessories, ensuring his look was cohesive yet striking. Each member had their unique style, and Felix loved bringing out their personalities through their fashion.

When Felix finally reached Hyunjin, the atmosphere subtly shifted. There was always something about him that made interactions feel charged, a magnetic energy that was hard to ignore. As Felix began adjusting Hyunjin's outfit, making sure his shirt fit just right and his accessories were in place, he could feel Hyunjin's eyes on him, watching his every move.

"Felix, you’re making us look too handsome," Hyunjin chuckled, his voice smooth, a playful glint in his eyes.

Felix smiled, focusing on his task. "That's the goal. You guys need to look perfect on stage."

As Felix moved closer to adjust his collar, their proximity became more apparent. Hyunjin's gaze never wavered, and Felix could feel a tension building between them, something unspoken yet undeniably present. He tried to stay professional, but the slight brush of his fingers against Hyunjin's neck sent a shiver down his spine.

"Does this feel comfortable?" Felix asked, his voice a bit softer than usual.

"Yeah, it does," Hyunjin replied, his tone lower, almost intimate.

Their eyes met for a brief moment, and the air seemed to crackle with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Felix quickly averted his gaze, focusing on the final adjustments, trying to shake off the feeling.

"There," he said, stepping back. "You're all set."

Hyunjin smiled, a hint of something more in his expression. "Thanks, Felix. I really appreciate it."

Felix nodded, giving him a small smile. "No problem. Now, let's get everyone ready for the show."

He couldn't help but feel a lingering warmth from their interaction. It was subtle, but it was there.

As Felix continued styling the band members, Bang Chan returned from his call. He looked a bit anxious, his brows furrowed as he stepped back into the room. Felix noticed his tension immediately but decided to keep things light.

"Alright, Chan, you're up next," Felix said, motioning for him to come over. "Let's get you stage-ready."

Chan nodded, but his usual confident demeanor was slightly off. Felix began adjusting his outfit, making sure everything was perfect. "Is everything okay?" he asked casually, trying not to pry too much but wanting to offer support.

"Yeah, just some... problems," Chan replied, though his voice lacked its usual energy.

Felix gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. Whatever it is, you'll handle it like you always do. You’ve got an awesome show ahead, and you're going to kill it on stage."

Chan's shoulders relaxed a bit, and he managed a small smile. "Thanks, Felix. I needed that."

"Anytime," Felix said, finishing up with his look. "Now, let's get you looking sharp. You know the fans love it when their leader looks his best."

As Felix adjusted his collar and smoothed out his jacket, Chan's confidence seemed to return. He glanced in the mirror and nodded appreciatively. "Perfect. Thanks, Felix."

Felix patted his shoulder. "That's what I'm here for. Now go out there and show them what Strayz is made of."

With Chan looking more relaxed, Felix continued his work, moving on to Minho and then back to Hyunjin, the subtle tension between them still there. As Felix finished up, the band gathered their instruments and made final preparations for the performance.

Hyunjin walked over to Felix once more, his expression softer. "Thank you, Felix."

"Just doing my job," Felix said, though his heart beat a bit faster under Hyunjin's gaze.

"Well, you do it really well," Hyunjin said, his eyes locking onto Felix's for a moment before he turned to join the others.

As the band lined up, ready to head to the stage, Chan took a deep breath, his earlier anxiety seemingly forgotten. Felix gave him a thumbs up and a bright smile. "You've got this, Chan. Break a leg, all of you!"

With one last look at the band, Felix gathered his things, ready to support them from behind the scenes. The excitement in the room was infectious, and Felix knew they were in for an unforgettable show.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

Now playing!
» Meddle About - Chase Atlantic «

0:00 〇────── 3:23

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

The lights dimmed, and the excited buzz of the crowd grew louder as the show was about to start. Felix and Jeongin found themselves in the front row, eager to watch Strayz perform. The energy was electric, and Felix could feel the excitement building around them.

As the stage lights burst to life, casting dramatic shadows and highlighting each band member as they took their positions, Chan counted them in with a confident nod, and the band launched into their song, "Meddle About." The crowd erupted into cheers, and Felix couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for them.

From the first note, it was clear that Strayz owned the stage. Chan's drumming was powerful and precise, setting the heartbeat of the performance. His strength was evident with every slam of the drums, sending waves of energy through the crowd. Fangirls screamed with each beat, their enthusiasm showing.

Seungmin stepped forward, his vocals soaring with confidence and effortlessly drawing the audience in. His stage presence was magnetic, his smile infectious as he hit every note. He moved with an ease that showed just how comfortable he was in the spotlight, captivating the crowd with his charm and talent.

Changbin's guitar riffs added depth and intensity, his muscles rippling with every strum. His physique was impressive, and he played with a passion that was visible in every movement. The audience couldn't take their eyes off him, especially when he would occasionally glance up and flash a confident grin that sent the fans into a frenzy.

Jisung and Minho exchanged secret glances throughout the performance, their connection obvious even from where Felix stood. Minho, or Lee Know as the fans chanted, played the keyboard with an elegance that contrasted beautifully with Jisung's energetic bass lines.

Hyunjin's stage presence was perhaps the most captivating of all. His movements were fluid and captivating as he played his part. When he stepped forward to sing his lines, the crowd held its breath.

"We only met each other just the other day. But you already got me feeling some type of way," Hyunjin sang, his voice smooth and alluring. He played the electric guitar with an effortless charm that made the crowd go wild. His eyes locked onto Felix's, and he felt a shiver run down his spine.

As the song continued, Hyunjin's gaze never wavered. "Now if I could figure it out, I'd take you back to my house, So we could meddle about," he sang, his voice filled with a teasing intimacy. The way he looked at Felix while delivering those lines was undeniably intense, and the connection between them felt almost tangible.

The crowd was completely enthralled, singing along and moving to the beat. The harmony between the band members was amazing, each one feeding off the energy of the others. When the final notes of "Meddle About" rang out, the applause was deafening. Strayz had nailed it, delivering a performance that was both technically flawless and emotionally charged.

Chan stood up from his drum kit, a wide smile on his face as he looked out at the cheering crowd. "Thank you, everyone!" he shouted into the microphone. "You guys are amazing!"

The band members exchanged high-fives and triumphant smiles, their bond clear even from the audience. Seungmin playfully nudged Changbin, who responded with a laugh, flexing his muscles as if to say, "Yeah, I know."

Jisung and Minho shared a quick, knowing look, as both of them smiled fondly at each other. Hyunjin then walked down to the stage towards the barricade where Felix and Jeongin were. "Enjoying the show so far?" he asked.

"Yeah," Felix nodded with a smile as Jeongin took a photo of Hyunjin up-close.

"Good to know," Hyunjin smirked, his eyes locking onto Felix's for a moment before he turned to join the others.

As the band prepared to launch into their next song, Felix glanced at Jeongin, who was beaming, clearly impressed by what he had witnessed and Felix knew they were in for an unforgettable show. Being part of this journey from now on, even from behind the scenes, was truly something special. And seeing Strayz shine on stage, knowing the hard work and passion that went into their performance, made it all the more rewarding. The sudden connection with Hyunjin added an unexpected layer of intensity, leaving Felix curious about what might come next.

The show continued, and Strayz played a few more songs, each performance more impressive than the last. The crowd's energy never waned, and the screams of fangirls echoed through the venue with every note and beat.

Throughout the set, Hyunjin and Felix kept making eye contact. It felt like an unspoken conversation. Every time their eyes met, there was a spark that made Felix's heart race.

As the band launched into another song, Felix felt Jeongin nudge him with his elbow. He turned to look at him, and he had a mischievous grin on his face. "You and Hyunjin seem to be having quite the moment," he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusem*nt.

Felix rolled his eyes, trying to play it off. "It's just part of the show, Jeongin. He’s performing, and I'm just here supporting."

Jeongin raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Sure, Felix. Whatever you say. But I've got to say, the chemistry is pretty obvious."

Felix felt his cheeks heat up, but he tried to stay focused on the performance. "Just focus on getting good shots, okay?"

Jeongin laughed, but he didn't press the issue further. Instead, he went back to snapping photos, capturing the essence of the performance.

As the band played their final song of the set, Hyunjin once again took the spotlight. His voice was smooth and captivating as he sang, his eyes finding Felix's once again.

When the last notes of the song faded, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. The band members took their bows, waving to the audience and thanking them for their support. Chan stepped forward, his face beaming with pride. "Thank you, everyone! This is such a fun night!"

The applause continued, the crowd's energy still vibrant. As the band exited the stage, Hyunjin glanced back at Felix one last time, a small smile playing on his lips. Felix felt a flutter in his chest, the tension of the moment lingering.

Jeongin nudged Felix again, his grin even wider. "You can't deny it now, Felix. There's definitely something there."

Felix sighed, unable to suppress a smile. "A little crush maybe. But let's keep it professional, okay?"

Jeongin chuckled. "Of course. But a little fun never hurt anyone~"

As the band members gathered their instruments and began to make their way backstage, Chan suddenly grabbed the microphone again, his expression serious but trying to maintain his usual charisma.

"Wait a second, everyone. Before we go, I have an exciting announcement to make," he said, his voice resonating through the venue. The fans quieted down, their attention focused on him. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation.

Chan took a deep breath, his eyes scanning the crowd before landing on the band members. "We're going on tour!" he declared, raising his free hand in a triumphant gesture.

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers and screams of joy, the excitement palpable. However, the reaction from the band was quite different. Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows, exchanging puzzled glances with Changbin and Jisung. Minho and Hyunjin looked equally confused, their eyes darting between each other and Chan.

Next to him, Jeongin's camera lowered slightly, and he turned to Felix with a perplexed expression. "Did you know about this?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the roaring crowd.

Felix shook his head, equally confused. "No idea. The staff didn't say anything about the tour."

He looked up at Chan, who was still smiling at the cheering fans, but Felix could see the tension in his eyes, the way his jaw was set just a bit too tight. Something wasn't right. Even though this was his first time working with them, he could tell that something was off.

As the fans continued to scream in excitement, the band members stepped closer to Chan, their expressions demanding answers. Seungmin leaned in and whispered something to Chan, who gave a slight nod but kept his gaze on the crowd.

Trying to maintain the celebratory atmosphere, Chan raised his hand to quiet the crowd. "Thank you all for your support! We can't wait to see you on tour. Keep an eye out for the dates!" With that, he waved one last time and led the band offstage.

As soon as they were backstage, the celebratory facade dropped. The band members surrounded Chan, their confusion turning into concern.

"Chan, what's going on?" Hyunjin asked, his earlier stage confidence replaced by skepticism.

"Yeah, you just dropped a huge bomb on us," Jisung added, crossing his arms.

Chan sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, I know. I'm sorry for springing this on you all like this. I just found out myself right before the show."

"But why didn't no one tell us?" Minho asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

Chan looked at the floor, avoiding their eyes. "Apparently, it's a last-minute decision by the management"

Felix stepped forward, his own concern mirrored on the faces of the band. "Chan, is there something else going on? You seem... stressed." Felix was known to be a sunshine, he would help anyone in need or who’s not feeling okay even though they are not that close yet.

Chan looked up, his eyes meeting Felix's briefly before he glanced away. "It's just a lot to take in. There's a lot of pressure from the top, and I didn't want to worry you all before the show."

The room fell silent, the weight of the announcement settling over everyone. The fans' screams of happiness from outside seemed distant and disconnected from the tension backstage.

Seungmin stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Chan's shoulder. "We're a team, Chan. Whatever's going on, we face it together."

The others nodded in agreement, their initial confusion giving way to solidarity.

Chan managed a small smile, looking around at his bandmates. "Thanks, guys. We'll figure this out. For now, let's just focus on giving our best for the fans."

As the band huddled together, Felix exchanged a look with Jeongin. "This is going to be an interesting tour," he whispered, raising his camera to snap a candid shot of the moment.

Felix nodded, anticipation and worry churning inside him. Whatever lay ahead, he knew they were in for a challenging but unforgettable journey.

As the band members started discussing logistics and plans for the upcoming tour, Felix couldn't help but glance at Chan. He was determined to find out what was really going on and to help him carry the burden, no matter what it took. But for now, the focus was on the future and the journey that lay ahead for Strayz.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

A week later, the official announcement for the Strayz tour was made, sending waves of excitement through the fanbase. Social media exploded with posts, comments, and shares as fans from around the world expressed their excitement and joy. The tour destinations were revealed to be Las Vegas, Nevada; Miami, Florida; Macau, China; Tokyo, Japan; Manila, Philippines; Bangkok, Thailand and the final stop, Paris, France. It was really disorganized as Felix thought, but he didn’t put too much thought in it

The announcement video showcased highlights from their recent performances, the camera capturing the band's energy and charisma on stage. Each member had a moment to shine, and their excitement for the tour was showing.

Chan called for a meeting in the rehearsal studio to go over the tour details. As they all gathered, Felix noticed the determination in Chan's eyes. Whatever concerns he had before seemed to have been pushed aside for the sake of the band.

"Alright, everyone," Chan began, his voice steady and confident. "The tour dates are set, and we've got a lot of work ahead of us. This is a huge opportunity, and we need to give it our all. Let's make this tour unforgettable."

Seungmin nodded, his usual calm demeanor now focused and intense. "We've got a great setlist lined up. Let's make sure we're rehearsing every day to perfect it."

Changbin stretched as he prepared to dive into the rigorous schedule. "I’m ready to hit the gym and practice room. Gotta keep up the energy for the fans."

"We'll work on our parts and make sure everything's in sync," Jisung said, Minho nodding in agreement.

Hyunjin looked at Felix, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Felix, ready to style us up for every country? We need to look our best."

Felix grinned, feeling the excitement of the challenge ahead. "Absolutely. I've got some ideas that will make sure you all stand out."

Jeongin, who had been quietly snapping photos, stepped forward. "I’ll document everything. This tour is going to be in the hall of fame."

Chan clapped his hands, bringing the focus back. "Alright, let's get to work. We've got rehearsals every day, and we need to make sure everything is perfect. This is our chance to show the world what Strayz is all about."

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. Rehearsals were intense, each member pushing themselves to the limit to ensure every note, beat, and movement was flawless. The bond that had always been the backbone of Strayz was stronger than ever, each member supporting and encouraging the others.

In the quieter moments, Felix still couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Chan's initial anxiety about the tour. He decided to keep a closer eye on him.

As they prepared for the first stop in Las Vegas, the excitement was palpable. The city of lights and entertainment was the perfect kickoff for the tour. Fans from all over the country were already posting about their plans to see Strayz live.

The night before they were set to leave, Felix found himself alone with Chan and he decided it was time to address his concerns.

"Chan, about that phone call you got before the last show," Felix began cautiously. "Is everything okay? You've seemed a bit stressed since then."

Chan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just... a lot of pressure from management. They want this tour to be perfect, and they’re expecting us to pull off something incredible. I didn’t want to worry everyone before, but yeah, it's been on my mind."

Felix nodded, understanding the weight of responsibility he was carrying. "We're all in this together, Chan. You don't have to carry it alone. If there's anything we can do to help, just let us know."

He gave Felix a grateful smile, the tension easing slightly. "Thanks, Felix. I appreciate it. Let's make this tour the best it can be."

The Strayz tour was about to begin, and he couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

The day of their departure to Las Vegas finally arrived. The air was thick with anticipation as Felix and the rest of the group made their way to the airport. Fans had gathered to see them off, their cheers and well-wishes adding to the excitement. After a flurry of pictures and autographs, they boarded the plane.

To Felix's surprise, Chan and the band had insisted on joining them in first class. "We need them with us" Chan had said firmly to the management, and they had eventually agreed. It was a generous gesture.

As they settled into their seats, the luxury of first class felt almost surreal. The seats were spacious, the service great, and there was a calm, quiet atmosphere that was a stark contrast to the bustling activity outside the plane. Jeongin, seated beside Felix, looked equally awed.

“This is amazing,” he whispered, snapping a few photos of the cabin before tucking his camera away.

Felix smiled, feeling the exhaustion of the past few days catching up with him. “Yeah, it really is. We’re lucky to be part of this.”

As the plane took off, Felix leaned back in his seat, the gentle hum of the engines lulling him into a state of relaxation. The last week had been a whirlwind of planning, researching for the looks that would fit Strayz, and final preparations, and the weight of it all was beginning to take its toll. Within minutes, he felt his eyelids grow heavy, and he drifted off to sleep.

In his dreamlike state, he was vaguely aware of the comforting presence of Jeongin beside him. The gentle sway of the plane and the soft murmur of voices around him blended into a soothing background noise. He didn’t realize how much he needed the rest until he was completely in deep sleep.

A couple of hours later, Felix stirred awake, blinking his eyes open to see Jeongin still beside him, focused on editing photos on his laptop. Jeongin noticed Felix's movement and smiled. “You’ve been out like a light. Feeling better?”

Felix stretched, feeling refreshed. “Yeah, much better. Thanks for letting me sleep.”

Jeongin chuckled. “No problem. You needed it. We all need to be at our best for this tour.”

Felix glanced around at the rest of the band. Chan was deep in conversation with Seungmin, their expressions serious yet focused. Jisung and Minho were quietly talking as they leaned in close to each other. Hyunjin was flipping through a magazine, but he looked up and caught Felix's eye, giving him a playful wink. Felix smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through him. Despite the challenges ahead, he knew they were ready.

As the plane began its descent into Las Vegas, the excitement built up once again. The city of lights awaited them, the first stop on their tour. The fans' anticipation mirrored their own, and they were determined to give them a show they would never forget.

Chan stood up, addressing them with a confident smile. “Alright, everyone. Let’s make this tour one for the books. We’ve got an amazing team and the best fans in the world. Let’s give them everything we’ve got.”

A chorus of agreement echoed through the cabin. They were ready.

Stepping off the plane and into the busy Las Vegas airport, they were greeted by a wave of cheers from fans who had been eagerly awaiting their arrival. The energy was high, and it only fueled their determination to make this tour the best.

As they made their way through the crowd, signing autographs and posing for photos, Felix couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. He was part of something special, a journey that was just beginning, and he couldn’t wait to see where it would take them.

After a whirlwind arrival at the Las Vegas airport, the group finally reached their hotel, where they would be staying for the next two nights. The hotel was luxurious, with a grand lobby and a welcoming staff that quickly checked them in. They gathered in the lobby as Chan distributed the room keys.

“Alright, here are the room assignments,” Chan announced. “Changbin and I are rooming together, Jisung and Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin, and Jeongin and Felix.”

As everyone took their keys, Seungmin laughed and said, “Great, I’m stuck with Hyunjin. Just what I wanted.”

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and shot back, “Oh, don’t worry, Seungmin. If I had a choice, I’d room with Felix instead.”

Felix felt his face heat up instantly, and he knew he was blushing hard. Jeongin, standing next to him, didn’t miss a beat. He nudged Felix playfully and said, “Looks like you’re in high demand, Felix.”

Felix tried to laugh it off, but his blush only deepened. Hyunjin smirked, clearly enjoying the reaction he had shown.

Jeongin continued to tease Felix as they made their way to the elevators. “You've got an admirer~” he said with a grin.

“Shut up,” Felix muttered, still feeling the heat in his cheeks. “It’s just Hyunjin being Hyunjin.”

They reached their room and settled in, the view of the Las Vegas strip from their window was breathtaking. Jeongin set his camera bag down and stretched. “This place is amazing. We should take some time to explore later.”

“Definitely,” Felix agreed, grateful for the change of subject. “But first, we need to get ready for tomorrow’s rehearsal.”

Jeongin nodded. “Right. Let’s make sure everything is in order. We don’t want any surprises.”

The next day was a blur of activity. They had a full rehearsal scheduled at the venue, and everyone was focused on making sure every detail was perfect. The stage crew was setting up, and the soundcheck went smoothly. Chan was in full leader mode, coordinating with the staff and ensuring everything ran like clockwork.

During a break, Felix found himself next to Hyunjin. He was fiddling with his guitar, his expression thoughtful. “You okay?” Felix asked, hoping to keep things light.

Hyunjin glanced up at him, his usual mischievous grin replaced with a more serious look. “Yeah, just thinking about the show. I want it to be perfect.”

Felix nodded, understanding the pressure they were all feeling. “It will be. We’ve worked hard for this.”

Hyunjin smiled then, the playful Hyunjin returning. “Thanks, Felix. And hey, if Seungmin gives me too much trouble, I might just sneak into your room tonight.”

Felix laughed, the tension disappearing. “As long as Jeongin doesn’t mind, you’re welcome anytime.”

Rehearsal went off without a hitch, and by the end of the day, they were all exhausted but satisfied with their progress. Back at the hotel, they gathered in the common area to relax and unwind. Chan ordered room service, and they enjoyed a well-deserved meal together, the bond among them stronger than ever.

Jeongin and Felix retreated to their room afterward, both of them ready to crash after the long day. As Felix settled into bed, his thoughts drifted back to Hyunjin’s earlier teasing and the way the band had come together to support Chan.

“Hey, Jeongin,” Felix said, breaking the comfortable silence.

“Yeah?” Jeongin replied, turning off his laptop.

“I’m glad we’re all here together. It really feels like we’re a team, you know?”

Jeongin smiled. “Yeah, it does. Let’s make sure this tour is perfect.”

Felix nodded, feeling a sense of contentment. With friends like these, he knew they could handle whatever challenges lay ahead. Strayz was ready to take on the world, and he was proud to be a part of it.

The night of the concert finally arrived, and the air was thick with tension. The backstage area was a hive of activity, with crew members rushing around, final preparations being made, and the distant hum of the crowd growing louder by the minute. Strayz was gathered in the waiting room, each member showing their nervousness in different ways.

Chan was pacing back and forth, going over last-minute details with the crew. Seungmin was practicing vocal warm-ups, his face a mask of concentration. Changbin was stretching, trying to loosen up his muscles. Jisung and Minho were holding each other’s hands, sharing words of encouragement, while Hyunjin was tuning his guitar, a focused look in his eyes.

Sensing the collective tension, Felix knew it was his time to help calm them down and get them ready. He approached Chan first, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You've got this, Chan. Everything is set, and the fans are going to love it. Just breathe."

Chan nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thanks, Felix. I just want everything to go perfectly."

Felix then reached Hyunjin, who was still tuning his guitar. He looked up as Felix approached, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Got any last-minute styling tips for me?"

Felix chuckled, adjusting his collar and fixing a stray lock of hair. "Just be yourself, Hyunjin. The fans love you for who you are."

As Felix finished up, Chan called everyone together for a final huddle. "Alright, guys. This is it. Our first big concert on the tour. Let's give them a show they'll never forget. We’ve got each other’s backs, and we’ve got the best team supporting us. Let's do this."

The band cheered, the nervous energy transforming into excitement. Felix could see the change in their faces—they were ready.

As the time drew closer, he did a final check on everyone’s outfits, making sure they were perfect. He adjusted Seungmin’s jacket, smoothed out Jisung’s shirt, and gave Minho’s hair one last touch-up. Hyunjin caught his eye, and Felix gave him a reassuring nod. He smiled back, the earlier tension replaced with confidence.

The announcement echoed through the waiting room: "Strayz, you’re on in five."

They took a collective deep breath, and Chan led the way to the stage entrance. Felix followed, wishing them luck as they took their positions. The lights dimmed, and the roar of the crowd filled the arena.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

Now playing!

0:00 〇────── 3:23

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

The stage lights blazed to life, and the opening chords of PILLOWTALK rang out. The crowd erupted into cheers, and the band launched into their performance with an intensity and passion that was electric.

Jeongin, in the front row with Felix, focused intently on capturing the moment, his camera clicking rapidly. He was in his element, documenting every detail of the performance.

And then there was Hyunjin. He moved with a charisma that drew everyone's eyes, his fingers dancing over the strings of his guitar. When he bit down on his guitar pick, the crowd screamed even louder. His gaze flicked to Felix's for a moment, and Felix felt his heart skip a beat.

As Hyunjin sang the lines, "Climb on board, We'll go slow and high tempo," his voice was smooth and alluring, perfectly capturing the essence of the song. Felix was surprised because Seungmin was supposed to be the one singing right now, but it seemed like Seungmin wasn't feeling well and decided to give most of his parts to Hyunjin.

"Light and dark, Hold me hard and mellow," Hyunjin's eyes locked onto Felix's, creating an intense moment that made the performance even more exciting.

Jeongin nudged Felix with a teasing grin. "He looks like he’s eye f*cking you right now" he whispered, snapping a few more pictures of Hyunjin.

Felix gasped loudly and slapped Jeongin’s arm hard at his comment. The performance however, was magnetic, each member giving their all. The fans were screaming, the energy in the arena palpable.

As the song reached its climax, Hyunjin sang, "So we'll piss off the neighbors. In the place that feels the tears, the place to lose your fears," his voice filled with emotion, and the crowd's response was deafening. “Yeah, reckless behavior.” The lights, the music, and the sheer presence of Strayz created a moment that felt almost surreal.

“A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw,” Hyunjin's smirk deepened as he locked eyes with Felix once again, a bead of sweat tracing a path down his forehead. The top three buttons of his crisp white polo were undone, revealing a glimpse of his collarbone and just a hint of his sculpted chest.

It was as if he knew the effect he had on Felix, and he reveled in it, his confidence adding an extra layer of allure to his already captivating presence.

Seungmin then started singing, the crowd going wild once again as Changbin gave him a smile and wink.

The rest of the concert was a thrilling tornado of music, lights, and pure energy. Strayz played their hearts out, each song driving the crowd wilder and wilder. The fans sang along, their voices blending with Seungmin’s powerful vocals and the band's harmonious melodies.

Jisung and Minho’s synchronized movements and playful interactions added a layer of charm to the performance, while Changbin’s dynamic stage presence and Chan’s powerful drumming kept the energy at its peak. Hyunjin’s magnetic charisma and effortless guitar skills captivated everyone, his eyes occasionally meeting Felix’s, sending a thrill through him every time.

Jeongin, beside Felix, continued snapping photos, capturing every electric moment. “This is going to make an amazing tour diary,” he said, eyes shining with excitement as he checked his shots.

The band closed their set with a high-energy finale that left the crowd chanting for more. As the last notes faded, Strayz gathered at the front of the stage, catching their breath and basking in the roaring applause.

Chan stepped forward, microphone in hand, to deliver their final message. “Thank you, Las Vegas! You’ve been incredible tonight!” he shouted, his voice hoarse but filled with gratitude. “We couldn’t have asked for a better start to our tour. We love you all!”

Seungmin added, “You guys gave us so much energy. We can’t wait to come back!”

The rest of the band shared their thanks, each expressing their love and appreciation for the fans. The arena was filled with a chorus of cheers, the fans’ excitement unwavered even as the concert came to a close.

Backstage, the atmosphere was euphoric. The band members were riding the high of their performance, laughing and chatting excitedly as they made their way to the waiting vans. Felix could see the relief and joy on their faces, the nerves from earlier completely washed away.

They finally arrived back at the hotel, exhausted but elated.

The lavish lobby seemed even more welcoming now that they had the satisfaction of a successful show behind them. As they waited for the elevators, Felix caught Chan’s eye. He looked tired but immensely proud.

“You did great, Felix,” Chan said, patting Felix's shoulder. “Thanks for keeping us together.”

Felix smiled. “You all were amazing. I’m just glad I could help.”

In the elevator, Seungmin teased Hyunjin, “So, are you going to sing directly to Felix at every concert?”

Hyunjin smirked, glancing Felix's way. “Only if it makes him blush.”

Felix felt his face heat up again as everyone laughed, the bond lightening the mood even further.

They reached their floor and headed to their rooms. As they split off, Felix felt a deep sense of contentment. Both Felix and Jeongin entered their room, ready to crash after the long, exhausting day.

“Tonight was incredible,” Jeongin said, flopping onto his bed. “I got some amazing shots. You’re going to love them.”

“I can’t wait to see,” Felix replied, lying down on his own bed. “The concert was everything I hoped it would be and more.”

Finally settling into their room and letting the adrenaline of the concert start to fade. Felix was about to drift off, but he heard the sound of doors opening and closing in the hallway.

Curious, he got up and peeked outside their room. He saw the members of Strayz heading out, chatting and laughing, clearly still riding the high from their performance. He stepped into the hallway and called out softly, “Hey, where are you all going?”

Hyunjin turned around, flashing his trademark smirk. “We’re going out clubbing, Felix. Gotta celebrate our first concert!”

Chan nodded, giving Felix a thumbs-up. “You should come with us! It’ll be fun.”

Felix hesitated, glancing back at their room where Jeongin was already half-asleep. “I think I’ll pass tonight, guys. I’m pretty beat.”

Seungmin gave him an understanding smile. “No worries, Felix. Get some rest. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Felix waved them off and headed back inside, closing the door quietly behind him. Jeongin opened one eye and looked at him sleepily. “What’s going on?”

“The guys are going out to celebrate,” Felix said, climbing back into bed. “But I think I’ll just stay in tonight.”

Jeongin nodded, yawning. “Good call. We’ve got a long tour ahead.”

After a few hours of tossing and turning, neither Felix nor Jeongin could seem to fall back to sleep. The excitement and energy from the concert still buzzed in their veins. Felix lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to will himself into sleep, but it was no use.

Eventually, Felix heard the faint rustling of sheets and the soft creak of a bed as Jeongin got up. Keeping his eyes closed, Felix pretended to be asleep, curious about what Jeongin was up to. The door clicked softly as Jeongin tried to sneak out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Felix whispered, sitting up and catching Jeongin in the act.

Jeongin froze, then turned around with a sheepish grin. "I was just thinking about following the guys. It’s too quiet here, and I can't sleep."

A grin spread across Felix's face. "Sounds like a plan. I couldn’t sleep either. Let's go."

Quickly changing into something more appropriate for a night out, Felix and Jeongin slipped out of their room, making their way down the quiet hotel corridors and out into the Las Vegas night. The city was alive with neon lights and the hum of nightlife, a stark contrast to their still hotel room.

After a bit of searching, they found the club where Strayz had gone to celebrate. The thumping bass and flashing lights were unmistakable. Inside, the atmosphere was electric, filled with people dancing, laughing, and enjoying the night.

The club was full of life the moment they stepped inside. Neon lights flickered and danced across the room, illuminating the people swaying to the relentless beat of the music. The atmosphere was charged with thrill, and everywhere Felix looked, there was something happening.

The main floor was a swirling mass of dancers, their bodies moving in sync with the pounding bass that reverberated through the room. Along the sides of the club were various gambling tables, each surrounded by eager patrons placing their bets and watching the dice roll or the cards turn with intense focus.

Sexually dressed dancers performed on elevated platforms, their movements fluid and mesmerizing under the colored lights. The air filled with the scent of expensive cologne and the faint tang of alcohol, mingling with the adrenaline of the night.

As Felix and Jeongin navigated through the crowd, Felix felt a wave of sensory overload wash over him. It was hard to keep track of anything in the chaos, and the noise level made it difficult to think clearly. He clung to Jeongin, trying to stay close, but it wasn’t long before they got separated in the crowd of people.

Suddenly, a man Felix didn’t recognize appeared in front of him, a predatory smile on his face. He was tall and muscular, his eyes glinting with interest as he leaned in closer than Felix was comfortable with.

"Hey there, gorgeous," the man said, his voice low and smooth. "What’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?"

Felix took a step back, trying to put some distance between them. "I’m not alone," he replied, scanning the crowd desperately for any sign of Jeongin or the Strayz. But in the sea of faces, it was impossible to spot anyone familiar.

The man chuckled, moving closer again. "Come on, don’t be shy. Let me buy you a drink."

Felix shook his head, feeling a spike of anxiety. "No, thanks. I’m just looking for my friends."

As the man leaned in closer, Felix felt a surge of panic. Before the man could get any closer, Felix quickly turned and ran through the crowd, weaving between people, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. His heart pounded in his chest, and the loud music and flashing lights only added to his disorientation.

After what felt like an eternity of pushing through the sea of bodies, Felix found himself at the bar. Breathing heavily, he leaned against the counter, trying to steady his racing heart. The bartender noticed his distressed state and raised an eyebrow.

"Everything alright?" the bartender asked, his voice barely audible over the thumping music.

Felix nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just need a drink."

The bartender gave him a sympathetic look before gesturing to the array of bottles behind him. "What’ll it be?"

Felix hesitated for a moment, knowing his low alcohol tolerance, but the stress of the evening and the lingering unease from the encounter made him decide otherwise. "Give me something strong," he said, surprising even himself.

The bartender nodded and quickly mixed a drink, placing a glass filled with amber liquid in front of Felix. "Here you go. Take it easy, alright?"

Felix nodded again, picking up the glass. "Thanks."

Taking a deep breath, Felix downed the drink in one go, feeling the burn of the alcohol as it slid down his throat. He coughed slightly, wincing at the intensity, but part of him felt like he deserved it. Tonight had been overwhelming, and he needed something to take the edge off.

As the alcohol began to take effect, Felix felt a warm, fuzzy sensation spread through his body. The sharp edges of his anxiety began to blur, and he started to feel more relaxed. The chaotic energy of the club seemed a little more bearable, and he allowed himself to lean against the bar, closing his eyes for a moment.

After a while, Felix felt a bit more steady and decided to order another drink, despite knowing he was pushing his limits. The bartender gave him a questioning look but complied, handing him another glass.

He sipped this one more slowly, letting the alcohol work its way through his system. The lights seemed softer, the music less jarring, and the people around him less intimidating. Felix glanced around, hoping to spot Jeongin or any of the Strayz members, but there was no sign of them in the crowded club.

Feeling a little more at ease, Felix allowed himself to just take in the scene. People were dancing and laughing, completely lost in the moment. For a brief second, he felt a pang of loneliness amidst the sea of strangers, but he pushed it away, focusing instead on the warmth spreading through his body from the alcohol.

The alcohol had taken over, and Felix found himself ordering drink after drink. Before long, he wasn’t himself anymore, the buzz of the alcohol making everything feel surreal and distant. He stood up, swaying slightly, and began to dance with the people around him, losing himself in the music and the haze.

As Felix danced, he found himself drifting away from the main dance floor, moving through the club almost on autopilot. The lights and sounds blurred together, and he felt like he was in a dream. He kept walking, his feet leading him towards the VIP section without even realizing it. Somehow, he managed to slip past the guards, who were likely distracted or simply didn’t notice him in his intoxicated state.

Felix opened the door to one of the private rooms, giggling to himself, thinking he might find the rest of Strayz inside. Instead, he was met with a startling scene. Hyunjin was there, sitting across from a suspicious-looking man. The air was thick with tension, and Felix could hear snippets of their conversation – something about drugs and money laundering.

Hyunjin’s eyes went wide with shock when he saw Felix. "Felix, what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice a mix of surprise and fear.

Felix smiled drunkenly, not fully comprehending the gravity of the situation. "Hyunjin, there you are!" he chuckled, stumbling slightly as he took a step forward.

The suspicious man’s expression darkened, and in an instant, he pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at Felix. Felix's heart lurched, the cold barrel of the gun sending a jolt of fear through his drunken haze. The room seemed to spin even faster, and his smile faded as the reality of the situation hit him.

As soon as the man pulled out his gun and pointed it at him, Felix saw a flash of rage cross Hyunjin's face. Without hesitation, Hyunjin reached into his jacket, pulled out his own gun, and in a split second, fired.

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the small room, and Felix watched in horror as the man collapsed, blood splattering across Hyunjin’s face and the walls. The sudden violence and the sight of blood made Felix's blood run cold with fear. His mind struggled to process what had just happened.

For a moment, the room was eerily silent, the heavy scent of gunpowder lingering in the air. Hyunjin stood there, his expression chillingly unemotional, the barrel of his gun still smoking.

Felix felt a surge of panic. His instincts screamed at him to run, to get away from this terrifying situation. He turned to flee, but before he could take more than a step, Hyunjin was on him. With startling speed and strength, he pinned Felix against the wall, using his body to trap him.

Hyunjin grabbed both of Felix's wrists and forced them above his head with one hand, his grip like iron. His other hand, still holding the gun, rested menacingly close to Felix's face. His eyes burned with intensity, a mixture of anger and something else Felix couldn’t quite identify. His voice was low and dangerous as he leaned in closer.

"Don’t think of running away from me now, Felix," he growled, his breath hot against Felix's ear.

Felix trembled, tears welling up in his eyes. "Hyunjin, please... I didn’t mean to... I didn’t know..."

His grip tightened slightly, making Felix wince. "You shouldn’t have come here. This is serious business, Felix. You have no idea what you’ve stumbled into."

Felix swallowed hard, his mouth dry with fear. "I’m sorry. I swear, I won’t tell anyone. Just let me go."

The tension in the room was painfully scary as Hyunjin and Felix stood there, the aftermath of the shooting still hanging heavily in the air. Suddenly, the door burst open, and a group of armed men rushed in, their faces twisted with fury. They immediately spotted the lifeless body of their boss and turned their attention to them.

"f*ck," Hyunjin muttered under his breath. Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed Felix's wrist and yanked him towards the other door. "Run!"

They bolted out of the room just as the guards started firing. The deafening sound of gunshots echoed through the club, and the once lively atmosphere turned into chaos. People screamed and scattered in all directions, pushing and shoving in their desperate attempts to flee.

Hyunjin and Felix sprinted through the narrow hallways, the noise of the pandemonium behind them growing fainter as they put distance between themselves and the gunmen. Felix's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and adrenaline propelling him forward.

They burst through an emergency exit and found themselves in a dimly lit alleyway. Hyunjin didn’t slow down, pulling Felix along as they ran through the maze of backstreets. The cold night air stung Felix's lungs, and his legs burned from the exertion, but he didn’t dare stop.

Eventually, they reached a secluded spot behind a row of dumpsters. Hyunjin finally let go of Felix's wrist, and they both leaned against the wall, gasping for breath. Felix looked at Hyunjin, his face still spattered with blood, and felt a wave of nausea wash over him.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked, his voice strained.

Felix nodded, though his whole body was trembling. "Yeah, I think so. What about you?"

Hyunjin gave a grim nod, wiping some of the blood from his face with the back of his hand. "I’ll be fine. We just need to lay low for a while."

Felix swallowed hard, trying to steady his nerves. "What the f*ck was that, Hyunjin? What did I walk into?!"

He sighed. "It’s complicated, Felix. But I want you to keep quiet about this."

As Felix and Hyunjin caught their breath in the dimly lit alleyway, Hyunjin's face was a mix of urgency and something darker, something that sent a chill down Felix’s spine. The distant sounds of chaos from the club still echoed faintly, but here, it was eerily quiet.

"Felix" Hyunjin began, his voice low and steady, "You need to keep quiet or you’ll end up just like him."

Felix looked at him, his fear mixing with curiosity. "What?"

Hyunjin took a deep breath, his gaze intense. "Our old manager... he got involved in something similar to what happened tonight. He stumbled into a situation he shouldn't have and... he was killed for it."

Felix felt his blood run cold. "He was killed?" he echoed, barely able to process the information.

Hyunjin nodded, his eyes dark with memory. "Yeah. He found out something he shouldn't have, got caught up with the wrong people. We tried to protect him, but it was too late. They made an example out of him."

Hyunjin's revelation, along with the lingering effects of the alcohol and the sheer exhaustion from the night's events, hit Felix all at once. His vision blurred, and the world seemed to spin. Before he could fully process what was happening, his knees buckled, and everything went dark.

Felix was vaguely aware of strong arms supporting him. Hyunjin's voice, laced with concern, was the first thing he registered. "Felix? Felix, can you hear me?"

Felix tried to respond, but his mouth felt heavy, and his words slurred. "Hyunjin... I..."

"sh*t" Hyunjin muttered under his breath. "Hang on, Felix. I’ve got you."

The next few moments were a haze. Felix felt himself being lifted, carried through the dimly lit alleyways and back to the hotel. The cool night air brushed against his face, but he couldn't muster the strength to fully open his eyes or comprehend his surroundings.

Somehow, they made it back to the hotel. Felix vaguely heard the others’ worried voices as they entered, but everything was a blur. Hyunjin's steady presence was the only thing that felt real. He laid Felix down gently on the bed, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the night's earlier violence.

"Just rest, Felix," he said softly, brushing the hair from Felix’s forehead. "You’re safe now."

As Felix drifted in and out of consciousness, snippets of the night's events replayed in his mind. The gunshots, the fear, Hyunjin's cold, emotionless face as he shot the man—all of it blended into a nightmare he couldn't escape. Yet, amidst the terror, there was a strange sense of comfort in knowing that Hyunjin was there, watching over him.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

As Hyunjin quietly exited Felix's hotel room, he tried to shake off the tension of the night's events. His mind was still racing, the adrenaline slowly fading, leaving a cold, hard knot of worry in his stomach. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before facing the others.

When he entered his room, the atmosphere was charged with anxiety. Chan was pacing back and forth, his expression a mix of anger and concern. The rest of the group was there too, their faces mirroring Chan's emotions.

"What the f*ck happened there, Hyunjin?!" Chan's voice was sharp, cutting through the silence.

Hyunjin smirked, trying to project a confidence he didn't fully feel. "The man finally paid. We got the money."

Minho, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, shot Hyunjin a disapproving look. "Yeah, but you still killed him."

Seungmin sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "We're f*cked," he muttered, voicing the fear they all felt. The room was filled with worry for their safety and what lay ahead.

Changbin, ever the practical one, brought up the next immediate concern. "What about Felix? Does he know everything?"

Hyunjin shook his head, his expression serious. "Felix was really drunk. He might not remember everything tomorrow."

Jisung, sitting on the edge of the bed, looked around the room anxiously. "Where’s Jeongin?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Hyunjin, waiting for an answer. He sighed, rubbing his temples. "Last time I saw him, he was still in the club. I didn’t see him during the shooting."

Chan clenched his jaw, his worry deepening. "We need to find him. Make sure he's safe."

Minho nodded in agreement. "We can't afford to lose anyone else."

The situation pressed heavily on them. The night had spiraled out of control, and now they had to deal with the consequences. Hyunjin knew he had to step up and take responsibility for his actions, but the fear of what might happen next was terrifying for him.

"Alright," Hyunjin said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Let's split up and look for Jeongin. We need to bring him back and make sure everyone stays safe. And we need to stick to the story: Felix doesn't remember anything. We can't afford for him to get involved in this any more than he already is."

The others nodded, and they quickly devised a plan to search for Jeongin. Despite the fear and disorientation, there was a resolve among them—a determination to protect each other and make it through this mess together.

As they left the room, the reality of their situation weighed heavily on Hyunjin. The road ahead was uncertain, and the dangers were very real. But for now, they had a plan, and they had each other. That would have to be enough.

Relief washed over them as they found Jeongin smoking outside the hotel. Chan’s shock was evident as he jokingly asked, "You smoke?"

Jeongin chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "There's a lot you still don’t know about me," he replied mysteriously, taking another drag of his cigarette.

They shared a few more lighthearted remarks before making their way back to their rooms. The tension of the night still lingered, but for now, they were safe, together, and preparing for their flight tomorrow.

As they entered their room, Seungmin's question hung heavy in the air, lingering like an unspoken truth. "Do you really like Felix?" he asked, his voice quiet but filled with curiosity.

Hyunjin hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of his words. "Why?" he replied, trying to keep his tone neutral.

Seungmin met Hyunjin's gaze, his expression serious. "You never killed anyone for someone, well except for us, the Strayz. It's just... you're so emotionless when we're in business."

His words hit Hyunjin hard, a painful reminder of the harsh reality they lived in. He looked away, his heart heavy with the weight of what he was about to say. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I hope not. We don't have time for that, you know? Our lives aren't meant to be happy."

There was a bitter truth in his words, a truth to their reality. They were living on borrowed time, always on the edge of danger. And in the midst of it all, there was little room for anything as ridiculous as love.

Seungmin's expression softened, a silent understanding passing between them. They both knew the sacrifices they had made, the lives they had chosen. And in that moment, as the weight of their life pressed down on them, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel sadness.

Despite the chaos raging within him, the pull of exhaustion was too strong to resist. He closed his eyes, feeling the world slowly lift from his shoulders as sleep claimed him.

As sleep finally overtook Hyunjin, he surrendered to its embrace, letting go of the worries and fears that had plagued him. For now, all that mattered was the quiet stillness of slumber, a brief moment of solace in a world filled with danger.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

The flight to Miami, Florida, was concealed in an uneasy silence. Felix sat in his seat, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of last night. His head throbbed as he strained to remember, but the details were hazy, like trying to grasp smoke.

He glanced around the cabin, noticing the clear tension among the group. Chan was staring out the window, his jaw clenched. Hyunjin had his eyes closed, headphones on, but Felix could tell he wasn't really listening to anything. Changbin and Jisung exchanged brief, furtive glances, while Seungmin and Minho seemed lost in their own thoughts.

Beside him, Jeongin was unusually quiet. He had always been the more talkative one, but now he was staring at his phone, not even pretending to scroll through anything. The silence between them felt heavy, charged with unspoken questions.

"Hey, Jeongin," Felix whispered, hoping to break the ice. "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Jeongin looked at him, his expression guarded. "Not much," he replied quietly, avoiding Felix's gaze. "We got back to the hotel and... you passed out."

His answer was vague, and Felix could tell he was holding something back. "And before that?" Felix pressed, trying to piece together the gaps.

Jeongin sighed, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "Felix, maybe it's better if you don't try to remember. Last night was... intense. Let's just focus on getting through this tour."

His avoidance only made Felix's anxiety grow. He glanced at Hyunjin, who was still pretending to be asleep, and felt frustration. Everyone seemed to be hiding something from him, and the tension in the air was still obvious.

Felix leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and trying to remember. Flashes of the club, the loud music, the menacing man, and Hyunjin's face swam through his mind. But the more he tried to focus, the more the memories slipped away, leaving him with a sense of dread and confusion.

The rest of the flight passed in uncomfortable silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. As they began their descent into Miami, Felix couldn't shake the feeling that whatever had happened last night was far more serious than anyone was willing to admit.

They landed smoothly and made their way through the airport, the tension following them like a shadow. Felix was determined to find out the truth, no matter what it took. For now, though, they had a concert to prepare for, and he had to push his fears aside and focus on the task at hand.

Felix cast one last glance at his bandmates. They were his friends and he knew they were trying to protect him. But from what? The unanswered question lingered in his mind, a dark cloud over the bright Miami skyline.

As they stepped off the plane and entered the bustling airport, the noise of screaming fans hit Felix like a wave. Their shouts and cheers echoed in the terminal, making his head throb even more. The hangover was bad enough, but the overwhelming noise only amplified his discomfort.

Felix tried to focus, to put one foot in front of the other, but the crowd's intensity made it hard to think straight. Then, in a sudden, sharp flash, the memories from last night came flooding back. The gunshots, the screams of panic in the club, and, most hauntingly, the cold, emotionless look on Hyunjin's face as he pulled the trigger. The terror and chaos of the moment replayed vividly in his mind, making his stomach churn.

His legs went weak, and he stumbled, feeling like the ground was slipping away from beneath him. The world spun, and he thought he might pass out. But before he could fall, a strong arm wrapped around his shoulders, steadying him.

"Felix," Hyunjin's voice was firm yet gentle, close to his ear. "I've got you. Just breathe."

Felix looked up at him, his face a mix of concern and something deeper—perhaps guilt or regret. Hyunjin held him tightly as they continued walking, his presence grounding Felix amidst the chaos

The other members noticed Felix's state but didn't say anything, their eyes flicking to Hyunjin for reassurance. Chan led the way, clearing a path through the throng of fans, while Minho and Jisung flanked them, their expressions tense.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked quietly, his grip on Felix's shoulder tightening slightly.

Felix nodded weakly, not trusting his voice to speak. His heart was pounding, and his mind was racing with questions and fear. The memory of last night's violence and the implications of what he had seen weighed heavily on him. But now wasn't the time to address it. They had to get through the crowd and to the safety of their hotel.

With Hyunjin's support, they made it to the waiting van. The doors closed behind them, muffling the screams of the fans outside. The silence inside the vehicle was a stark contrast to the chaos they'd just left behind.

Felix leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths, trying to calm the emotions swirling within him. Hyunjin sat beside him, his hand still on Felix's shoulder, a silent promise of protection.

As the van started moving, Chan turned to look at Felix from the front seat. "Felix, you sure you're okay?"

Felix opened his eyes and managed a small nod. "Yeah, just... a bit overwhelmed. I'll be fine."

Chan's eyes lingered on him for a moment longer before he nodded, turning back around. The rest of the ride to the hotel was quiet, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

When they finally arrived, Felix felt a sense of relief wash over him. They made their way to their rooms, and as he settled into his, the night's memories flashed into his mind once more.

Felix knew he needed answers. But for now, he needed rest. Tomorrow was another day, and with it, perhaps, a chance to confront the truth of what had happened and what it meant for all of them. As he lay down, exhaustion quickly pulled him into a deep sleep.

And as he slept, his mind dragged him back to the nightmarish scenes of his childhood. It felt all too real, like he was living it all over again.

Felix stood in the small, cluttered living room of his old house. His father towered over him, his face twisted with rage, the stench of alcohol filling the air.

“You worthless piece of sh*t!” his father shouted, his voice slurred. “Why can’t you do anything right?”

His hand lashed out, slapping Felix across the face. The pain was sharp and immediate, and Felix stumbled back, clutching his cheek.

His mother stood nearby, her expression cold and detached. She watched without a flicker of emotion, her arms crossed over her chest.

“You know, this is all your fault,” she said, her voice icy. “If you weren’t such a burden, your sister might still be alive. You drove her to it.”

Her words cut deeper than any blow, and tears welled up in Felix’s eyes. He wanted to scream, to tell her it wasn’t true, but the words stuck in his throat.

The scene shifted, and Felix was in his sister's room. She was sitting on her bed, her eyes red from crying. She looked up as he entered, her face softening with a sad smile.

“Hey, Felix,” she said gently, patting the space beside her. “Come here.”

Felix sat down next to her, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. “Don’t listen to them, okay? None of this is your fault.”

“But why do they hate me so much?” he asked, his voice small and broken.

She sighed, brushing a strand of hair from his face. “They’re broken, Felix. And sometimes broken people do terrible things to those they should love.”

There was heaviness in her voice that Felix didn’t understand at the time. She kissed his forehead, and for a moment, he felt safe.

“I love you, Felix. Always remember that,” she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The scene shifted again, and Felix found himself standing in her room once more. But this time, she was lying on her bed, her eyes closed, a peaceful expression on her face. The sight of her lifeless body hit Felix like a punch to the gut, and he fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

The terror and pain of those memories were overwhelming, and suddenly Felix was back in the club. The gunshots echoed around him, the screams of panic filling the air. Hyunjin’s face was cold and emotionless as he pulled the trigger, the look of death in his eyes.

Felix’s heart raced, his breathing shallow and rapid. It was all too much—the violence, the fear, the helplessness. He was drowning in it, unable to escape.

As the memories blended together, the past and the present became indistinguishable. The terror of his childhood and the horror of the club were one and the same, a never-ending nightmare that he couldn’t wake up from.

"Felix, wake up," Jeongin's voice cut through the haze of Felix's nightmare, pulling him from the depths of his despair.

Felix jolted awake, gasping for air, his body drenched in sweat. His heart pounded in his chest as the memories of his dream began to fade, replaced by the reality of the hotel room. Tears streamed down his face, and he couldn't stop the sobs that wracked his body.

"Hey, it's okay," Jeongin said softly, his hand gently shaking Felix's shoulder. "You're safe. It was just a dream."

Unable to hold back, Felix reached out and pulled Jeongin into a tight hug, clinging to him like a lifeline. Jeongin's presence was comforting, a reminder that Felix wasn't alone. As he cried into Jeongin's shoulder, Jeongin held him, his hand rubbing soothing circles on Felix's back.

"It's okay, Felix," Jeongin whispered. "I've got you."

Jeongin's words, his touch, reminded Felix so much of his older sister. The way she used to comfort him, hold him, protect him from the chaos of their home. The memory of her warmth and love was almost too much to bear, and Felix cried harder, the pain of losing her mixing with the fear of last night's events.

Jeongin didn't say anything more, just held Felix and let him cry, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of Felix's emotions. Gradually, Felix's sobs began to fade, his breathing evening out as the raw edge of his nightmare dulled.

"I'm sorry," Felix whispered, his voice hoarse. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Don't be sorry," Jeongin replied, pulling back slightly to look at Felix. His eyes were filled with concern, and he brushed a tear from Felix's cheek. "You're going through a lot. It's okay to cry."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jeongin asked softly, his hand still resting on Felix's back.

Felix hesitated, the memories of his past and the events of the previous night was scaring him. But as he looked into Jeongin's eyes, he saw a genuine care and understanding that gave him the courage to speak.

"It was about my family," Felix began, his voice trembling. "My father... he was abusive. My mother blamed me for everything, especially my sister's death."

Jeongin listened quietly, his expression sympathetic. "That must have been so hard for you."

Felix nodded, tears still glistening in his eyes. "It was. My sister... she was the only one who cared about me. She tried to protect me, but it wasn't enough."

Jeongin squeezed Felix's shoulder reassuringly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Felix. But you're not that helpless kid anymore. You're strong, and you have people who care about you."

Jeongin's words gave Felix a small measure of comfort. He knew he had a long way to go to truly heal from his past, but having someone like Jeongin by his side made it seem a little more possible.

"Thank you," Felix said quietly, giving Jeongin a grateful smile.

"Anytime," Jeongin replied, his smile warm. "Let's get through this together, okay?"

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

Now playing!
» A Little Death - The Neighbourhood «

0:00 〇────── 3:29

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

The night of Strayz's next performance arrived, and the atmosphere backstage was heavy with unspoken tension. They moved through the motions of preparing for the show, each of them lost in their own thoughts. The memory of what happened at the club lingered like a shadow, and though they tried to shake it off, it was clear they were all affected.

Felix looked around at the others as they geared up for the performance. Chan's usually confident demeanor was strained, his shoulders tense as he adjusted his drumsticks. Hyunjin's face was set in a hard mask, a stark contrast to the playful persona he usually displayed for the fans. Seungmin and Minho exchanged glances, their worry barely hidden. Jisung and Changbin, normally full of energy, were unusually quiet, focusing on their instruments with a grim determination.

The crowd outside was deafening, their cheers and screams echoing through the venue.

As Strayz launched into their next song, "Little Death," the atmosphere shifted. The haunting melody filled the venue, casting a spell over the audience. Seungmin stepped forward, gripping the microphone as he sang beautifully.

"Touch me, yeah. I want you to touch me there," Hyunjin then sang after Seungmin, his voice dripping with raw emotion, his eyes scanning the crowd before landing on Felix. The intensity in his gaze was undeniable, and Felix felt his stomach having butterflies. Hyunjin wasn't just performing; he was pleading, begging for something deeper, something real.

"Make me feel like I am breathing. Feel like I am human," he continued, his eyes never leaving Felix's. The words cut through the air, their meaning resonating with a desperate sincerity. It was as if he was baring his soul to Felix, a silent cry for connection amidst the chaos.

The crowd, captivated by his performance, swayed and sang along, oblivious to the silent conversation happening between them. The lights flickered, casting shadows that danced across Hyunjin's face, highlighting the vulnerability etched in his features.

Felix stood there, frozen, his heart pounding in his chest. The memory of the club, the gunshot, the cold, hard look in Hyunjin's eyes, all of it came rushing back. But now, seeing him like this, so raw and exposed, it was hard to process the two images of him. Was this the real Hyunjin? The one behind the façade of the ruthless persona?

As the song continued, Hyunjin's voice grew more intense, his emotions laid bare for everyone to see. The other members played their parts flawlessly, but there was a tension in the air, a reflection of the chaos within their group.

Seungmin and Minho exchanged fleeting glances, their concern for Hyunjin evident. Jisung's normally confident presence was tinged with worry, and Changbin's powerful riffs seemed to carry an extra weight. Chan, as always, was a rock, his drumming anchoring the performance, but even he couldn't hide the strain in his eyes.

Felix wanted to reach out to Hyunjin, to bridge the gap between them, but the memory of what he had seen Hyunjin do held him back. The conflicting emotions churned within Felix, a storm he couldn't control.

The concert continued, each note and lyric spoke the words they couldn’t say. Despite the situation, they gave it their all, delivering a performance that had the crowd screaming and cheering with enthusiasm. Each member was in their element, yet there was a noticeable strain in their interactions, a subtle stiffness that fans fortunately did not pick up on.

After the final song, they gathered at the front of the stage, bowing deeply and expressing their gratitude to the fans. Chan took the microphone, his voice steady but lacking its usual warmth. "Thank you for coming tonight. Your support means the world to us. We love you all."

The crowd roared in response, their energy a stark contrast to the heaviness in their hearts. They waved and smiled, the bright stage lights casting long shadows behind them, and then they retreated backstage, the cheers fading as the door closed behind them.

The journey back to the hotel was quiet, the usual banter and laughter absent. Each of them was lost in their thoughts. The van ride was silent, save for the hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of fabric as someone shifted in their seat.

Arriving at the hotel, they made their way through the lobby, their steps echoing in the quiet space. The night manager gave them a polite nod, but they barely acknowledged it, too wrapped up in their own concerns. As they reached their floor, the tension among them wasn’t fading away.

"Good night," Chan said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper as he and Changbin headed to their room.

"Night," Jisung replied, his arm brushing Minho's as they walked toward their shared room. The brief contact seemed to offer a small comfort, a reminder that they weren't alone in this.

Hyunjin and Seungmin exchanged a look before heading to their room. Seungmin's usual teasing was absent, replaced by a somber expression that mirrored Hyunjin's. The door closed behind them with a soft click.

Jeongin and Felix stood in the hallway for a moment, neither of them saying a word. Finally, Jeongin broke the silence. "You okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Felix nodded, though he wasn't sure if he was telling the truth. "Yeah. Just... a lot on my mind."

Jeongin noticed Felix's restless state and gently suggested, "Do you want to take a walk on the beach? It might help clear your mind."

The idea of the cool night air and the calming sound of the waves appealed to Felix. "Yeah, that sounds good," he replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. As they headed towards the elevator, a thought occurred to Felix.

"Hold on a second," Felix said, turning back. "Why don't we ask the others to join us? It might do us all some good."

Jeongin nodded, his expression brightening. "Good idea."

They started with Chan and Changbin's room. Felix knocked softly, and after a moment, Chan opened the door, looking surprised to see them.

"Hey, what's up?" Chan asked.

"We were thinking of taking a walk on the beach," Felix explained. "Would you guys like to join us?"

Chan glanced back at Changbin, who gave a nod. "Sure, that sounds nice. We'll get ready and meet you in the lobby."

Next, they went to Jisung and Minho's room. Jisung answered, looking a bit wary at first, but his expression softened when he saw them.

"A walk on the beach?" he repeated after Felix extended the invitation. "Yeah, we could use that. Right, jagi?" He asked, the nickname slipping out of his lips but he doesn’t seem to care

Minho appeared behind him, giving a faint smile and thumbs up. "Count us in."

Finally, they approached Hyunjin and Seungmin's room. Felix knocked hesitantly, unsure of how Hyunjin would react after everything that had happened. Seungmin opened the door, and Hyunjin stood in the background, his expression unreadable.

"We're going for a walk on the beach," Felix said, trying to keep his tone light. "Do you guys want to come?"

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin, who gave a slight nod. "Yeah, we'll come," Seungmin replied.

With everyone agreeing, they all gathered in the lobby a few minutes later. The tension from earlier still lingered, but there was a tentative sense of bond as they headed outside. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore was soothing.

They walked along the beach in a loose group, the sand soft beneath their feet. The moon cast a silvery glow over the water, creating a serene and almost magical atmosphere. For a while, they walked in silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

Jeongin and Felix walked side by side, and Jeongin occasionally glanced at Felix, his concern evident. "Feeling better?" he asked quietly.

"A little," Felix admitted. "This was a good idea."

Chan and Changbin walked a few paces ahead, their voices low as they talked quietly. Jisung and Minho were close behind, occasionally bumping shoulders and sharing quiet laughter. Hyunjin and Seungmin walked a bit further back, their expressions more serious, but the tension between them seemed to have eased slightly.

After a while, Chan called out, "Let's sit for a bit." They found a spot on the sand and settled down, the cool breeze ruffling their hair.

"This is nice," Changbin said, stretching out and looking up at the sky. "We needed this."

"Yeah," Jisung agreed. "It's been... a lot lately."

There was a collective murmur of agreement. For a few moments, they simply sat in silence, listening to the rhythmic sound of the waves.

After a while, Jeongin reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of vodka with a chaser, the glass glinting in the moonlight. The sight of it shocked everyone, but Jeongin just winked, his usual shy demeanor replaced with a playful boldness. "Come on, let's drink and chill out. We deserve it."

There was a moment of hesitation before Chan, the responsible leader, gave a small nod. "Alright, but let's take it easy. We need to be functional tomorrow."

Jeongin grinned and began pouring shots for everyone. The initial tension melted away as the vodka warmed their insides, and soon enough, they were all feeling the effects of the alcohol. Laughter and playful shouts filled the air as they loosened up, the stress of the past few days temporarily forgotten.

Chan and Changbin were the first to run towards the water, their playful splashes sending droplets flying. Jisung and Minho followed, chasing the waves and each other, their laughter blending with the sound of the ocean. It wasn't long before they found a secluded corner, and their playful energy turned into passionate kisses, oblivious to the world around them.

Seungmin joined in the water fun, his usual serious expression replaced with a carefree grin. He tackled Chan into the surf, their shouts echoing in the night. Even Jeongin, normally reserved, was laughing and running along the shoreline, his spirits lifted by the unexpected freedom.

Felix found himself sitting beside Hyunjin, both of them gazing up at the star-studded sky. The night was clear, the constellations sparkling like diamonds scattered across a canvas. The cool breeze off the ocean was refreshing, and for the first time in days, Felix felt a sense of peace.

Hyunjin glanced at Felix, his expression soft in the moonlight. "You alright?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Felix nodded, feeling a bit light-headed from the vodka but otherwise calm. "Yeah, I am. This is... nice."

Hyunjin smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "It is. We needed this. I needed this."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the sounds of their friends' laughter and the rhythmic crash of the waves creating a soothing backdrop. The tension between them had eased, and for the first time since that night in the club, Felix felt like he could breathe around Hyunjin.

As they sat on the beach, the waves crashing gently against the shore, Felix couldn't shake the gnawing curiosity and unease from that night at the club. The laughter and fun from earlier had been a temporary distraction, but now, alone with Hyunjin under the vast sky, he needed answers.

"Hyunjin," Felix began, breaking the comfortable silence. "What really happened that night at the club?"

Hyunjin stiffened slightly, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Felix, I told you. Let's not talk about it."

Felix wasn't satisfied with that. "No, Hyunjin. I need to know. You shot a man. And then you mentioned your old manager... Please, I need an explanation."

Hyunjin finally turned to look at Felix, and he saw a storm of emotions in Hyunjin's eyes—fear, anger, and something else Felix couldn't quite identify. Hyunjin seemed to struggle with his words, his jaw clenching and unclenching.

"Felix, it's not something you should be involved in," Hyunjin said quietly. "It's dangerous."

Felix leaned closer, his frustration mounting. "I'm already involved, Hyunjin. I was there. I saw everything. You can't just brush it off and expect me to forget about it."

Hyunjin looked away again, but this time his gaze dropped to Felix's lips, making Felix's heart skip a beat. The intensity of Hyunjin's stare was overwhelming, but Felix couldn't let it distract him. He needed answers.

"Please," Felix whispered, his voice trembling slightly. "Just tell me the truth."

Hyunjin sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. Then, without warning, he moved closer, his eyes burning with an intensity that made Felix's breath hitch. Instead of answering, Hyunjin closed the distance between them, his lips capturing Felix's in a deep, hot kiss.

Felix froze for a moment, taken aback by the suddenness of it, but then he melted into the kiss, his hands finding their way to Hyunjin's shoulders. Hyunjin's kiss was fierce and possessive, as if he was trying to communicate all the things he couldn't say. His hands cupped Felix's face, pulling him closer as their lips moved in sync.

The world around them seemed to disappear, the only thing that mattered was the heat between them. Felix responded with equal passion, his fingers tangling in Hyunjin's hair as he lost himself in the moment. It was passionate and consuming, a release of all the tension and emotions that had been building up.

When they finally pulled apart, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting against each other. Hyunjin's eyes were dark with desire, but also with a hint of vulnerability.

"Felix," Hyunjin whispered, his voice raw. "I... I can't explain everything right now. But trust me, please."

Felix nodded, still trying to catch his breath. "Okay," he whispered back. "I trust you."

Jeongin had disappeared for a while, and when he returned, he held another bottle of vodka triumphantly above his head. "Look what I got!" he announced, grinning from ear to ear. Everyone burst into laughter, clearly not expecting their "Innie" to be such an alcoholic.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Jeongin!" Chan teased, shaking his head with a smile.

Jeongin just laughed. "There's a lot you don't know about me," he said once again, his tone playful.

The group gathered around as Jeongin opened the bottle and started pouring shots for everyone. The atmosphere quickly became even more relaxed and carefree as the alcohol flowed.

As the night progressed, the group got more and more drunk. They found themselves engaging in all sorts of silly, drunken activities. Minho and Jisung started building an elaborate sandcastle, which quickly turned into a competition to see who could create the tallest structure. Seungmin and Chan decided to have a race along the shoreline, their laughter echoing over the sound of the waves.

Changbin attempted to do cartwheels, which ended with him tumbling into the sand, causing roars of laughter from everyone. Even Hyunjin and Felix joined in, trying their best to dance to the rhythm of the waves crashing against the shore.

Jeongin, surprisingly spry despite the alcohol, started a game of truth or dare that had everyone in stitches. He dared Chan to serenade the moon, which Chan did with gusto, his voice carrying over the water in a surprisingly heartfelt rendition of an old love song. Minho dared Jisung to do a cartwheel, which ended in a clumsy tumble much like Changbin’s earlier attempt.

They danced and sang, the alcohol erasing any lingering awkwardness or fear. The night was filled with genuine joy and bonding, the beach becoming their playground under the starry sky.

Eventually, they all ended up lying in the sand, staring up at the night sky. The conversation turned quieter, more reflective as they shared stories and dreams under the stars. The earlier tension was gone, replaced by a sense of unity and friendship.

The walk back to the hotel was a scene of joyful chaos. Jisung carried Minho on his back, both of them giggling uncontrollably. Changbin and Seungmin were doubled over with laughter at some inside joke. Bang Chan, usually the composed leader, was blushing furiously at something Jeongin had whispered, which only made Jeongin laugh harder.

Hyunjin and Felix, however, were in their own world. The alcohol had lowered their guard, and the tension that had built between them all night was now at a boiling point. As they stumbled into the hotel, their hands found each other, and they made a beeline for Felix's room, barely able to keep their hands to themselves.

The door to Felix and Jeongin's shared room closed behind them with a soft click, and that was all the encouragement they needed. Hyunjin pushed Felix against the wall, his lips crashing onto Felix's with a hunger that took his breath away. Felix responded eagerly, his fingers threading through Hyunjin's hair as he pulled him closer.

Hyunjin's hands roamed over Felix's body, igniting a fire wherever they touched. They stumbled towards the bed, their kisses growing more frantic and desperate. Hyunjin's mouth moved to Felix's neck, and Felix let out a soft moan as Hyunjin nipped at his skin.

"Hyune," Felix whispered, his voice heavy with desire. Hyunjin responded with another searing kiss, his hands sliding under Felix's shirt and pulling it over his head in one swift motion.

The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the rustling of clothes being discarded. Hyunjin's touch was electrifying, his lips and hands exploring every inch of Felix's skin. They fell onto the bed, a tangled mess of limbs and desire, and everything else faded away.

The world outside their room ceased to exist. The only thing that mattered was the intensity of their connection, the way their bodies moved together as if they were made for each other. Hyunjin's eyes never left Felix's, filled with an emotion that made Felix's heart race even faster.

As they lay there afterward, their breaths still heavy and their bodies entwined, Felix felt a sense of completeness that he hadn't known he was missing. Hyunjin's fingers traced patterns on his skin, and Felix closed his eyes, savoring the moment.

"Angel" Hyunjin whispered, his voice soft and filled with something Felix couldn't quite place. "Are you okay?"

Felix nodded, his heart still pounding in his chest. "Yeah, I am. More than okay."

As they lay there, the first light of dawn gently illuminating the room, Felix couldn't help but break the comfortable silence with a teasing question. "So, Hyune," he began, a playful smirk on his lips, "Do you do this with every pretty girl on tour?"

Hyunjin chuckled softly, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on Felix's skin. "No," he replied, his voice low and sincere. "That's just a reputation the management created for me. It’s all part of the image they wanted me to portray."

Felix raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious now. "Really? So all those rumors...?"

Hyunjin shook his head. "All fabricated. Sure, I've had my share of flings, but nothing like what the rumors suggest. It’s all about the image—makes me more appealing to fans, I guess."

Felix let his words sink in, feeling a mixture of relief and something else—hope, perhaps? He propped himself up on one elbow, looking down at Hyunjin. "So, why me then?"

Hyunjin's eyes softened, and he reached up to brush a strand of hair from Felix's face. "Because you’re you, Angel. From the moment you walked in, I knew there was something special about you. And tonight... well, tonight just confirmed it."

His words made Felix's heart flutter, and he couldn’t help but smile. "You know, for someone with such a tough exterior, you can be pretty sweet."

Hyunjin laughed, pulling Felix down for a tender kiss. "Only for you," he whispered against Felix's lips.

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other and the quiet intimacy of the early morning. Despite the chaos and danger that seemed to follow them, in this moment, everything felt perfect.

Eventually, reality began to creep back in, and Felix knew they couldn’t stay hidden away forever. "We should probably get some sleep," he murmured, reluctantly pulling away for Hyunjin to go back to his own room.

Hyunjin nodded, but his arms tightened around Felix, keeping him close. "Just a little longer," he said, his voice soft and pleading.

Felix smiled, settling back into Hyunjin's embrace. "Okay," he agreed, closing his eyes and letting the warmth of Hyunjin's body lull him into a peaceful sleep.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

The flight to Macau, China was a long one, but the atmosphere had changed. The tension from before was replaced by a newfound closeness among everyone. Laughter and conversations flowed more freely, and the bonds between them felt stronger than ever. Hyunjin was sitting beside Felix, focused on drawing on his iPad. Felix watched him, a soft smile playing on his lips as he admired Hyunjin's focus and talent.

Yet, despite the relaxed atmosphere, a nagging anxiety remained in the pit of Felix's stomach. The events of that night in Las Vegas had left a mark. He couldn’t shake the memory of Hyunjin’s unemotional face as he pulled the trigger, or the fear that gripped him when the gun was pointed at him. He was falling for Hyunjin, but the question of his involvement in something darker lingered.

Felix glanced around at the other members of Strayz. Chan was deep in conversation with Changbin, their heads bent close together, discussing something animatedly. Seungmin and Jisung were sharing a pair of headphones, watching a movie on a tablet, their shoulders touching in a familiar way. Minho was napping, his head resting on Jisung’s other shoulder, a peaceful expression on his face.

Were they all involved? Was this just part of their world, a dark secret they all shared? Or was it only Hyunjin? Felix's eyes drifted to Jeongin, who was sitting a few rows ahead, chatting with a flight attendant. Did he know too? Was his cheerful, innocent demeanor just a facade?

Hyunjin shifted beside Felix, pulling him out of his thoughts. He glanced up from his iPad, catching Felix's eye. “What are you thinking about?” he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Felix hesitated, not wanting to bring up his fears and ruin the peaceful moment. “Just... stuff,” he replied vaguely, offering Hyunjin a reassuring smile.

Hyunjin didn’t press further, returning to his drawing, but Felix could tell he sensed his unease. Hyunjin's free hand reached over, giving Felix's hand a gentle squeeze. It was a small gesture, but it brought him some comfort.

The flight attendants began their final checks as they approached their descent into Macau. The city’s bright lights sparkled below, a reminder of the new adventures and challenges that awaited them.

As they prepared for landing, Felix took a deep breath, determined to enjoy the moments of peace and happiness with Hyunjin and the rest of Strayz. There would be time to figure everything out, to uncover the truths hidden beneath the surface. But for now, he would focus on the bonds they were building, and the music that brought them together.

And with Hyunjin’s hand still in his, Felix felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, everything would turn out alright.

As they landed in Macau and made their way to the hotel, the city buzzed with energy. Bright neon lights illuminated the streets, and the air was filled with a sense of excitement. The group was tired from the long flight, but the anticipation of the next concert of their tour kept their spirits high.

Walking through the hotel lobby, Chan's phone rang. He glanced at the screen, his expression immediately growing serious. He answered it with a curt "Hello," and lagged behind the group as he continued the conversation.

As they reached the hallway leading to their rooms, Hyunjin turned to Jeongin, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hey, Jeongin, I think I'd like to switch rooms with you from now on," he said casually.

Jeongin raised an eyebrow, a smirk spreading across his face. "Oh? And why's that?" he asked, his tone teasing.

Hyunjin shrugged, but his gaze flicked to Felix briefly before he replied, "Just a change of scenery."

The other members of Strayz caught on quickly, their reactions were filled with amusem*nt and playful teasing. Jisung nudged Minho, waggling his eyebrows. "Someone's got plans," he said with a grin.

Minho chuckled, adding, "Just don't keep us up all night, Hyunjin."

Changbin and Seungmin exchanged knowing looks, with Changbin pretending to gag. "Gross, guys. Can we not make a big deal out of this?" he joked.

Seungmin, the jokester, chimed in with a smirk. "Just don't get caught doing anything too scandalous."

Felix felt his cheeks heat up, but he managed to laugh along with them. Hyunjin, however, took it all in stride, his usual confidence on full display. He simply smiled, unfazed by the teasing.

Chan caught up with them just as they were nearing their rooms, his face pale and anxious. "Everything okay?" Felix asked him quietly.

He nodded, but his expression was strained. "Yeah, just... something came up. Don't worry about it," he said, forcing a small smile.

Felix wanted to press further but decided against it. Chan had a lot on his plate, and he didn't want to add to his stress.

As they reached their rooms, Jeongin handed Hyunjin his keycard with a mock serious expression. "Take good care of my supposed room, Hyunjin. It's got sentimental value, you know," he said, trying to suppress a grin.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Sure thing, Innie. I'll treat it with the utmost respect," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

They all laughed, the tension from earlier easing as they settled into their rooms. As Felix unpacked his things, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness about Hyunjin staying with him. Despite his lingering doubts, the relationship between them was undeniable, and he was determined to enjoy their time together.

Later, as they prepared for bed, Hyunjin's presence was a comforting warmth beside Felix. The worries and uncertainties still hovered in the back of his mind, but for now, he focused on the here and now. Hyunjin wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close, and Felix allowed himself to relax, savoring the moment of peace amidst the whirlwind of their lives.

As sleep began to claim Felix, he couldn't help but wonder what the next few days would bring. But with Hyunjin by his side, he felt a little more ready to face whatever came their way.

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

Concert day arrived with a burst of energy and excitement. The hotel buzzed with the sound of their preparations, and the members of Strayz were all in high spirits. The adrenaline of performing in a new country had everyone hyped, chatting and laughing as they got ready.

Felix noticed Chan, however, seemed different. He was quieter than usual, a subtle tension in his shoulders as he moved through the room, checking on everyone and ensuring everything was in place. His smile was forced, and his eyes lacked the usual spark of excitement. Despite this, he didn’t say a word about what was bothering him, and Felix knew better than to press him in the middle of such a busy day.

Hyunjin, however, was perceptive, he picked up on Chan's mood as well. He leaned in close to Felix while adjusting his guitar strap, his voice low. "Chan doesn't look too good, does he?"

Felix glanced over at Chan, who was meticulously tuning his drums. "No, he doesn't," he replied, concern creeping into his voice. "Do you think something's wrong?"

Hyunjin shrugged, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched Chan. "Maybe. But he’ll tell us when he’s ready. For now, let’s focus on the show."

The venue was packed, the crowd’s screams were heard even backstage. Jeongin was walking around with his camera, capturing candid moments and hyping them up with his boundless enthusiasm. The rest of the band was warming up, their excitement contagious.

Seungmin and Jisung were goofing around with the microphones, making each other laugh with silly voices. Minho was stretching, preparing for the physical demands of the performance, while Changbin and Hyunjin discussed their set list, making minor adjustments.

Finally, it was time to hit the stage. The roar of the crowd as they stepped into the spotlight was amazing. They launched into their first song, the familiar rhythms and melodies flowing effortlessly. Despite Chan's earlier demeanor, he played with his usual intensity, his drum beats powerful and precise.

As the night went on, Felix kept an eye on him. He seemed to lose himself in the music, his earlier tension melting away with each song. The audience fed off their energy, their cheers and applause driving them to give their best performance.

At one point, Hyunjin caught Felix's eye and flashed him a reassuring smile. His presence beside him was a steadying force, reminding him of the moments they shared and the strength they drew from each other.

When they reached the final song of the night, the crowd's energy peaked. They poured everything into the performance, and the response was overwhelming. The fans sang along, their voices merging with theirs in a beautiful harmony that sent chills down Felix's spine.

As they took their final bow, the cheers were deafening. They waved to the crowd, thanking them for their support, and made their way backstage, the adrenaline still pumping through their veins.

Back in the dressing room, the mood was joyful. They were all riding the high of a successful show, exchanging high-fives and hugs. Even Chan seemed to have lightened up, a genuine smile on his face as he congratulated everyone on a job well done.

"Great show, everyone," Chan said, his voice filled with pride. "You really gave it your all out there."

Felix caught his eye and gave him an encouraging nod. Whatever was bothering Chan earlier, he had managed to push through it and lead them to another incredible performance.

As they packed up and prepared to head back to the hotel, Felix couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on with Chan. But for now, he was content to celebrate their success.

Back at the hotel, the energy from the concert still buzzed in the air. Hyunjin and Felix were in their room, cuddling on the bed and enjoying the afterglow of a successful performance. Their conversation drifted between the highs of the night and their plans for the rest of the tour. Felix felt content and safe, nestled close to Hyunjin.

"You were amazing tonight," Felix murmured, tracing circles on Hyunjin's chest. "The crowd loved you."

Hyunjin smiled down at him, his eyes soft. "You weren't so bad yourself, Mr. Stylist. The fans couldn't stop talking about our looks."

Just as Felix was about to respond, there was a knock on the door. They exchanged puzzled glances before Hyunjin gently untangled himself from Felix's embrace and got up to answer it.

Chan stood in the hallway, his expression serious. "Hyunjin, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Hyunjin nodded, casting a reassuring glance back at Felix. "I'll be right back," he promised.

Felix watched the door close behind Hyunjin, a knot of unease forming in his stomach. He tried to distract himself by scrolling through his phone, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

After what felt like an eternity, Hyunjin returned. His face was unreadable, a stark contrast to the warmth and openness he had shown earlier. Without a word, he crossed the room and laid down on his own bed, his back turned to Felix.

"Hyunjin?" Felix asked tentatively, laced with concern. "Is everything okay?"

His reply was curt, almost mechanical. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just some stuff Chan needed to discuss."

The distance in his tone sent a chill through Felix. He wanted to reach out, but he didn't know how. Instead, he lay back on his own bed, staring at the ceiling and feeling the weight of the unspoken tension settle around them.

The room was silent, the earlier intimacy replaced by an obvious tension between them. Felix's mind raced with questions, but he couldn't bring himself to ask them. He couldn't help but feel worried that whatever Chan had said to Hyunjin had something to do with the secretive and dangerous world he had glimpsed in the club.

He couldn't take the silence any longer. The distance between them felt like an abyss that he needed to cross. Gathering his courage, he stood up from his bed and made his way over to Hyunjin's. He sat down beside him, feeling the mattress dip under their combined weight.

"Hyune," he said softly, his voice trembling with concern. "Are you okay? Please, talk to me."

Hyunjin didn't respond immediately, his gaze fixed on some distant point on the wall. Felix could see the tension in his jaw, the way his fingers clenched into the sheets.

"Hey," Felix whispered, reaching out to place a hand on Hyunjin's arm. "Whatever it is, you don't have to deal with it alone."

Hyunjin finally looked at him, his eyes filled with a storm of emotions. For a moment, it seemed like he might push Felix away, but then he sighed deeply, the tension in his shoulders easing just a bit.

"It's just... there's a lot going on," he began, his voice low and strained. "Stuff with the band, with Chan and... It's complicated, and I don't want you getting caught up in it."

Felix frowned, his concern only growing. "Caught up in what? Hyunjin, you can't just shut me out. I want to help."

Hyunjin shook his head, a sad smile playing on his lips. "I know you do, angel. And I appreciate it, more than you know. But some things... some things are better left unsaid."

Felix squeezed his arm gently. "Maybe. But we’re in this together, right? Whatever it is, we can figure it out."

Hyunjin stared at him for a long moment, his eyes searching Felix's. Then, he reached up and covered Felix's hand with his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're too good for this world, you know that?"

Felix chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe. Or maybe I'm just stubborn."

Hyunjin pulled back slightly, his eyes dark and haunted. "You don't even know me that well, angel. I've killed hundreds of people before. Aren't you afraid of me? Of what would happen if you keep choosing this?"

His words hung heavy in the air, his confession settling between them. Felix could see the torment in his eyes, the fear that he would recoil, that he would see him as a monster. But he didn't. He saw the man who had been protecting his band and had been protecting him, who had shown him kindness and vulnerability.

Felix took a deep breath, his heart aching for him. "Hyune, I'm not afraid of you. That night in Las Vegas, I was afraid of the people who almost killed me. But you were the one who saved me."

Hyunjin opened his mouth to protest, but Felix placed a finger gently on his lips, silencing him.

"I know it has only been like months," Felix continued, his voice soft but firm. "But I know that you are a good person, even though you have a hard time showing it. And that's what I choose to see. That's who I choose to love."

Without another word, Hyunjin closed the distance between them, his lips crashing onto Felix's in a desperate, passionate kiss. It was raw, full of the emotions he had been holding back—fear, desire, longing. A soft whine escaped him as he deepened the kiss, his hands gripping Felix's arms as if he might vanish if he let go.

Felix kissed him back with equal intensity, his fingers tangling in Hyunjin's hair. Every touch, every movement, was a silent promise: he wasn't going anywhere. He could feel Hyunjin's desperation, his need for reassurance, and he gave it all to him through the kiss.

Hyunjin pulled him closer, his body pressed against Felix's, and he could feel him tremble. He broke the kiss just enough to rest his forehead against Felix's, his breath ragged. "Felix, my angel" he whispered, his voice breaking, "I need you."

"I'm here," Felix whispered back, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on Hyunjin's back. "I'm not leaving you."

He kissed Hyunjin again, softer this time but no less intense. Their lips moved against each other with a mixture of urgency and tenderness, as if trying to convey everything they couldn't put into words. Felix felt Hyunjin's tears on his cheeks, mingling with his own, and it made the moment even more sentimental.

When they finally pulled away, they were both breathless, their foreheads still touching. Hyunjin's eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and hope. "I don't want to lose you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Hyunjin's desperate kiss deepened into something more tender and intimate. The atmosphere between them was charged with an undeniable electricity, a tangible mix of longing and love. His hands roamed over Felix's body with a sense of urgency and reverence, as if he was trying to memorize every inch of him. Felix responded in kind, his own fingers tracing the contours of Hyunjin's muscles, feeling the warmth and strength beneath his skin.

"Felix," Hyunjin murmured against his lips, his voice heavy with emotion and need.

Felix looked into his eyes, seeing a raw vulnerability that mirrored his own. "Hyunjin," he whispered back, his voice steady and reassuring, "I want this. I want you."

Hyunjin's eyes softened, his gaze a tender caress as he nodded, the hesitation in him dissolving into the air. Slowly, he guided Felix onto the bed, their lips connected to each other. Each movement was deliberate, unhurried, as if they were savoring every precious moment, every fleeting touch, allowing the outside world to fade into oblivion as they focused solely on each other.

As they discard their clothes, throwing them carelessly on the floor. Hyunjin's hands were gentle yet firm, exploring Felix's body with a mixture of curiosity and familiarity, tracing every curve and contour with affection. Their kisses deepened, fueled by passion and longing, each one a silent promise of love and commitment.

When they were finally skin to skin, the sensation was overwhelming, a perfect fusion of two souls finding solace in each other's embrace. Hyunjin's body molded against Felix's as if they were made to fit together, their limbs entwining naturally as they moved in sync.

Hyunjin's hands roamed Felix's sides, his touch sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his body. Their lips met in a searing kiss, conveying emotions too profound for words. As their passion intensified, so did the depth of their connection, their eyes locked.

“Hyune, I need you… now,” Felix pleaded, his voice thick with desire as he met Hyunjin's gaze.

Hyunjin reached for the nightstand table, retrieving a bottle of lube. “Are you sure about this, baby?” he asked, his voice tender as he applied the slick substance to his fingers.

Felix nodded desperately, his need for Hyunjin consuming him like a wildfire. There was an undeniable pull between them, a magnetic force that drew them together with an irresistible intensity.

"Words, lix," Hyunjin whispered, his breath hot against Felix's skin as he sought verbal affirmation of their shared desire.

"Yes, I want this—f*ck, I need this," Felix gasped, his words a desperate plea for connection as Hyunjin slowly entered his finger in him, his touch gentle yet determined.

Hyunjin hummed in response, his fingers finding that sweet spot within Felix that made his back arch and his breath catch in his throat. “That’s the spot, isn’t it?” he murmured, his voice low and seductive as he added 2 other fingers, eliciting a chorus of moans from Felix.

He also touched Felix's most sensitive spot, and his touch became more focused, more purposeful. Felix's mind went blank, all thoughts dissolving into the sensations Hyunjin was creating.

Felix's breathing quickened, his body reacting instinctively to Hyunjin's skilled touch. He bit his lip, trying to stifle a moan, but it escaped anyway, filling the quiet room. Hyunjin smiled against Felix's neck, clearly pleased with the effect he was having.

"Relax, angel" Hyunjin whispered, his voice low and soothing. "Just enjoy this."

Felix nodded, unable to form words. He let himself sink into the sensations, the pleasure building steadily with each stroke of Hyunjin's hand. It was overwhelming, and Felix felt like he was on the edge of something thrilling.

But when Felix signaled for him to stop, concern flickered in Hyunjin's eyes. “I'm sorry, was it too much?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.

Felix shook his head, meeting Hyunjin's gaze with a shy smile. “No, it's okay. I'm ready,” he whispered, his heart racing with anticipation as Hyunjin's playful smirk lit up his face.

Hyunjin aligned himself with Felix, their bodies fitting together like two halves of a whole as he slowly entered him. Felix gasped at the sensation, a mix of pleasure and pain shooting through him, but Hyunjin's lips on his provided a welcome distraction. Their kiss was intense, passionate, as if they were trying to pour all their emotions into each other, as if they were afraid that this moment would slip away like sand through their fingers.

Felix wrapped his arms around Hyunjin, pulling him closer as they moved in perfect harmony, their moans mingling with the taste of each other's lips. In that moment, it felt like time stood still, like the world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them entwined in their own private universe of love and desire.

Hyunjin's movements grew more urgent, more passionate, and Felix responded with equal passion, lost in the intoxicating sensations that enveloped them. Though the physical pleasure was intense, it was the emotional connection that left them both trembling, their hearts laid bare in the intimacy of the moment. They moved together in perfect harmony, their love and desire blending seamlessly into one another.

As they reached their climax, time seemed to stand still, the world holding its breath as the intensity of their release washed over them. It was a powerful mix of ecstasy and emotion, leaving them both gasping for air as they clung to each other, their bodies still trembling with the aftershocks.

As the night wore on, they remained wrapped in each other's arms, drifting into a peaceful sleep. The warmth of Hyunjin's body against Felix's was a constant reassurance, a reminder that they were not alone in the darkness. In each other, they had found solace, a refuge from the storms of life that raged outside their embrace. It was a comfort beyond words, a bond that transcended the physical and reached into the depths of their souls. And they slept, entwined in each other's love

。‧₊˚ ⋆。♪ ₊˚✰ ゚♫₊˚ ✩。‧₊˚

Hyunjin woke up at 4 AM, his body instinctively alert. The room was still dark, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains. He turned to look at Felix, his peaceful face illuminated by the faint light. Felix's features were relaxed, a serene expression on his face as he slept soundly beside him.

Leaning in, Hyunjin pressed a gentle kiss to Felix's forehead, his lips lingering for a moment longer. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly, his voice barely audible. The words felt heavy, filled with the weight of everything he couldn't say.

Carefully, he slipped out of bed, trying not to wake Felix. He dressed quickly, putting on his clothes. Hyunjin took one last look at Felix, his heart aching with the knowledge of what he had to do. Then, he quietly opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

The hotel was eerily silent at this hour, the only sound was the soft hum of the air conditioning. Hyunjin made his way to the lobby, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. When he reached the lobby, the others were already there, waiting.

Chan was leaning against a wall, his expression a mix of determination and worry. Minho and Jisung were seated on a couch, their heads close together in quiet conversation. Changbin and Seungmin stood nearby, their faces set in grim lines.

As Hyunjin approached, they all looked up, their eyes filled with unspoken questions.

"Did you tell him?" Chan asked, his voice low.

Hyunjin shook his head. "No. He doesn't need to know more than he already does. Not now."

Minho sighed, running a hand through his hair. "This isn't going to get any easier, Hyunjin. Sooner or later, he's going to find out everything."

"I know," Hyunjin replied, his voice heavy with resignation. "But I can't lose him. Not now."

"We can't afford any more distractions," Seungmin said quietly. "We have to stay focused."

"We'll handle it," Chan interjected, his tone firm. "For now, we need to be prepared. We have to keep our guard up and make sure no one gets hurt."

The room fell into a tense silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. The stakes were higher than ever, and their secret was becoming harder to bear.

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect him," Hyunjin said finally, his voice firm. "Even if it means keeping him in the dark a little longer."

"Just be careful," Chan warned. "We're walking a fine line here, and one misstep could cost us everything."

Hyunjin nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I will."

As they exited the hotel lobby, the early morning air was cool against Hyunjin's skin, a stark contrast to the heat and tension simmering beneath the surface. The streets were quiet, the city still shrouded in the silence of predawn. They moved swiftly through the streets, their destination clear: the biggest casino in Macau.

This wasn't just any casino—it was a front for some of the most powerful dealers in the mafia. Tonight, they had a delivery to make. The package in Hyunjin's bag was a constant reminder of the danger they were walking into.

As they approached the casino, the neon lights flickered, casting eerie shadows on their faces.

They walked through the entrance, the luxury of the interior almost blinding. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the sound of slot machines and lively chatter filled the air.

"Stick to the plan," Chan murmured, his voice barely audible over the din. They all nodded, each of them focused on their role.

They moved through the casino, heading towards a secluded area where the dealers were waiting. Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. His eyes darted around the room, scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Every shadow seemed to hold a threat, every unfamiliar face a potential enemy.

They finally reached a private room in the back of the casino. The door was guarded by two muscular men, their expressions unreadable. Chan stepped forward, showing them the mark they were told to use. They nodded and opened the door, allowing them entry.

Inside, the air was thick with tension. The dealers sat at a large table, their eyes sharp and calculating. They exchanged brief nods before the negotiation began. Chan and the lead dealer discussed terms while Minho and Jisung kept watch. Changbin and Seungmin stood close to Hyunjin, their presence a comforting reminder of their strength as a unit.

As the deal progressed, the nagging feeling of being followed intensified. Hyunjin glanced around the room, trying to pinpoint the source of his unease. That's when he noticed a shadowy figure lingering near the entrance, their eyes fixed on them.

His heart rate spiked. Hyunjin nudged Chan subtly, signaling his concern. Chan glanced at him, then followed his gaze. His expression tightened, but he continued with the deal, his demeanor calm and collected.

The lead dealer handed over a briefcase, and in exchange, Chan slid the package across the table. The transaction was smooth, but the tension in the room was palpable.

"Pleasure doing business," the dealer said, his smile cold and sly.

"Likewise," Chan replied, his voice steady. They turned to leave, Hyunjin's eyes still scanning the room for the figure he'd seen earlier.

As they exited the room and made their way back through the casino, Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that they were still being followed. Every instinct told him to look back, but he kept his eyes forward, trusting his gut.

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed through the air, cutting through the quiet tension like a knife.

Hyunjin's heart stopped, and he spun around to see Felix being held hostage by the dealer. The man’s arm was wrapped tightly around Felix’s neck, a gun pressed to his temple. Felix's eyes were wide with fear, his body tense and struggling against the grip.

Hyunjin's blood ran cold. The sight of Felix in danger made everything else fade into the background.

"You think you can trick me?" the dealer snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "This case is empty! There's no drugs in here!" He shook the briefcase, his eyes blazing with fury.

They had been set up. Hyunjin could see the shock on his bandmates' faces as the realization hit. This wasn't just a simple deal gone wrong—someone had planned this.

"Let him go," Chan demanded, his voice steady but laced with anger. "We can work this out."

"Work this out?" The dealer laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "You think you can double-cross me and just walk away?"

"Nobody double-crossed you," Minho said, his eyes fixed on the dealer. "We had no idea the case was empty."

"Enough lies!" The dealer's grip tightened on Felix, making him wince. "You think I’m a fool? I’ll kill this man, I saw him sneaking in here" he chuckled.

Hyunjin's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. How had Felix ended up here? The fear in Felix's eyes twisted something deep inside him. Without hesitating, he pulled out his gun, aiming it at the dealer. The man's guards immediately drew their weapons, pointing them at Hyunjin. The air crackled with tension, the threat of violence hanging heavy.

"Let him go," Hyunjin demanded, trying to keep his voice steady but filled with barely contained rage.

The dealer sneered, tightening his grip on Felix. "And why should I do that? You think you can walk in here and threaten me?"

"Hyune" Felix whimpered, tears streaming down his face. The sight broke Hyunjin's heart. He had to get Felix out of there, no matter what.

"Put your gun down," one of the guards barked. "Or we'll shoot."

Hyunjin needed to defuse the situation, but he couldn't just surrender. "Listen," he said, keeping his voice calm. "This is a setup. Someone wants to take us all down. Killing him won't solve anything."

The dealer's eyes flickered with uncertainty, but he didn't lower his gun. "And how do I know you're not the one setting me up?"

"Because if I was, you'd be dead already," Hyunjin replied coldly. "Let him go, and we can figure this out together. If not, we're all going down in a hail of bullets."

The tension was suffocating. Felix's sobs filled the silence, and Hyunjin felt a surge of protectiveness. He couldn't lose Felix.

Hyunjin tightened his grip on the gun, his eyes never leaving the dealer's. "You have three seconds to decide. One—"

"Don't push me," the dealer growled.


"Help" Felix pleaded.


Before anyone could react, Hyunjin fired a shot into the ground, the loud bang echoing through the alley. The dealer flinched, his grip on Felix loosening just enough for Felix to stumble free. Felix fell to the ground, scrambling away from the dealer as Hyunjin covered him.

"Everyone stand down!" Hyunjin shouted, his gun still trained on the dealer. The guards hesitated, their guns still aimed but fingers twitching nervously.

"You're making a mistake," the dealer hissed, but he lowered his gun slightly. "This isn't over."

"Maybe not," Hyunjin said, his voice icy. "But for now, you're letting him go."

With a final glare, the dealer gestured to his guards to lower their weapons. Hyunjin kept his gun raised until he was sure they wouldn't make a move, then he backed away, pulling Felix with him.

“Bomb! There’s a bomb!”

The sudden word hit like a shockwave, freezing everyone for a split second before pure chaos erupted. People started screaming and running in all directions, pushing and shoving in their desperation to escape. The once-organized chaos of the casino turned into a stampede.

“Come on!” Hyunjin shouted, grabbing Felix’s hand and pulling him toward the nearest exit. His heart pounded, the situation making every second feel like an eternity. Felix stumbled but kept up, his fear overtaking.

They dodged through the crowd, the mass of people making it difficult to move quickly. Hyunjin glanced around, trying to spot the rest of Strayz. Chan, Minho, Jisung, Seungmin, and Changbin were somewhere in this madness. He needed to make sure they were safe too.

“Hyunjin!” Felix’s voice brought him back to the present. Felix pointed toward a side exit that looked less crowded. “This way!”

They veered off, pushing through the crowd of people. The air was thick with panic, the sounds of alarms and distant shouts blending into one. As they neared the exit, Hyunjin saw a flash of familiar faces—Strayz, all of them running toward the same direction.

“Over here!” Hyunjin shouted, waving them over. Relief washed over him as they joined them, all of them looking shaken but unharmed.

“What the hell is going on?” Chan demanded, his face pale but tough.

“No time to seek answers, Chan” Hyunjin said, pushing the door open. “We need to get out of here, now.”

They ran out into the alley, the cool night air hitting them like a slap. The noise from inside the casino was still loud, but it felt distant now, muffled by the thick walls. Hyunjin didn’t let go of Felix’s hand, leading the group down the narrow alley, away from the chaos.

As they turned a corner, a loud explosion rocked the ground beneath them. The blast was deafening, the shockwave making them stumble. Felix cried out, and Hyunjin pulled him close, shielding him with his body as debris rained down.

“Keep moving!” Chan shouted, urgency in his voice. They stumbled forward, adrenaline fueling their steps as they put as much distance as possible between them and the casino. Hyunjin's mind raced, trying to process everything. Who had planted the bomb? Was it the dealer, angry about being tricked, or someone else entirely?

Finally, they found a quiet side street and paused to catch their breath. Felix was still trembling, and Hyunjin pulled him into a hug, whispering reassurances in his ear. The rest of Strayz gathered around, their faces a mix of fear and determination.

“We need to get out of Macau,” Chan said, his voice grim. “Whoever did this isn’t going to stop. We’re all targets now.”

“We can’t just leave,” Minho argued. “We need to find out who’s behind this and why they’re targeting us.”

Chan shook his head. “First, we make sure we’re safe. Then we can figure out our next move.”

Felix looked up at Hyunjin, his eyes wide with fear. “Hyunjin, what are we going to do?”

Hyunjin squeezed his hand, trying to offer some semblance of comfort. “We’ll figure it out,” he said, more confident than he felt. “But first, we need to get somewhere safe.”

As they moved through the darkened streets, Hyunjin couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. They had been set up, dragged into a deadly game without knowing the rules or the players.

"We can’t go back to the hotel," Chan said, "Our boss will kill us if he finds out what happened."

Jisung, still catching his breath, looked up with a dark expression. "What if he was the one who set us up?"

Minho nodded, "We’re done being his toys. He wants to get rid of us now."

Hyunjin glanced around at the group, seeing the fear and anger mirrored in everyone’s eyes. Felix clung to his side, his presence grounding Hyunjin despite the chaos.

"We need to get out of Macau," Chan repeated. "And fast."

"But where do we go?" Seungmin asked, his voice wavering. "We have no money, no contacts here."

Hyunjin took a deep breath, trying to think clearly. "We need to disappear, at least until we can figure out our next move. We can’t trust anyone."

Changbin nodded, determination hardening his features. "There’s gotta be a way out of here without drawing attention."

"We’ll find a way," Chan said firmly. "But first, we need to get off the streets."

"Felix," Hyunjin said seriously, turning to him. "How did you get here?"

He shook his head, his eyes wide with fear. "I just...I just wanted to know where you were going, I went out to follow you..” he lowered his head, avoiding Hyunjin’s eyes.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the tense silence. "Finally, I thought you guys were dead."

They all turned to see Jeongin standing in the doorway, a sly smile playing on his lips. "How's the bomb? I made that one," he chuckled darkly.

The shock and anger in their eyes was clear. Chan was the first to react, stepping forward with fury in his eyes. "Jeongin, what the f*ck?"

Jeongin shrugged nonchalantly. "Had to do something to get you guys out of there, didn’t I?"

Changbin clenched his fists, struggling to keep his composure. "What the f*ck is going on?!"

Jeongin's smile faded, replaced by a serious expression. "Because you were being set up. If I hadn’t done something drastic, you’d all be dead or worse right now."

"Explain," Minho demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"I am part of the Yang Dynasty, the one and only sole heir," Jeongin declared, a smirk twisting his lips, his once innocent face and smile long gone.

"The Yangs," Chan spat out the name, his fists clenched at his sides.

Jeongin's laughter rang out, cutting through the tension like a knife. "Oh, yes. Isn't your boss trying his best to take us down?" he taunted, his disdain evident in his tone. "What a pathetic son of a bitch. Who does he think he is?" Jeongin rolled his eyes in mock disbelief.

He took a deep breath, his expression serious. "I’ve been undercover for months, gathering intel on your boss and his operations. The Yang Dynasty has been planning to take him down for years, but we needed solid evidence to bring him to justice."

Jeongin's words hung in the air, the weight of their implications sinking in. Being a photographer for their group was not just a cover; it was a strategic advantage.

"So, all those photos you’ve been taking…" Felix trailed off, realization dawning in his eyes.

Jeongin nodded, his expression serious. "Every picture I’ve taken has been cataloged and sent to my father. He’s been using them to piece together the inner workings of the Red Serpents operation."

Changbin’s eyes widened, his mind racing with possibilities. "So, while we were posing for the camera, you were gathering evidence against our boss- our mafia?"

Jeongin nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "It was risky, but it was the only way to get close to him. And now, I have enough evidence to bring him down."

Chan’s jaw tightened, his gaze steely. "We need to act fast. If our boss catches wind of what you’re planning, he’ll destroy the evidence and come after us with everything he’s got."

Minho’s fists clenched at his sides, "Then let’s make sure he doesn’t have a chance to fight back."

With Jeongin’s skill behind the lens and his father’s connections on their side, they had a fighting chance. And as they prepared to face their greatest challenge yet, Hyunjin knew that no matter what happened, they would face it together, as one.

"We don't have much time," Jeongin said, his voice steady but urgent. "We need to move quickly if we want to get out of here safely."

Jeongin then suggested that they return to Seoul for their safety. It was clear that their situation had escalated far beyond what they had expected, and returning home seemed like the safest course of action.

Chan nodded in agreement. "We can’t afford to take any chances. Seoul is our home base, and it’s where we’ll have the most support."

The rest of them murmured, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on their minds. They had been through so much together, but this was a whole new level of danger.

Jeongin wasted no time in making the necessary arrangements, his fingers flying across the keypad of his phone as he made the call.

As they waited for his call to be answered, a sense of unease settled over them. They were stepping into the unknown once again, but this time, the stakes were higher than ever.

When Jeongin finally hung up the phone, his expression was grim. "We leave tonight. There’s a private jet waiting for us at the airport."

A van then appeared seemingly out of nowhere, its doors sliding open to reveal a waiting driver. Without hesitation, they went inside.

The van sped through the streets, weaving through traffic with expert precision as they made their way to the airport. Inside the vehicle, tension hung thick in the air, each of them lost in their own thoughts as they contemplated the dangers that lay ahead.

Jeongin sat in the front seat, his eyes focused on the road ahead, a silent determination in his gaze. He was their guide in this storm, navigating them through the chaos with a calm resolve.

"So Innie- Jeongin, I mean," Seungmin said as he cleared his throat to begin a conversation. "Was everything just an act?" He questioned, and they could see Bang Chan watching Jeongin while he waited for a response.

Jeongin's gaze flickered towards Seungmin, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "It wasn't all an act," he admitted, his voice quiet but earnest. "I may have been undercover, but my friendship with all of you was real. I never wanted to deceive any of you, but I had to do what was necessary to gather the evidence we needed."

Bang Chan's expression softened slightly, his eyes reflecting understanding. "We know you had to make tough choices," he said, his voice gentle. "And we appreciate everything you've done to help us."

Seungmin nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "We trust you, Jeongin," he said, his voice firm. "You've proven yourself time and time again, and we know you'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe."

Jeongin offered a small smile, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you," he said, his voice laced with emotion.

"So is it true that you have feelings for Chan?" Jisung said out of nowhere, earning a nudge from Minho.

Jeongin's eyes widened at Jisung's unexpected question, his gaze flickering between them. "I... um," he stammered, searching for the right words.

Changbin's voice cut through the light-hearted banter like a knife, his tone serious and no-nonsense. "Jisung, we're in the midst of a serious situation here. There's no time for jokes."

"Come on now, we all know that they f*cked that night in Miami. You came into our room saying 'Oh my f*cking god they're f*cking in my bed' while me and Minho are almost asleep" Jisung abruptly spoke and everyone in the van gasped, even the driver's eyes widened.

Jisung's words hung in the air, shattering the tense silence that had fallen over the van. The shock on everyone's faces was showing, their expressions a mix of disbelief and amusem*nt.

Chan's jaw dropped, his eyes widening in surprise. "Jisung!" he exclaimed.

Minho's cheeks flushed bright red, embarrassment washing over him as he glanced nervously at Jisung. "I can't believe you just said that," he muttered under his breath.

Seungmin's eyes widened, his mouth falling open. "Is that true?" he asked, turning to Jeongin and Chan for confirmation.

On the other hand, Felix's hands trembled as he struggled to steady himself, his entire body still shaking from the adrenaline-fueled chaos of the past few hours. While the other members of the van seemed unfazed by the violence and danger that had happened, Felix couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to him like a suffocating cloak.

"Angel, are you okay?" Hyunjin's voice cut through the silence, he reached out to grasp Felix's hand, his touch gentle and reassuring.

Felix's breath caught in his throat at the contact, the warmth of Hyunjin's hand a stark contrast to the icy chill that gripped him. "Y-yes," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sensing Felix's distress, Hyunjin wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close in a protective embrace. The sudden closeness sent a jolt of warmth coursing through Felix's veins, the heat of Hyunjin's body a welcome relief against the cold grip of fear that threatened to consume him.

As Hyunjin held him close, Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over him. In that moment, amidst the chaos, he found solace in the strength of Hyunjin's embrace.

The van pulled up to the airport, and the group quickly got off, their senses on high alert. They navigated through the crowds, led by Jeongin who moved with a confidence that now made sense given his true identity.

As they reached a secluded part of the airport, Jeongin led them to a private hangar. There, waiting for them, was a luxurious private jet, sleek and imposing. Felix, still suffering from the night’s events, felt a mix of awe and fear as they boarded.

Inside, the jet was the epitome of luxury. Plush leather seats, a fully stocked bar, and ambient lighting that adjusted to their needs. It was the exact opposite to the gritty, dangerous life they had just left behind.

Hyunjin guided Felix to a seat, buckling him in with care. Felix leaned back, feeling the hum of the engines as the jet prepared for takeoff. He glanced around at the others—Chan was deep in conversation with Jeongin, their expressions serious. Minho and Jisung were seated together, whispering and occasionally glancing at the rest of the group. Seungmin and Changbin were checking their weapons, ensuring they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

As the jet ascended, Felix felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. The events of the past days, the constant fear, and the emotional turmoil had taken their toll. He closed his eyes, leaning his head against Hyunjin’s shoulder, finding comfort in his warmth.

After a while, Jeongin stood and addressed the group. “I know this is a lot to take in,” he began, his tone earnest. “But we need to stay focused. the Yang organization —is expecting us.”

Seungmin asked, “What exactly are we walking into, Jeongin?”

Jeongin sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s complicated. My father has been planning this for a long time. The Strayz’s boss—he’s been a thorn in our side. Taking him down was always the goal, but things escalated. He set you up to fail, hoping to eliminate you as a threat.”

Changbin cut in, his tone serious. “What’s the plan once we land?”

Jeongin nodded. “We fight with my father’s men. They’ll provide us with safe resources. From there, we take it one step at a time. Our priority is survival and figuring out our next move.”

Felix, still shaken, whispered to Hyunjin, “Are we going to be okay?”

Hyunjin squeezed his hand reassuringly. “We’ll be okay, Angel. We’ll get through this together.”

As the jet soared through the night sky, Felix allowed himself to relax slightly, comforted by Hyunjin’s presence and the camaraderie of the group. Despite the danger, there was a sense of unity among them—a bond forged in the fires of their shared ordeal.

Hours later, the jet began its descent into Seoul. The city lights sprawled out below them, a glittering mosaic of possibility and peril. Felix felt a mixture of hope and dread as they prepared to land, unsure of what awaited them but determined to face it head-on with Hyunjin and the rest by his side.

ESCAPADE - Chapter 1 - renskzi (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.