The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (2024)

May 8, 2023 Craig Bowman

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (1)

Birth of Cheyenne

The Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne was a cutting-edge attack helicopter designed in the mid-1960s, a time when the United States was heavily involved in the Vietnam War. As the need for advanced air support grew, the US Army sought a capable, high-performance helicopter to replace the aging Bell AH-1 Cobra. In response, Lockheed Corporation submitted their ambitious AH-56 Cheyenne proposal in 1966, which featured a rigid rotor system, a pusher propeller, and a jet turbine engine for impressive speed and agility.

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (2)

Pioneering Design

The Cheyenne stood out among its contemporaries with its futuristic design. The aircraft featured a four-bladed rigid rotor system that provided stability and reduced vibrations, allowing for smooth and agile flight. The helicopter was powered by a General Electric T64-GE-16 turboshaft engine, which generated over 3,400 shaft horsepower, granting it exceptional speed and acceleration. The pusher propeller at the rear of the fuselage enabled the Cheyenne to achieve speeds of up to 245 mph, significantly faster than other helicopters of the era.

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (3)

Impressive Arsenal

The AH-56 Cheyenne boasted an array of advanced weaponry, including a nose-mounted 30mm XM140 automatic cannon and a belly turret housing a 7.62mm M134 minigun. For anti-tank purposes, the Cheyenne could carry up to twelve TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) missiles or Hellfire missiles. The aircraft’s advanced avionics allowed for impressive fire control, making it a formidable foe in the air.


Despite its groundbreaking design and capabilities, the Cheyenne project was fraught with setbacks. High development costs and continuous delays hindered the program, as did technical difficulties with the helicopter’s revolutionary rotor system. Moreover, interservice rivalry between the US Army and the US Air Force added fuel to the fire. The Air Force argued that the Cheyenne encroached upon their jurisdiction, leading to further tensions.

In 1972, the Department of Defense canceled the AH-56 Cheyenne program. The reasons for cancelling were multifaceted, including budget constraints, difficulties in development, and the Army’s decision to shift its focus to a more conventional helicopter design: the Hughes YAH-64 Apache.

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (4)

A Lingering Legacy

Despite never entering full-scale production, the AH-56 Cheyenne left an indelible mark on the world of helicopter design. Its innovative rigid rotor system, pusher propeller, and jet turbine engine laid the groundwork for future advancements in aviation technology. Moreover, its cutting-edge avionics and weapon systems influenced the development of subsequent attack helicopters, such as the AH-64 Apache and the Eurocopter Tiger.

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (5)

Cheyenne Revisited

In recent years, renewed interest in the Cheyenne has emerged, as some experts believe its cutting-edge design was ahead of its time. The aircraft’s speed, range, and agility still impress by today’s standards. The growing need for versatile and high-performance attack helicopters in modern warfare underscores the Cheyenne’s legacy, reminding us of the value of innovation and challenging conventional design.

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (6)

The Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne, a groundbreaking helicopter, held the potential to revolutionize air support and attack capabilities. Although it never reached full-scale production, its innovative design and advanced features made a lasting impact on aviation, paving the way for future advancements in helicopter technology.

  • Helicopters

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Planes Mentioned

🇺🇸 AH-56A Cheyenne

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (14)

🇺🇸 AH-56A Cheyenne

Manufacturer:Lockheed Martin
Type:Multirole Helicopter
Wingspan:50′2″ | 15.30m
Length:60′ | 18.30m
Height:13′9″ | 4.20m
Mass, max:8 tons 995 lbs. | 7709kg
Mass, empty:5 tons 1717 lbs. | 5315kg
Engine(s):General Electric T64-GE-16
Speed, max:253 miles/h | 407km/h
Operating range:870 miles | 1400km
Operating ceiling:26000ft. | 7925m

🇺🇸 AH-1F Cobra

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (16)

🇺🇸 AH-1F Cobra

Type:Multirole Helicopter
Wingspan:44′ | 13.42m
Length:52′12″ | 16.15m
Height:13′6″ | 4.11m
Mass, empty:3 tons 598 lbs. | 2993kg
Engine(s):General Electric T53-L-703
Speed, max:155 miles/h | 250km/h
Speed, cruising:141 miles/h | 227km/h
Operating range:304 miles | 490km
Operating ceiling:12204ft. | 3720m

🇺🇸 AH-64A Apache

The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (18)

🇺🇸 AH-64A Apache

Manufacturer:McDonnell Douglas
Type:Multirole Helicopter
Wingspan:47′12″ | 14.63m
Length:58′2″ | 17.73m
Height:15′3″ | 4.64m
Mass, max:10 tons 999 lbs. | 9525kg
Mass, empty:5 tons 1386 lbs. | 5165kg
Engine(s):General Electric T700-GE-701C x 2
Power:2 х 1825hp
Speed, max:182 miles/h | 293km/h
Speed, cruising:173 miles/h | 279km/h
Operating range:1181 miles | 1900km
Operating ceiling:20997ft. | 6400m

🇪🇺 PAH-2 Tiger

🇪🇺 PAH-2 Tiger

Type:Multirole Helicopter
Wingspan:42′8″ | 13.00m
Length:45′11″ | 14.00m
Height:12′6″ | 3.81m
Mass, max:6 tons 1227 lbs. | 6000kg
Mass, empty:3 tons 1275 lbs. | 3300kg
Engine(s):MTU/Turbomeca/Rolls-Royce MTR 390 x 2
Power:2 x 1187hp
Speed, max:174 miles/h | 280km/h
Speed, cruising:155 miles/h | 250km/h
Operating range:497 miles | 800km
Operating ceiling:11482ft. | 3500m

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The AH-56 Cheyenne: Perhaps The Best Attack Helicopter Ever Made - Jets ’n’ Props (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.