How to Accrue Vacation Time (with Pictures) (2024)

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1Earning Extra Vacation Time

2Asking for More Vacation Time

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Co-authored byElaine Lou Cartas

Last Updated: January 8, 2024References

Time off from one's career is, ironically, something many people work very hard for. Today, vacation time is more valuable than ever — the U.S. is one of the only developed countries in the world that does not mandate for paid vacation time, and nearly a quarter of U.S. workers now go without any paid time off.[1] The one thing you can't get any more of in this life is your time on earth, so if you're unhappy with the amount of vacation time you're currently accruing, use aggressive strategies to get more.

Part 1

Part 1 of 2:

Earning Extra Vacation Time

  1. 1

    Work more. For most jobs that offer paid vacation, simply showing up to work helps you accrue vacation days. Though the specific rules will vary from business to business, usually, every day, week, or pay period worked will add a specific number of hours or days toward your total vacation time. For instance, in the U.S., it's common for an entry-level full-time employee to earn about two weeks (10 work days) of paid vacation per year. Assuming about 250 days of work per year (5 days per week × 52 weeks per year - 10 days for holidays), this means that each day worked earns about 1/25 (4%) of a paid vacation day.

    • As noted, however, vacation arrangements can vary greatly between jobs. For instance, some employers may grant all vacation days at the beginning of the year and allow the employee to use them as she pleases. Other jobs — especially part-time and "temp" jobs — may not allow for any paid vacation at all.
    • Note also that many employers choose to grant their employees "sick days" and/or "personal days" in addition to normal paid vacation time. These usually accrue at different rates than ordinary vacation days and are intended to be used for illnesses, moving, and other situations when the obligations of the employee's personal life interfere with his work commitment. However, it's common practice for employees to sometimes use these days for vacation time.
  2. 2

    If you're a new hire, finish your probationary period. Sometimes, employers require that a new employee works a certain length of time before he becomes eligible for benefits, including vacation time and other paid time off. If this is the case for your job, you'll need to finish your probationary period before you begin to earn paid vacation time — there isn't really a way around this.

    • Like an employee's benefits, the length of a new hire's probationary period can vary from company to company. For instance, some companies have probationary periods of three months, while others have probationary periods twice as long.[2]
    • It's also important to note that employers may place an employee on "probationary" status for disciplinary reasons. If this is the case for you, you'll need to work with your employer to fix the problems that caused your probation to start accruing vacation time once again.


  3. 3

    Stay with your company in the long haul. Usually, long-term employees are rewarded for their loyalty with additional vacation time. Working for the same company over many years can have other benefits, as well, including raises, recognition, and additional work flexibility. If you're a relatively new hire but you're happy with your current job, consider aiming for a few years of good work to start earning additional vacation time.

    • While vacation policies differ greatly between employers, on average, new hires in the U.S. earn about 14 days of paid vacation per year, while employees who have been working for more than 15 years earn about twice as much at 27 days per year.
  4. 4

    If you're allowed, buy more vacation time. Even with paid vacation time, it can be tricky to schedule a lengthy, refreshing break from work — sometimes, two weeks per year just doesn't cut it. For situations where employees need to take breaks longer than the amount of vacation time they have saved up, some employers allow their workers to buy additional time from other employees or the company itself. In these cases, the vacation time is almost always valued at the full value of the equivalent time worked — for instance, if you make $20 per hour, a full eight-hour day off of work would cost 8 × 20 = $160.

    • Note that, in these situations, the cost of the time off isn't usually paid as a lump sum. Instead, the cost is deducted in small amounts over a long period of time from the employee's regular paychecks.[3]
  5. 5

    Switch to full-time work if you are a temporary or part-time hire. Independent contractors, seasonal workers, and most other part-time or temporary ("temp") employees do not usually accrue vacation time, no matter how much they work. The logic behind this is that part-time workers have much greater flexibility in their hours than full-time workers, so they don't "need" as much vacation time. However, in reality, it's easy for a temp worker with one or more jobs to end up working long hours without accruing any sorts of benefits (including vacation time). If you're in this situation, try making the switch to full-time employment either by reworking your commitment at your current job or by finding new work.

    • If you're a temp worker and you're on good terms with your boss, you may want to cautiously try asking for enough work to qualify as full-time and start earning benefits. Note, however, that the prospects for temp workers can be slim in this regard — many temps have a difficult time making the transition to full-time work.[4]
  6. 6

    Make the most of other "time off" to save vacation time. As noted above, vacation days are often not the only type of paid leave offered by employers. Companies often offer a certain number of "sick days" and "personal days" per year for things like illnesses, moving days, and so on. While these often don't accumulate as rapidly as paid vacation days (for instance, some employers offer one sick day per month worked), you may want to use these to take breaks when possible to preserve your vacation time.[5]

    • Keep in mind that employers are also legally obligated to give you time off for certain types of important duties that are beyond your control. For instance, if you get a jury duty summons, most states have laws in place that require your employer to give you time off without requiring you to use your vacation days.[6] Similar protections are in place for members of the armed forces or reserves who have periodic military duties. However, these laws do not always require your employer to pay you for the time off.
    • In addition, many employers offer several days of paid bereavement leave when a close family member dies. However, this is often not mandated by law.
  7. 7

    Don't let your vacation time reach its "cap". Most workplaces have a "cap" on the amount of vacation time that can be accrued. This means that once you have a certain level of vacation time saved up (like, for instance, three weeks), you won't continue to earn more vacation time, no matter how much you work. You want every hour that you work to go towards more vacation time, so if you're about to "cap out" on vacation time, seriously consider taking time off.

    • Vacation caps vary between employers — in many states, the law is worded to allow employers to offer as high or as low of a cap as is "reasonable." However, many state and private agencies set minimum recommended amounts. For instance, in California, the CEA (California Employers Association) recommends a "cap" of at least 1.5 times the annual amount of vacation accrued per year.
  8. 8

    Be ready to negotiate. Like wages, health insurance, 401(k) accounts, and other benefits, an employee's vacation time is subject to negotiation — especially in the U.S., where there is no national mandate for paid vacation time. If you can't get the level of vacation time you want without specifically asking for it, ask for it. If your employer is willing to talk, you may be able to reach an agreement that's satisfactory for both of you.

    • However, it's worth noting that the strength of your bargaining position can vary greatly depending on your standing with your boss, the quality of your work, your current hours, the desirability of your skills, and more. In general, employees who are on good terms with their boss, who have a record of good work, and who have high-demand skills are more likely to fare well in negotiations.
    • If you've decided to negotiate with your employer (or potential employer), see the section below for helpful advice on getting the level of vacation that you want.
  9. 9

    If all else fails, look for a different job. If you're unable to get the amount of vacation time you need at your current job by using any of the strategies above, you may want to consider looking for other work. If you have a proven record of good work, highly sought-after skills, or both, there's a chance you may be able to secure a greater amount of paid vacation at a new job than at a current one.

    • Keep in mind, however, that when you leave a job you forfeit all of the paid vacation you've saved up for that job. About half of the fifty states have laws that require an employee to be paid for his unused time off when he quits or is fired.[7] If you don't live in one of these states, strongly consider taking your vacation before you quit.


Part 2

Part 2 of 2:

Asking for More Vacation Time

  1. 1

    Know the norms for vacation time in your field of work. One of the most important things an employee can take to the negotiating table is thorough knowledge of her field of work. Employers have an interest in keeping their wages and benefits competitive with their competitors — if they don't, they'll lose skilled employees to companies that are more generous. Before asking for more vacation time, do some research to find out the average amount of paid vacation time awarded to employees with jobs similar to yours in other countries. If you can prove that you're receiving less vacation time than is normal in your field, it will strengthen your bargaining position.

    • One great source of this information is the U.S. Department of Labor (specifically, its Bureau of Labor Statistics), which, among many other things, regularly publishes data on the sorts of benefits offered to employees in a variety of fields.[8]
  2. 2

    Aim high. When asking for vacation, it's a smart idea to ask for a little more than you actually want. This gives you plenty of room to negotiate — you may get what you ask for, but if your employer "pushes back", you're more likely to get the amount of vacation you actually wanted than if you had started with your original number. As long as your request isn't completely outlandish, it's unlikely that you'll damage your relationship with your boss by simply asking for the extra time.

  3. 3

    Bring examples of positive work to the negotiating table. For any sort of workplace negotiation, it's usually in your best interest to frame yourself as someone with a steady, dependable record of good work. Before you negotiate, take some time to review the work you've done recently and find a few examples of times when you've gone beyond your normal duties and done especially good work. If your employer is reluctant to give you the vacation time you want, you can bring these up to demonstrate your hard work and loyalty and claim that a little extra vacation will help you keep up your high-quality output.

    • Statistically, taking occasional vacation leave is good for most workers' productivity. Research has found that, if every worker in the U.S. were to take just one more day of vacation each year, the U.S. economy would create an estimated $73 billion in revenue from the additional productivity.[9]
  4. 4

    Mention the negative effects of not taking enough vacation time. Just as important as the work you've already done for you (if not more so) is the work you'll do in the future. Telling your employer that you need the time off to keep the quality of your work high (with the implication that not taking a vacation will leave you unable to do your job properly in the future) can help your boss understand the importance of giving you a break.

    • Again, science supports the idea that vacation time can help make you a better worker overall. Research has shown that vacation time is one of the most important ways to prevent "burnout" — a state of intense fatigue and dissatisfaction that leads to dramatically reduced productivity.
  5. 5

    Ask for big breaks far ahead of time. Would it be a good idea to tell your boss that you plan on taking a two-week vacation the day before you plan to leave? Unless you have an unusually generous manager, the odds are that it is not. For the same reason, you'll want to ask for major increases in your vacation benefits well in advance of when you'll actually need it. This gives you two benefits — not only does it make you appear more kind and thoughtful in the eyes of your employer, but also gives you a better bargaining position. Since you don't need the extra vacation time right away, it will be harder for your employer to force you to settle for the bare minimum.

  6. 6

    Be willing to give up a small amount of pay or other benefits. Every negotiation with your manager is a give-and-take. To get what you want, you may have to give something back to your employer. For instance, if you want the freedom to work from home on certain days as a sort of "semi-vacation," you may be asked to take a minor cut in your salary. It's up to you to work out an arrangement that's satisfactory for you and your employer.

    • As a very general rule, you'll never want to take a reduction in pay in exchange for vacation time that's equal to or greater than the amount of money you could have made from working during your vacation. Agreeing to this is against your financial interests — in effect, it's reducing your wages for no net benefit to you.
  7. 7

    Boost your chances with a job offer from a competitor. Perhaps the absolute best way to get what you want from your current employer is to prove that you can get it somewhere else. If you can get a job offer from another employer that includes the amount of vacation time you want, you win regardless of the outcome of your negotiations. There are one of two possibilities: your employer will either agree to give you the amount of vacation time you want, or you'll be able to leave for the other job (and get the amount of vacation time you want). Either way, you come out ahead, so don't be afraid to leverage this aggressive strategy if you can.

    • The problem with this strategy, unfortunately, is that it requires you to put in extra effort outside of work to get the job offer in the first place. This can be difficult, especially if you're already working long hours. Don't get discouraged — many business experts agree that being employed makes you more attractive to potential employers.[10] See our resume-writing and interview-prep articles for more information!
    • It goes without saying, but you definitely don't want to do your job-searching work on the company dime. If your employer finds out you're looking for other work, you run a major risk of being let go.


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      • Keep track of the vacation days you take throughout the year. Try to leave enough days available so you may take extra time off for holidays or special occasions.


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      • Don't be afraid to take unpaid vacation time for important events when all else fails. In the words of John Morrey, vice president of Expedia, "No one retires wishing they'd spent more time at their desk."


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      About this article

      How to Accrue Vacation Time (with Pictures) (31)

      Co-authored by:

      Elaine Lou Cartas

      Business & Career Coach

      This article was co-authored by Elaine Lou Cartas. Elaine Lou Cartas is an award-winning Business & Executive Career Coach and the CEO of Elaine Lou Coaching, based in Los Angeles, California. With over 10+ years of professional experience, Elaine guides women of color, and allies, who’ve established themselves in leadership and executive roles to create a holistic life so they can lead without sacrificing their well-being. She was awarded #1 Thought Leader by LA Weekly + Top 5 Business Coaches by Apple News for 2023. Her career advice has also been featured in Fobes, Business Insider, Money Magazine, and LinkedIn News. Elaine is also the host of the Color Your Dreams Podcast ( Elaine received her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology from the University of California, Irvine; and her Master's in Leadership and Management at the University of La Verne. This article has been viewed 144,594 times.

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      Co-authors: 11

      Updated: January 8, 2024


      Article SummaryX

      To accrue vacation time, become a full-time employee with the company, since this is one of the main requirements for earning vacation time. If you're a new employee, you usually have to finish a probationary period of 3 to 6 months first before you start accruing vacation. Try to remain with the same company in the long term, since loyal employees are often rewarded with additional vacation time. Find out if unused vacation days can be rolled over into the next year, which will help you build up even more time in the long run. For tips on approaching your boss about getting vacation time, read on!

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      How to Accrue Vacation Time (with Pictures) (2024)


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