The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

)h3 Standard-Union Gains Friends Wherever It Goes." ADVERTISING I 4 ft oLSS A Lx jl isr. A- Sa'- XX 1 1 IS THE STAKDARD-BlilOH AltcayM Irtyt UrfL I BROOKLYN. SATURDAY. AUGUST PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS VOL.


tm tte Dmele Of A. IleesaM He Threw Condensed Milk at the Landlady Head. James OConnor, with his head bandaged up A TRAMP'S KIT, In WiicN Ea Carried Ea Prcfca-tlozal FArapLcrcalia. and two blackened eyes, told U3tice Goetting tO 1)8 3Hor0 SsnOHSly Prolonged Given to Many by the New Elixir. Than was Suppose i.

a twin vi nM ta tiitfl MAiAta. Mwh, Auc Hrarf Cs4 IHt 5iwm LmJtrn, Jty r. sa4 a to tratnwsrwl turn that to l4HO Um t. v-. Ji t.a.

La was tre-ssarer ot Ua ui wi rwWssI l.ton far dw Ha wtfffi Stour kft a tow tor More to id and atVoruttoy aid nwstoi aal wu to Wv oi kto sei Is ttorv tn tb stow to hi rtiv bUure braving hut tow sub mImthm to rt ran tutors tra srasur eg tn Mirk, sal wi iw ura wwrf trank Urarv ar rvtwiMUsnn tug 0 the pwruerr. toag ULkll SEASIDE HUME FOE CE1LDEEM, Farther AektoviMtcmenl of Receipt by Traunrr Wood. The Seaside Home for Children, at Coney Island, acknowledges subscriptions as follows; Moffatt $5, Frederick Loeser $50. In His Name $5, Milton and Richard $10, Robbia and Willie Manning $5, A. W.

J. Webb, $5, John Bonce $10, A. D. Matthews $5, Per St. Aims Church Collected by Mies Hail-r, Mrs.

Col. John Hamilton, $3. Per Memorial Presbyterian Church K. B. $3.

Per First Presbyterian Church Robe rt fleeter Hall, $2. Per 8k Lakes Church Miss E. Wesener Per A T. Btront F. A- Pei las $5, Mark Hoyt $25, M.

Fraser Bolen $5, Mrs. Maria A. Knight $5. C. D.

Burnett $3, J. Hairy Anderson $5. Kings Daughters Church of the Good hneoberd $5, K. W. Ropes $5.

Earthen Vessels Circle of Kings Daughters $16, Childrens Friend $3, Edward Bndgra $10, Dr. Georgia A. Gaaaidv Edith at Waiton Cottage, Morristown. N. $5.

Total, $-1)0. Emma Mandril, a yoang domeettc, wfeo Btd yeeterdav waa tn toe employ of O. W. Wedekind, of 14 Woodbine atfsat we a prisoner ti tbe Lee arrow police court today charged wub theft. Mr.

Wedekind told Jutsoe that tbe girijbtad been in hue employ for eorne tune pest Yeeterday an expreei wage drove np to tbe boose, end tbe torrent Vki bim to go upstairs and pH bar trank. Yt ben Mr. iVedeeind enkod far an exntaoaU'm toe girl toH bar toafc be bad determined to take a tnp into tbe country. Tbe wpraMiea was ordered to Were tbe trunk end a srerrfe of several cheat showed tbat a lot of ulk drew and other feminine apparel wa tntmmg. it be a policeman.

50 was tben called ia, opened toe trunk toe cmg garments wer found in U. Tbe god held for examine un to-day in the Lee avenue court tbat James Mead had viciously assaulted him. Mead was present as a prisoner. So was his sister, Mrs. Mary Rush, of 71 Grand avenue.

Mrs. Rushs head had a big cut on it. She complained that O'Connor bad split open her scalp with can of condensed milk. She told the Justice this story about the row; For four weeks OConnor, who was one of her boarders, was unable to meet bis bills and in addition made a point of borrowing a dollar or two each week on promises that he would secure work. The other day he demanded money, and when it was refused hurled a can of milk at the womans head.

When Mead beard of the affair he sought out OConnor and chastised him. Both men were held in $500 bonds for examination. Born in the Streets. While Mrs. Lena Van Orton was on her way home at 149 Frost street Wednesday morning last she gave birth to a girl baby at the corner of Berry and South Fifth streets.

An ambulance surgeon hurried the woman to the Eastern District Hospital, where Nurse Murphy says mother and child are doing finely. a Dtrtan i AtKixT of ds to Iasi ill ram twapanu, a ew UUe of uu Hrvwnth ward, cane torn JusUua Fvta worainr sad herawi to a ruprtmwa 1 for hnty la to durharr of kus datura. A tow tors ag Kmiwu iumxi re4 to a dmciira warnsn ora Mi Krat a rwti if to wra in ward. Tto wurrmat, vhra usairal. pm nj to bs minus lew ofton I raguwtrar aa? era-tora 4vraxsiM towng u.

Jawucra ru rirartsra of burayraera ta orarV, artih Uw siwtod rmt Dental Aiee, BakaToos, N. Ang. 1 CL Tbe American Dratai Association yesterday etectoi to fallowing officer: redden M. W. Foster, Baltimore; First.

Vice-President, Dr. A. W. Harlan; Beoood Tkee-Pretoient, J. D.

Ptrtiw-s; Recording Hecretary, lorg FL CueHing; Corr WHpd mg Secretary. Fred. Levy; Treasurer, A- LL rallrr; Kxernti Dm Fsrry, Walker and Guilford, A CsHism Charwtw PIckad Yw twday im Poplar Mrsnka lagliak Oui-and-Onirr bo Tttre4ad be Pobcs with tb Wrath lb BHiUh Cuesaj Officer Cantwvll, of tb Bseoal prertnet bud nifct found man wbo waa (ri Wring, tb rvmdeat of Ifaplar atotuk bv pM mg aayw-tonouily tn at to has brought to tb staUod, proved a dHhtul ctarsrtu tody, and tba offkwr fannd tout bad toad rare catch. was tall, spare man, wi to a beard whsrh grew ta toft. Aa antiquated straw hat crowned a nsiVi of dark hair.

Ha OoCb war in fair jini vaisnu.aad on exaoa-inatiun waa found to arsartng two pairs of trios n. euraf with tom a assdb which fcaiag opeewd, fiiresiis I eimaaferuhV nqrae erea to to veteran of Th only poautna nama for httapnf kit. A tin ceo, a knifa, pwoae ef citt saf snicaa of doming worn nts4 In with a RKiipWti outfit of Uir awdbt, pea and a murvliaBy of tnnkata, eorh aa might of ton awJsd for odd makeuhtfla by a mat-boot, five ba nama a John Goodwin, and ennfraasd to being a profet mil tramps la hia pnrhet wna ftmnd a ciuyag fnaa aa Alimay nvwapuper dracrtbtng a murder in Heytrak, Mam, and tolling of (be arm 4 tb auppkwwl BuirtWw Tb mihfn wnswad of to roods casuiwi th OMiartin of bemg th pm niimtod to a th nwOew tot sisti, 4wd i Una awr sew kMsvtind m4 uiy mtolbcwnt Iwbwlnni, and mod a grvui tbuw uiit.grsuai liae Umi nr justiy 41101 Hr aaed fa a Bnun Michael J. Dady Says That Ernst Nathan is Appointed. Tha Commission Said to Hare Bean Made out Before President Harrison Left Washington Mr.

Everett Re tirement and its Consequences. Michael J. Dady, who recently returned from Washington, is authority for the statement that the coramiefion of Ernst Nathan as Collector of Internal Revenue for this district was made out aod signed before President Harrison left Washington, and that George W. Lyon, of New York, had been appointed Surveyor of the Port. I have the best of reasons for believing," said Mr.

Dady, that Nathan and Lyon have been appointed." How about Willis! I dont know anything about Willis prospects. but I hope that the entire original slate has been adhered to. That would mean harmony and success in November." Mr, Dady has the reputation of keeping bis yes open in politics and his deliverances are looked forward to with interest when he reurns from Washington. The exodus of local statesmen that marks every Saturday during the warm spell was arger to-day than usual. At the Nathan headquarters there was not even one politician of consequence.

At Republican Headquarters in Montague street Patronage Clerk David Watkins closed up the bureau at 13 and did not return Until late in the afternoon. The retirement of Elisha T. Everett from the race for a deputy collect) rship in the New York Custom House will undoubtedly smooth matters for Caudidafcs C. Kncbenbecker and Goorge Kenneth, who arc backed by vbe organization. Mr.

Everett retirement is due in a meisure, it ii said, to a doeire to make matters more aerure for these gentlemen. It was not expected that the three places. would cnme to this county, but the Republicans of Brooklyn feel that they are entitled to two, and will demaud that number. Clarence A. Bnrow is the organization candidate for Assistant- Appraiser, and his friends re confident that be will be appointed.

Mr. Barrow is Socretary of the General Com nuttee and an excellent official he is. Examinations In the Postal Department. The examinations of candidates for carriers, clerks and messengers in tbe Postal Department was concluded to-day. Tbe examinations were held in Public School 49, under the supervision of A.

T. Sullivan, Chairman of tbe Poet Office Civil Service Commission. There were 240 candidates for tbe position of carriers and 175 for the position of darks and messengers. NEW QUARTERS For the Officers and Clerks of the 'Bridge. S0UTII0LD.

THEY OBJECT. ROYS IN BLUE Who Do Not Properly Guard the Peace. Intereating Kxperlmenta With Dev Btows-geqesnrs Discovery Made at Different Points With Moat Satisfactory ReaolUk Cutilass, Aug. 10. Dr.

H. T. Biggar yesterday conducted a aerka of experiment at the Huron Street Hospital with the recently discovered elixir of hfa, which be prepared ao-oording to tba directions given by Dr. Brown Sequent. Tbe persona operated syoo, six in number, ranged in physical cooditioa from a decrepit old man to a man in foil strength and vigor, and all exc-pt the latter are afflicted with ill-health.

The fluid was prepared by Dr. Biggmr Just prior to its administration, and tbe utmost care taken with tbe instruments that they should be entirely dean. When the Doctor had fimabai the experiments ou others be injected is of the fluid into his own arm. and also into the arm ot ooe of tha other physicians pre-cut. When a reporter called at Ir.

Biggars office after be bad left the hospital be found tne pbTaimaa busy In the preparation of an elixir wiuch be intends to nae In a scries of experiments on women. The doctor says that be will pass an opinion cm the eJinr a day or two. CCTCimiATt, Aug. 10. Dr.

Longfellow, who experimented on Thursday on twalv parsons with the Brown-Bequard elixir of life, says that ooe of them, an akieriy woman, reported yesterday morning exoalleot results; that an okl man, afflicted with rbcomntaun, reported his ailment about gnna, and that no particular result was felt by the cither ten. who were mostly young and vigorous. Yesterday hr experimented on eight people, ranging in aga from 'Ai years to about Gu years Of these fouf were women and four were man. It yet too eartv to report results. lsDUiarous, lad.

Aok. la Bubcs an apparently successful experiment with the Browu-Sequartl elmr upon nab A. Clarke lost week, no fewer than tW-nty-fire enfeebled and infirm old men in Indianapolis fear appHfld to pbyneuuis Iter fur mjerthom tne yubrtunce, god 11 ar now oiuierfroinx tit first effect of It with rirno; mini-testation. Four patient of Dr. Waod-burn, who were each given Injections of SO drop, har boon doings tiling that ttof bar bmtotire bwn suable to do for year.

Ooe men reed a oewspapee tn twilight without BpectbCiH, which be befl not done before for ten ywti A com mere il traveler declared that afforded bun relief from cbnxuc ptnnl troabiek Dr. Punnem, who experimented upon tb man Clarice with ocfa soocee yesturoij, ad ministered tbe injection to eight person, ax of whom are prominent in boamem, who were avene to baring their name made public. Each was given talirtj drope of the elixir. A Court of Inquiry Appointed to Fix the Responsibility Tor the Accident Movements of the Atlanta The Yorktown. It is stated at the Navy Yard that the damage sustained by the Boston, by bar recent accident in Nearport Harbor, is much mors serious than has lately been supposed.

ot only was a great plate, 14x10 feet, torn almost off her bottom, bnt some of the iron frames of the bull bare been bent, and will probably bare to be taken out. Then, too, a large number of rivets ware started and the vessel received a genera shaking up, which may have damaged bur considerably. The full extent of her injuries cannot be correctly estimated, however, until the official survey has bsea concluded and this, in all likelihood, will not occur for several days yet, since the survey cannot commence work until the vessel is pot into tbe dry doer, which will not occur until tbe Chicago has gone in and come out. In the meantime, however, a Coart of Inquire has been appointed to examine into the circ*mstances attending the accident and to fix tbe responsibility for the accident, if any. If it be found that the accident was due to carelessness on the part of any of the officers, a court-martial will inevitably follow.

Tbe Court of Inquiry, which consists of Capts. N. A. Kirk land, J. W.

MUler and Joan A. Howell, with Lieut. J. A. Nichols as Judge Advocate, and which will meet in New York next Tuesday, is given the unusual pdwer of suggesting its report whether or not it is expedient to take any further steps in the matter.

The usual coarse is for the court to report tbe fact leaving tbe Secretary of Uu Navy to deter-mine whether or not any further action is necessary. Plans in relation to tbe Atalanta have been changed. Instead of returning immediately to tbe Nary Yard for coal sbe is engaged target practice at Gardner1 Bay. Commodore Ramsay is unable at present to give any information as to when she will arrive at tbe Yard. Past Assistant Engineer W.

N. Little has been ordered from duty on 'board the Galena to duty at the Naval Academy, and bis place will be filled by Assistant Engineer Joeiab 8. McKean. 1 he changes will not take place until Atie. la.

Work has at Inst been begun on the Essex. Work on toe Brooklyn was begun some tune ago. Tbe Yorktown is still coaling, but Crank. Miller thinks tbat sbe will be ready for sea Dy tomgbt. SUNDAY GAMES.

History of the Oldest Town in New York State. The Brochljn ini Utica Elentsi Ral oii Ccmpmles, They Bay That tha Have and FiftlMh Cstsbrsml Net I The Removal Taking Plaoe To-day-A Description of the New Building and the Advantages Gained by the It Two Handred niveraary to Aa as. 1 ia Falsi Oat look. of Certiorari of the Direct tag a Itrviewal ia pKisuRgoe ciue lievuUlfa tort Justice fVCtiwwun, this ttammg. ('barge id vagraary, and a UirMts if wtunK th Rrltiah Cwel to be sr Hil to th Itotousf? fr msiM, tor to wrt) hsw tpkwrimoti to isu tone eg has Ison prw wn ma ta ovi ihrtMuik totoa a rai kmght.

ltd lioh lira toUto of tha Eng oh ruMi of errmat aauatwrer Bum hold, Buffulk County. the ckirat lisa ia the Btasa Tfurereo people isa. osar frost Knglaaii aod taoOed a Halkirk PissL It waa thus oaliel because Fetor Halkirk wa tbe first man to jump Mtxce. Tbe ianr odists of the tbtrtwo ma am to bs fawn la to town, to nUod, tb Bum, and to nUo. Tb purchaosof ttontookf wmm mad from to Indians aa early as Aagust, HH0, by i Colony of uUshmaii from Kiwo, led by to Rev.

John Yoanr. Toaogv erpuHSrd to first ctiurrta tPrwfcybnsn) tn Uriutw, 1640, oa aliw to-ly. Tb co*kmy grw in trmctoaad In a few yara wa wli mtatr lbi, lbarlv rvoard of to town ara foil of in-and toe old burying ground contains Cwt, to I sk rad tto hr41i a Orrtraf Hiilrai Gtt fstM bsr vJ at taitonf tbs Uraiif Drvsnd toJ- road Oratpraay I rwgrard to toe wraa ent 4 nrai nrar yraperty hr lb fiarf cf Awwn Ttm maraing Lawyer W. (arnr ob-i katirad CTj radg BarUcrat, In Ura fMrrawe Dart, na cf ralravsn toe tw- era-iraratoa cedwnpg a roes ral if toe neranrau Th VsrfKjn LrvsH fAinai t-raaay tiatms ra It psiu Ural to A wp overtaxed tbrsr vraatira by Ura asraosuel ut Submarine Wr Boat. Madrid, Aug.

10. It is officially stated that the Government wilt adopt submarine torpedo vessels for the Spanish navy, experiments with the system having been successful. BS. Vratrt n's A Uiwaara. Th gttiseth ssssai psrmto aad Ineh national gams of Indnd 5a of Ura latrtrkh Allranr of Aawrvra w.U brad at Itidgewoud Park A rag Sis.

1 IIOEFLE FREE. CITY HALL NEWS. FULLERTON. fl bin i js ffiftw-w fir hau ivr traera 4 1 ii wtomee to eawra nmt stois i $1 am T'S he4 va jrrwl Lurral hr Itsatoi "ra trtemn mJ at ft 6 ft retow i ti. 1 Id taw rpmi i toe Ae tov tasrat rat Ti.i Tbm vrut are reSarraetJe era a eve i to irasimr wfil tw irgsd ia toe ttereene The Partner of President Allen Discharged This Morning, tba Soldien aud Sailort (JoinmiMion WiH Do.

Large Number of Derelict Policemen Hauled Over by Commissioner Bell The Caae of Officer Doyle, Which the Commissioner Considered Worse Than Drunkenness. The trial of delinquent police officer before Commissioner Bell continued until a late boor yesterday afternoon, and forty-two cases in all were disposed of. Most of them were charge of intoxication, ot which there teemed no end among the blue-coated guardians ot the peace. Policeman John F. Hare, of Capt.

Murphys Gowanus precinct, has only been three months on the force, yet be was called up yesterday to answer to three speciSc charges, (Hie for failing to relieve an officer at midnight, as was his duty; another for being absent from his post and a third lor using abusive language. Hare had tailed to relieve a fellow officer one night, and Roundsman Doyle was sent out to investigate Doyle met Hare on the street near his post and interrogated him concerning his delinquency. Hare became abusive, and Doyle, seeing tbat ttj nc be was under the influence of liquor, left him LX-JudgO JJaVlS JJetllieS tllQ after ordering him to return to his duty. He returned to the station and reported to Sergeant Clayton, who ordered Doyle to go back and arrest Hare. Tbe roundsman went back, but found that Hare had left his post and gone home.

When Commissioner Bell heard the case he waxed and aked Roundsman Doyle why be had not arrested Hare when he first found him drank. Doyle replied that he was not so drunk as to be incapacitated lor duty. Hare was fined fifteen days pay, Which, coming on top of a weeks suspension, makes bis little break an expensive one. Hi only reply to tbe charges was tbat be bad a very sick child at home, and was so worried tbat he could not think calmly. Roundsman Doyle was theo arraigned for failing to arrest Hare when ordered to do so.

Commissioner Bell said that it was an act of insubordination, which in bis eyes was worse than drunkenness. He told Dovie that he was altogether too jood-uatured and lenient, aud tbat be should save -promptly placed Hare under arrest. Doyle was then fined three days pay. Patrolman E. J.

Fullro, of tbe Eleventh precinct, came up, and, reply to a charge of eing twice drunk and withm two days, said that be had felt ill and taken the hqnor medicinally. Tbe Commissioner fined him fifteen days pay and warned him that a repetition of the offense would bring about bis dismissal. Michael J. Harper, of the Twelfth precinct, bad a chage ot druukenuoss against him and several other charges, one of which was for failing to make an arrest when ordered to do so. He was fined thirteen days pay.

Patrolman Joseoh Costello, of the Fourteenth precinct, was fiaed nine days pay for getting drunk and going home. Bernard J. leroay, of the Tweif tb precinct, was fined two days pay for being absent with-ont leave for a day and a half. John Wakely, of tbe Eleventh, will be out two days' pay for being off his post. The other casss were dismissed ar disposed of with a rep- Whtle Ex-Judge George G.

Reynolds Declares That Sunday Ball-Playing Should be Stopped It la Not Work of Necessity. Ex-Judge Noan Davis baa written tbe following letter regarding the playing of baseball on Sunday and Sabbath breaking to Secretary J. L. Mitchell, of the Sunday Observance Association: '3 Fiu Sturt. Nw Tong Citt, Aug.

7, 1889. Im MUchtll, Keg. Mr Dbab Hib, Ichavs received your note of yesterday a-king me if there he any decisions of the courts to the effect that ball playing on Sunday it not illegal, bnt allowable if it does not actually intertere with pnblic worship. know of no such decision. No sucb decision could be made without utter disregard by tbe court of tbe plain provisions of tbe Penal Coda against Sabbath breaking.

Sabbath breaking is by the PeDal Code declared to be a misdemeanor and by Rectum 285: All shootinz. hunting: fishing, playing, bone raring, gaming, or other pnblic sports, exercises or shows, upon tbe first day of the week, and all noise mstnrbmg tbe peace of the dav are prohibited. Certain works of necessity may be pertormed on that day if done in usual ani orderly manner, as not to interfere with tbe repose and religions iibet ty tbe community. But no such exception made in favor of any of the acta or things mentioned in the 2C5th section. Playiog ball is certainly not a work of necessity; aod tbe law against such playing on Sunday is absolute and without exception just as it against hunting, borsa racing or other exercises or shows mentioned in the section.

think there can be no doubt whatever tbat playing is forbidden by tne statute, and that all who in it commit Everything has been bustle and activity in the region of tbe Bridge headquarter on Sands street arias the past few days in aequsnoe of tbe removal ot tbe safes, papers aud more important article of furniture used by the Bridge clerk and officials to the new quarters, at tba corner ot Washington and Nassau streets, which, by toe judicious expenditure of little (10,000 baa been changed from its condition aa a private dwelling into a commodious fireproof bailding, eminently fitted for the proper transaction of the official business of the gigantic thoroughfare which form tha connecting link between the twin dtue of Brooklyn and New York. Tbe building, which formerly belonged to Health Commissi oner Dr. Andrew Otterson, la a large tbree-etos, '(one and brick structure, and is eaid to be one of the most perfectly plumbed in the city. The trustees have added a large extension to tbe peer which rises to tbe full belghth of the third story and have rendered tbe bailding perfectly fireproof through- 1 out. AU of the rooms ere finished in hard wood, and the plastering baa been replaced and whitened wherever necessary, the entire Trails and ceiling of the police office in the basem*nt being composed of hard wood wainseoating.

Tbe floors of all the offioes have been carpeted with linoleum, and everything has been arranged with an eye to the most perfect order and economy. Tbe police office in tbe bseniunnt la large and commodious, though it la dark; bnt aa one or two new srtndowa are to be cut throngb the wall, it will eoan have all the Usht tbat nwded or dosiaed. It is divided into a large room where the prisoners will be brought, a private room for the captain and a master room, containing fifty looser-, foe the officers. The first floor contains tbe trustees Voren aod the presidente office; the second, Mr. Martin private office, and the third, offices for Mr.

Frobasco and the draaghmnen. Tba enure rear extension will be occupied by the officers who attend to tbe routine btmoere of the Bridge. beneath the extension has been built a large fire and burglar proof vault lined with iron and having an iron partition between tbe rows of bricks. In this will be stored tbe Bridge tickets, tbe most important doca meats, tbe papers of leaser Importance being placed tn specially contrived rece places in various parte of tbe bailding. As heretofore, no prisoner will be detained at tbe Bridge police station.

New York prisoners will he taken to tbe Oak street station, tbat city, and Brooklyn prisoners to tbe beoond precinct station here, this arrangement having been foond on neb more convenient and effective. President Howell, Chief Engineer Martin, Becretarv Beam and all the Bridge official and clerks seem great It pleased with tneir banding, and are glad to get away from tbe nnbeoltby, cramped accommodations of the okl quartet. The Companys Lawyer Failed to Find Specific Charges and No One Else Had Anything to. Say Held As Wit 1 1 new Against Allen. The large examination room at the Tombs Police Court in New York was jammed al-1 most to suffocation this morning by railroad 5 officials, bank presidents, brokers and mer-5- chants, who had come to ascertain if Ferdi 4 non 1 Hoefle could be proven to be the accomplice of Eben 8.

Allen, the late president of the "Green Line" Street Railroad, who had enriched himself $103,000 by issuing false stock of the company. Civil 1 i tree, mm I a te Theodore Tilton a Counsel Employed By Flack. Tha Tammany 8br Iff Officially Hotlfltfl That Hia Will Proposes to Ask lor tbo Bsopealst of tha A listed lasd-lent Divuroa Judge Bookrtavsr said this noraiugi No farther application baa bean made to ms ia tha Flaok-divaroe cam During tha morning a dark from tha files ot Tarts, Ornate fit Beaman, tha rniinml for Mrs. Flack, mm pared with Clerk Jarvfc, Jr dark of tha mart, tha enpy that ha bad made of tha testimony ia IN vase, and obtained a certificate that It was a correct copy. At noon It wsa announced officially that tba Sheriff had retained ex-J office Fullartna to represent him in the proceedings which are likely to be held in tha courts.

They were la consultation at 13 oclock. Notice of an application for a reopening of tha divorce case wna asrvad no Mr. Flack Una morning by bn. Flack's oounrri. i t-e sji -v efraea It as trm In i Ira wsra turf lrai rairi 4 Justice Peter H.

Mitchell and J. L. Waters u1 Frobabta fjtrfy Coen name em nf 1 ta or nsi lbs Msraorlal Arris Tie dowfliu Cararat Oran ns bra tow 5iv fttntldlngs f.w tb Week. It Is npnrbtt tbat lira bAlim ard fWUms Oramii, wbenb neraa nst Tarartay, wfil get nrtl very a work on Ura Meravirai Arch. Th eraUr ifipropmuas of LragUlatwr.

is avraiWbbe. Ura Coraratra are In etr bar and all wiU prof hi prvwmt invyl AW 4twi M'i'trtf. whole aaia at Hmkgt TWW first bas tram wdl bs to dsrsfc lina modtfiraUosra of to smytol rtign. If dee weed bsifshb. by snnb wcgwraiwra wi II there mndra.

5ft will f.ilto toe pretro-tkin of plant and anVsU ns and raJrwt vein far pr-yvrasle tn Ura wort Thw in ms ai frarp srluy ehuald at be begun befnr th rtiw of th year Tb yratk baa been rtoil a to would fnikvw If th prraent (brnunwi ('arrafi OwrIbms sbonld fayrvt is Umr cf rtwip the canal Who wttid rtea Ml Aim mv that, besog a arm rf Ura sew, it ti eahr to jnrtatlKyara of tba 5ad. Asntbv qaratora if snwra mi wond he lira onto 4 lira reran avrone storm Sewer It wifi bar to rbnngwi tr amra nfira piece Permits were vmitMi v-ur to A. fiiirwir A (a. few to lomirsnK of ro 1mr Snn brvt arrarunmi ho*ra erwf of Kavi i eraura and M- lmtai street. -ti to M.

kturrfcek to baud tore I'pr sort tries boil'iings, Hevvwth sevran Mr herkewv fkm, Tm petty rewvt nf pcvaiilt ar new tmHinii shows thulT to rwi end to same if frai total, fi.OtfL maav a auto tout will ptoae in lAUqoaruia. Tbr ar a eumbnr of olj biw ia to villas, on branng tbs dato of 1647. Maav of ura drraxraitaoU of Uw original toUU-rs ufl ratio in tb town, homnral among Umms rut David P. Horton, wbo nrator os Ura original bora fat of tus aoovior, baraatra Hurwra. OftustooraiiDUni tb anginal uurtwe wra-tW ar thm Tarrya, ivauorka, TeibiUa, 14 iitora and ti uatinn (Hd pran-t of forminrv and relic ratora tiratr bomra Henry TuUuU the owner of a rralh Urat bras Imra tn family over two bamlrvd yaarv lksokl PreaUtytortaa tiomb Is bat In toot thorough rvpair.

On vry strert aa 1 cuuntr? roai ar to tra aea kmiM wuh weratnar bsratea dmvM sdc and dnratto Ann, rtnmsnlfi of to oklra Uinra lb main strvwi of UravlUaa ia war a ania lurag. Maradad bv tree of Burs tbaa a bamirvd year growth. Tl old boua before iKMiUotrl, traill 1647, bas rvrwnlljr bean maurwl bv srairarrip-tioo, and will bs prawrveo a krag as poraiiea as raraof tb Iraodmarits of tba town. Three is not a mraanfrartrarrag ip ter rat fas tba fdram. but Ura farms ar snwrptieel by any In Ura Huts.

They rare k4 prtol or showing tb eoon and prrappvitv of fariwit Tb reads srotroi sural ralraot fea village, aod toUra Knmd rltfff, art (rkoUi nod hard ami well slra ini aod lira hcaaiHta- be, ani there Is not a town on tb island that can boast af th to lent, both literary aod tow serai. Urat HnothoM era. In tb niiay thws ar mraay baivtwwn rraratoorra owtrai bv Nw York and Hrookljn pato wbo raamer tbrra Tntosnraau Umv are a Irarg pamti-r of people eummarlng to tn Tillage. Mm Harry La. tomirnaa and daarhters.

Mm Dunne, Mas Jewic Dusms Mrs. Toomra Gtb-PV, Jams ksiMiief aod Jam hurra, of New York, ar gursts as Jueepa H. Tbocop-sno'a. John A. Owuua and sister, nf Green po inf Alexander Moor, Wilham Mtxwv and sora, Tbomra Joy oa, wif and suo, and Mr.

Pavna and daughter, of Nv York, ar gamia at F. Jewel a. Mm Jeonra Agnew. of Rlvendde I'ark, New Yore, ta Uw guest of Mrs, W. A.

1niKra. Jacob Mevr, Adam Gaffga and Iftsa Anralia Gsffga, of ew York City, rare summering at Hunry leaffgah. Mm A. L. Haftpr, ot Kew York City, Is st 1 Georg hnotb a J.

AUwH Hells and William 1L Wells, with tbrw (am dies, of Brooklyn, are at ti Lhrker-sorah. Next Wedmwdnv wooing. Ag. 14, there wilt be a rumti of ail former tirenie of ttra boatboki Acadesnv, at Ura Aosiraijr. bwr of tba former principal, tba ha.

James K. Kobtrwnra. Oo Ang. tl tha Wickham fsrafiy. many of wbom ar rrahub of th tow of bwttokl, wfil have a reunion at tb rwudeac of ive)-mtn F.

Erwav, nr Peach Orchard Landing, oa Seneca Laka, N. Y. Oo toe lf Ik and 2Mh of Aoaust a Dairy Couforvoe will be Id toe ihmwxan Tow Hall, with Cx4. Cortra, of to tUat Detry Aj nmUon. as iiroi msor.

Tb bne rrraarar of Char Ms W. Wircham will plan cf meeting and tbrrm of iwr eii cotp pared with that of native herds, batiw will ba Prad in Ura pr of Ura sracuby, lUustratmg the woni of tb torturer. 1 a farmers with their families may bav a day of reemettoo and iho memra valosbto tnstmr-tiou bow to make good butter and prepare it for market, grmtra. Tba 25dth anniversary of th town wtH bs celebrated next August C'barlra B. of New York, and Grau Htawart Woodiurd of Brooklyn, snfi ba amoog Ura praters.

I a of is is I ball persons engage a misdemeanor punisnsble as prescribed by Section 260 of the Penal Cole, as amended Jane A 18e7 tbat is, by fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of tha coart. I am, very truly yonrs, Noah Davis. Ex-Jndgo George G. Reynolds bas also sent to Mr. Mitchell a letter in which he says: It seems entirely unnecessary and almost presumption for me to add my concurrence to the letter of Judge Da vn in regard to tbe illegality of Sunday ball playing, bnt as yon request it, I freely say I dont sea how there can be any doubt tbat the practice is a violation ef our Penal Statute and, also, that upon very consideration of public morals and decency, it ought to be stopped.

OBITUARY. nmand. SECRETARY TRACT Brighton Baeh Ktrie Mraraday. First Race Bix and a half furlongs, be ton horses; Bruaaella, Monsoon. Cracksman, Fomerry Bee, Forest King, Utile Barefoot, lady Winkle, Queen Haiti, Iceberg, Lady Archer, 100 each.

6ecood Race Bra too horses, allowances, one and one-sixteenth miles; BHmLim, 134; Falcon, 122; Mis Cody, 100; Fooae, 103; Wagram, 102. Third Race Beaten bones, aUowaoora three-quarters of a mile, for two-yvrar-olds; Gregory, 12R; Beelare, 125; Cortland, US; Tara Mia, 115; Fannie J.t 115; Mischief, 110; Pandora, 110; Emetie filly, 110. Fourth Race Babylon Heodicnp, one and one-eighth mile; George Oyster, 125; Bene-diction, 125; Tattler, 112; Brian Bora, 1 IS; Aurmnia, 110; Wilfred, 108; Freedom. 105; Ten Booker, 10S; Mis Cody, 05; Glory, 95. Fifth Race One mile; peed well, 122; Sparling.

Ill; Supervisor, 109; Oleosprvv, 100; Tnfler, 107: Mary 107; Ernest. 104; The Bourbon, 104; Borfcvtnoe, 104; Bill Bnm. 104; Henry George, 104; KingamaBa, li4- King Idle, 104: Gardner, 101; Bordeiaue. 99; Table, Sixth Race Hteeplectmaa. abort oonrae Maj.

Pickett, 160; VoUtgear, 156; Monte Cnsto, 1H; KUlarney, 144; Grattan (for Top of Morning), 341; Wellington, IS: Jester, 134; baadford, 130. BACK TO LIFE. Obeev vaee hi mpm Cwtv. A puldir nraeiiftff iwhi tbs iwncra of tb Kings lafijuraisycqatra Hsfkhf (trarv-an os AsavnaUows Will hH to wwwrow wrara tag ta Ura CbwrrW ti Jamrawaa. being a wnvon nrattaf of that drrti, the Motbrirf aod Rcfonnd Cbamta Iww Hratnrte.

Prrawwi of th Jsmaioa Mb-dav Otraravaons Awvito. wnl rdt A-ra wfil Ira nit tf to Kra lr AvU of New Jravev, Ura R-v. Anfter (brav rt tisra ntv, aai frscit ra, Iraq, wow I is Ctra New urk Kjrrafy for jut weag Cria A tilrgiliia from tbM etty wifi iUwpI werra counsel for Hoefls. Detective Silas Rogers stepped up before I Justico Hogan with his prisoner and was asked wbat charge he had to make against tbe lab 1 ter. The detective replied that the arrest had been made at tbe instigation of President Green, the president of tbe company.

The latter stepped forward and said 1 that Hoefle roust have been aware of Allens Irregularities. When tha case was recalled lawyer Smith asked for a remand until be had time to prepare affidavits against the defendant. Lawyer Mitchell protested. We have here, be mid, an inventor of patents, who sold the same, seventeen in number, to President Allen. The latter from time to time paid to the defendant stocks of tbe rail road.

He did not know they wore fraudulent, and hypothecated them in the regular way in the banka If you will put your man on the stand I will wav an adjournment," inter- rupted Lawyer Smith. Prove your retorted Mr. Mitcnel, I dont put tbe cart before the hom*o." When was this man arrested!" queried the Judge. 1 Thursday night last," answered Detective i Rogers. Court remarked that the prosecution had ample time to got their evidence together.

Well, your Honor, I wufl the cvrwpanys lawyer, I then ask that Hoefle he iwld ss a witness against Allen. Do I understand that you abandon the proceed uur against this defendant! asked the Court. We never made a complaint. He was arrested 1 by detectives because of the suspic ous circura I stances connecting him with the matter. If I am civon time 1 might be able to formulate charge." Everybody connected with the case was present, and the Justice called upon anyone 1 to step forward who bad a complaint to make, but no one responded.

Lawver Hmith then repeateu his demand that Hoefle be detained aa a witness. Ha request was granted and Hoefle was held in to appear as a witness against Alloa. Hoefle was discharged on the criminal charge, It May Iti artier. Detectives Chrystal and Liston, of the Bixth jj precinct. Now York, last night arrested Fran cisco Gaugeilo, of 1 00 Mott street, and arraigned hira before Justice Hogan, at the Tombs to-day lon a charge of assault.

Gaugeilo went to 58 Mulberry street yesterday afternoon where he learned that Dominico Maito was there, who borrowed $15 from him two months ago. They mot and Gaugeilo demanded bis money. Maito refined to give it, and they quarreled. Gau-fc cello drew a large clasp knife and jabbed it into Vtaitos left shoulder and abdomen. Maito is jvimrjin a dangerous condition at tbeChambrs -Jtroet Hoanual.

Gaugeilo was held to await bo result of Mattos in juries. Two Young Women Nearly Suffocated in a Hotel. ra. TW Nantrora Iraih fWaJ year Ming ero gl rafwv delaetiag rail rtoerr ra iwi ef $71,1 4 ragijra mb r4 KA Ira is; 1 a twart fewt frara 4raa4 sero. ni tormgv lb htol trpdw do raven' ilti atitrti pri rrrag tp hi I V' ta iu md Tb pra wi of to- Irani rati lrac i-tr.

bara he tni Umti wr 2 It TW iMrtrt rairtn vra tia4 yarojtr I tiw Yrw Vi sra roed tm rail grraW It a rorai rav ura to i4 RHhfi to arojtw ira tb row hUv i 1 rar bw raito niflU imrottoMW if etfrara vfitr rittitot failure un rvd.e-a raal uj waarglB if tr i I to tfito us ti- arfi lew am ti toM.r to ia i IrormJd te Li iini ra tra wa Outfit rraw ta 1I 9 to lar ra.otiu fivr-s rati ro ci astro I to rowi at rat nrvi twv-rah t4 to trrad Ml a pl a to a nu tiw tra, awl tuw iMa aro r41 w- buronift, tow ar totrag saws a cwl to (i tro. itr-rr 1 to 1 ori b-4U wbral It to ti tto reel atarau a I We vrDrrei inn tirm mi rtn itog inf fnra ra 1 I hr 1 iu titr hoat oeUnietAl fij tirt Uw to mf-ai si a' 1 iwt 7 1 NW 1 wi tin rar) ti fern ra I X. 1 eATVra. fiDw rov md tilft toot ptf tra I fi A4. Tii 1 nrawoe aw 4 ft wora.

Ffira. oaf frf ra-wrt Immim aro lergro (i famj ttosra iro a tijt rawt ani ti lry -r rei toe a hiPiRj, 4 A bti wot 'f w-t famWi( rae mri rrtfmjwirt frrra U1 road A weal cfi 4 Tvtoral 4 I pm wL frega lamr-jroatwat prvf -rr 1 wt.l to fw4 fv4. A 1 to wberat tin I a tort ftobt wtfi Mtorot. fW If t'wrwtoW Wrfcd Aervflvd ail mf ti Mdf kw Tto MMMiwn of tto aathroroir will mew ttctfUf eud tw rtw a to r-w nta tto to, a ba wl to rear kd tfi to 4 trarar tto mi lirt ltiv unet to amrrvrm. Ira ana tto Ira raer, vtwn ba liraifiii ta tra swri! war rwet nf lawo.

Wtw urn atnefi pm net tw rt tto auirww) to tb lia era tori rag a t'f wlr tljiht Jvrerv (Willi, kn, toe pv earort asm pro rot wro UnaJ vt trad It pro weal. aa -ra Utto rort vtoa, at ta aie ra Now 3 itrt wn IS rta ft rato pm a-v ad vaara prvw )v nru yro te a Avw rt Irarar prWf Bibrt advraaro toU pro bm vfi br WM to a cf tra an fafa rt-vf TraS jbtraf, of wtob ti iibram T. niU. Si era S3 ti rafi arML a awrora ti gw raw a irala art to iuilv raran roi rareirarat A Mt aiosMtart rt sraro raa4 aa d'Md grow ty Frrau, Both Found Unconscious and Removed In an Am balance to Hospital Ke cent Arrival tn This Country Will Leave Fr Texa To-day. Arrives at Bar Harbor and Calls Oa President Hnrrlnon.

Bab Harbor. Aug. 10. President Harrison bas made tbs following appoint mente: Satnuel F. Phillips, of North Carolina, Com.

mismoner on tha part of tba United State under Venauelan and United States treaty concerning tbe adjustment of claims. Charles G. Pope, of Missouri, Consul at Toronto; Richard G. Liy, of the District of Columbia, Consul-General at Ottawa. Tbe U.

8. 8. Dispatch reached here this morning with Secretary Tracy on board, aud an hour later tbe Secretary and his daughter called upon the President. Victorious Itifl.mon. Major Frost, captain of tha victorious Massachusetts Rifti Team, Sergeants Bull and Huddleston, were standing near the rail of tha steamship City of Chicago as the drew np to her dock at the of Barrow street.

North River, New York, this morning at 7:15 o'clock. They were fresh from the other side and in tbe flash of unknown victories over tneir English cousins. On Major Frosts sleeves were the following badges, each of which signified a victory: Royal Artillery Company, with royal coat of arms in the middle: Royal Berkshire, surmounted with a gold dragon London Rifle Brigade, with seal of city of London in Royal Essex and 8outh London Cinb Ail the member, of the club expressed themselves as having enjoyed tneir tnp vastly. VWwwhfi MmSmw This rvsaftng will bs the finest firework ahov Ura asasr at Baihstiu Bwk 1 toitwa to tb rgviar bL of far Mr Praia wfil aura vrtrraordiorarv tm i rv rrvrat tntv IVdUi vs of titil 1st National Kipeti of Itt mrasMIi afivwr Ar Vbraa fir pnrfita A wtvh sixty ryw sunvra prmwoi fiws vtvram asaspje. will priral rat tbs A I51NC0 Which Not Jraha ytrai7i Hay, It seems that tbe report that tbe body of tbe young man wbo waa found at tba foot of Bowen street, last Thursday morning, waa tbat of John CTLrary, of 109 Fifty -third street, is incorrect.

Mrs. Felix Ward, of 170 Hsveuty-fifth st Mist, New York, called at tb Morgue, vfaat to body waa removed, and identified it as tbat of bar eon, wbo had been musing race Aug. 4, and wbo tbat day went to tb bath at tha foot of Fifty-sigh th street to swim. His mother rays was subject to epfa lectio fits, and his companions aty ha was takeo with ooe while tn tba water on tbat day, and tbat he immediately sank before anyone could rraca hun to reader btra tutsara 1 body has oeera removed by Uniwntiv McNally, at tbe reqwe of Mra Ward, to 04 Thrd avenue, Nw York. Trvf a Jjba Witim, a so kr, turned to from to arbaoesr Mi W-wrard.

lymg a Ora fnol of Cason sin it, tom wight. Th Crap-taia. Jams I timtora. (srovorro bma asl firot a stsA from be ret rat wv Th pr4sw townra Jarirs Moor pwremd John Havens. Brooklyn loses in John CL Havens, wbo died yesterday at his home, 133 Prospect place, a quiet but worthy citisen of tbe das which has made it famous throughout th tnd the City of Homes.

Hr. Havens was born in New Jersey and came to this city in early life, where he engaged in th lumbar business. In 1863 be took the superintend dency of the New York and Brooklyn Saw Mill and Lumber Company, whose extensive works ar situated on the Gowanus Canal, and held it continuously for eighteen years until fii-healtb and advancing aee warned him to retire froon business. His active spanl however, was not suited to a life of ease, and of lata be took charge of a department ra the great establish meat of the Cowperthwait Com pany, whor* his long experience ra tbe selection and choice of the valuable woods used ra the manufacture of substantial ana ornamental furniture was of inestimable rain. Of modest and retiring habits, like most men of solid worth, Jlobn Havens had horror of displayof any kind.

He was of that sturdy, old-fashioned American stock which believes that a mans borne is bis castle, and that nothing is too good for it. His bom was to him a very paradise, and his family the pnde of his life. 1 hoe wbo dealt with him in business found him a man of strict probity and unswerving rectitude of character; those who bad with him nearer relations found him a warm friend and a most congenial companion. Ia businera and ra social life he was kdowu and esteemed widely. Mr.

Havens had been for many years a member of the Hanson Place Baptist Church. Tbe funeral will take place from the house at 4 oclock tomorrow afternoon. fomo or citt uwt Kraft rmstet" Ira Bv Vert. Fsmiral K. Roraraa, a Cbkmgo wrarebraat.

of 70 summrart, wa asatly Mbuaarar this morning out of $40 by torn tiic-k acquamv anew mad, according to tb story ti told In Poba Hsradqwrartera ns New Tark UHtif. Bnnsn and hra wif cram to New Turk oa tha 5th instant and pat up at Earle's Hotel, baring jnt tratarnraL from a torar throogk Europa Whiti to old gvatinraa was oat walking this morn mg ba wa a yowng to ba a Mar rdativ of armra friend of tba ararrhant and fenvitid btra to Inspect some saiapbra of doth. tin toe yoang nm took tuns Mr. ftimam eoraftd not feed, bst vtirvwr It was wa Ira tied to tbo all bti money, ting a roll of bills amowmmg to $to0, which ws aoralHrad from bt bawls by tb swindler aad a cofdrair tha room. Hnrasn wars tbra qairkly bmM ml tb aiu Tbr a met stor bm yawn men, who irmfraifawd wub bean la hi tret4 ad told him Uist be wa a reprrawptrauv at to twnrifiipfi Pram.

He offral to eoraisrt the (tiered ararrhsnt brack to Earle's, and dfi by swdh a rostfisiwsi rrmt tost Mr. Knoss eooirt rack giv tb eugblras ratira of vrh robtwy SA ptraora. It wa with grsral dlffirmlty tbra tb msf4s could get togrtovr notif to fd ti to Cfcicagnh, for lb $4N) rrprsssntsd nrorty all toa ready cash they brad. Lena Maudektrom, 27 years old, and a sister eight years Her junior, arrived in this country yesterday on tbe steamship Eider, of tbe German line, and went immediately to Earles Hotel, at Centre and Canal streets. New York.

They ora their way from Russian Poland to meet their brother, who is in bvsinam somewhere in Texas, When tbe girls retired last night one of them Mew out the gas. At about 5 oclock this morning tbe younger girl awoke, and in a half unconscious way felt that something was wrong in tbe room. Sbe managed to crawl to tbe door and opened it, but at one tell sen soles in tba ball, where she was found. Tbe older girl was discovered unconscious in her bed. glAn ambulance was summoned and tb surgeon in a abort time sracceeded in bnnginr both girb back to fife.

They war taken tne Chamber Street Hospital wt they were in a few boom pretty wQ recovered. They hope to leave for Texas this afternoon. Esrthqssk I to Adlveadmcka. Saratoga, N. Ang.

1CL A shock of earthquake of forty-five aocoods duration waa felt in tbe Adirondack at 8:40 o'clock this morning. Dishes rattled and buildings shook in at least a doaera different places. Tba motion was from east to aura. Tb aosra coenpanyrag tbe shock was surv dwtmei and sharp. The shock was particularly bard ct Warrensburg.

AL8AJT, Aug. Id Reports from Schroon Lake, Heeue Vallly, North Creek and Cbratatowa, that heavy earthquake shocks were felt there shortly after 6 oclock this morning. Bjirwlog KtAtM. Aug. 10.

First ft Saratoga, r. raw eato ftwnsi Vf rwi ron iitofiijFt tow la to ha raa to4 rara wm4 earo a at ar 1 urt Slats t-fitftiw tir 1 ftro raw Tb firapfraarad Traratt Laudo, Tex, Aug. IQl Th Tascots pact ti tbe local seoeration mt tb boor, graph hav beara forwarded to hie brother, H. H. Dolphin, whom faa claims ti a-train dispatcher at Marshall, and to bit father, auras Dolphin, at Emporia, Tsnsras.

Bberiff Branches feeti eonfidsat, and to-day ra eeivsd a telegram from A. J. Btoora, of Chicago, requesting further dekaik. Tb da arriDtioa and appearenc tally to a rtrarthng degrs to Trasrocl Tb only vanarac dm covered after a second invest! gwtioa ti tbat bra hrair ti not torn ora to top of tb heart. It ti cut dose, aod ti very thick aU over Ura scalp.

Says tbra Oiwr Stirwek Bln. Junes Berry, 47 ysrars of aga, of 373 Cohuie bia Hint, kmphaa that OfBosr Thomas F. McLaughlin, of to Eleventh precinct, on patrol duty last night, struck him with tus dab while lay totrop on to stoop own rest itinera. Officer McLaagolin three- lufirterx of a nul; Violaute first, Minnie Calmer Teuton third. Time, 1 0.

Second race, three-quarters of a mile; Duke ot the Hishland first, Brown Princess second, SunUpht third. Time, 1:18. a Third race, ono mile and oneiebtb; Kiags-a ton first, Innim Uj)1 second. Tune, Illneflfi of ftoorvlsor Green. Supervisor George Green, of the Twenty- second ward, is suffering from nervous pros-u tration at his borne.

In siew of this unfortunate eoodifion of affairs his friends have 4'oncludod to fill his place as presilent of the AT ard Asaociatiou by the appointment of John puttoiMii his placM. Nochange has been made va hh HonfiekeepBrfi and "Gerbage. Far Nw Tark Cdy aa4 viroaci be tar boors. rat If th wart, ikrwad tf fjan F-j fanrra New York. Jd Onsratm fit awi ah SIS hart tsros red toy ranrt rtitert af fa ta fnraev a Vfltisa CtiwHrhBm.

I ffirt rt. vhu frtsf Rf to tin id i ta Asur nt, mi i kft luvi a Wrrrjr hy swppag ran ahiL kfMh. yerv Vlt frtsv la fri(Si wi ha i I i ninHitra strro. a H. VM SriKk If un MS UPTft t'V was hrt; HlfiwVfi.

He Kis tilr Mi. CHtwr I rom TB it i44 ef 1 ti knrh rart, -4 am ta rai r4 Ifkairite. vt erot hftisef Usrirfi wi prJiwfii ha mil for. ft ywwlf frarMoe nas snl arao IfeW rwd uiftfs (w rmr a vj iw JrtHa Mnri, tvf Sl. ffetra ffVMSSfl, aafi sum ta nto (ma va mmj arw.

Th hft fmr rt tlra skjf af Mhal U7Wra 4 Vera bur wwi ft-I a hf Rfikwv itiro tool whl 4 sm I ram ia mrwy ro fats A twrarva, roar at w. if rawtt trwt, was rufi wt it rad lr era eh toy taua rau wjtra a rams ti wtmy la-tirrl tovff Terra no. tot Wa aa tw hnvf FfiUtifm.lritU t-w ui( at Htrwwy wro, rortvrarl raflwray aa wa Brawl hi till raw raea rorwv tl J4n fa mii. ItC H1rai avroar. i tvsed ti a rave yratisy 4 viran to tto mrort a A raM tr af i Ha wa fmrarvi, Tower I'tin ef iw Twrat fhmt It nfw 1 ri MnH fra aw i tvry am i a twrr tot ra rat I tl a ifirnraw uurtr fwri aroira a roi as af era pta la Saai i tirw aa iras Hwtiea.

Th tvanel ranrirorsanr ef Croat I hv ba ia rat tra Lraiwr Lfw ti to Mj rum ShopmI Concert at Pro poet Park. The following programme will be rendered at Prospect Park to-morrow afternoon by Frcf. Luciano Contemo and Sons celebrated band: Star Spangled Banner. Overture. Ivan G.

R. Oontemo (ily special request.) Andante Cantouno, lijnoeo Beethoven Grand Oorteaio, i)er Tanohauser. Andante eon Motto so 1 Mendeissotm (From Third Symphonic, St'oich.) Grand sacred selection, Tne Creation," Ilaydn Overture, iledon, Cherubini largo, itetuni. lidhira, God of HostHanoei (From Messiah.) Coro solo, Cujus Rossini (From ctibat Mater.) Mr. Wiinam Jaeger.

Reminiscences from the operas of VerdH Coronation march. -Meyerbeer Mtwcni ti rectors, Lraeiano Conterno, Giovanni K. Con tern a. Rebellion la Hawaii, SA3T Fuascisco, Aug. 10.

Th steamer Australia, from Honolulu, brings news that on July 30 two halt-whits Hawaiians, named Robert W. Wilcox aod Robert Boyd, with the aid of one hundred and fifty natives, made an armed attempt to overthrow tbe Government. Tbe Palace grounds aod Government bouse were taken possession of hj the noters. Tbo Honolulu Rifles were called out and a skirmish ensued, in which seven Hawaiiaos were killed and twelve wound'd. Tbe noters were at last compelled to surrender.

fair Wrotorff VftK 1 nwuij Viiftiatita ttilbf atra aro al tie ra o' aev-l mm toj-rara aev fif at to tra In ptraat mmtm im IM Mrtortd The ftfiiftra pv ai la Favor ef the Plalntlffi A suit for recovery ou a policy cf fire insurance brought by Alexander Armstrong against the Agricultural Insurance Company, of Watertown, N.Y., bas just been decided by Judge Cullen, of tbe Supreme Court. neo the case was tried toe defense made was tbat the proof of loos was not furnished bv the insured, bvt by a motgagee. It was further contended in defense that a suit in foreclosure of the mortgage was commenced without notifying tbe defendants at their New York office, by reason of which omivxn it was claimed tbat tbe policy was forfeited. Justice Culiaa decided in favor of tbe plaintiff with costa. A policeman faaad Edward Dwyr and Joarpb Dwyer, foor aad firs years oU, sitting to front of 21 Rush street ysaterday ifhrscvw.

Tb boys nd Ibrir mother aad felbsr brad bran dwposeeesed frooi tbrtr aTrtmvta sort brad ts artrt th ns. FM, of to Nh eraty for the hroetws of Cnraitv to Clul-drra. mwsugmtrad tb matter, sad rat turn sag-ratsa Jmiv Gopuisf gran rad a Lar to rarresX of to boys' straw. fcilimMiJlEWl Tbe FreaidanVa WUra. Najttuckxt, Maaa Aug.

10, Mm Harri dmuea tt. oa, wife of the President, passed a quiet day yesterday. During toe day aba visited several local stores and mad purchase, ber identity, however, not being discovered by tbra shopkeepers. Her mster. Mm boot Ixird, oo ac count of whose illness Mrs.

Harrtioa came here, has improved rapidly. To-dray Mrs. Harrison will rid? out to the east end of tha tnd, enjy the new from tne bioff. and extend ber nde to the nlltge of Buisconsett. of him Two of 150 aged 9 yvtirdrav.

stabbed would Ihttif IDs nsywsts. boys, named Joseph Haig, aged 30 year, Hamilton avwnm, aad John Hicbey, years, of 14S nas avmroa, quarrvtid when Hickey drew a knife and Hstg tn tb sbrmider. Joraohh mother not afiow Hicfcry to arrested. ra aac firm, taaraiv, rs Ik TI re A. ti.

sr ti Irt A A to r. n. City Works Commissiooer Adams, wbo bas t) is week made it warm for the illicit garbage ir therer," has supplemented hia work with-a Mtioe to housekeepers on the subject of irbago. This appears as an advertisem*nt coloinn from George H. Sterling, nyxnntendent of Streets, and a of interest to 'who keep I Another thieco Ktrrat Tragedy.

HiOAGO, Aug. 10. Christian F. Harder, a i to-do German, shot his wife dead night and then suicided. The tragedy i pmee on the street after au altercation, mvtw inichcitv was the cause.

Swedish Guard iTeatlval. Tbe seven lean th annual Dicnic and lamnw festival of toe Swedish Guard, Company Fourteenth Regiment, N. S. N. will be held at Benners Rideewood Grove, ou Saturday, Aug.

17, There will be ames and snooting in the afternoon and dancing to the music of ConierDO5 Fourteenth Regiment Band Ferae! Vvaa elltoiaa. CtnurTt 3L T- Aag. A mitia srrmTwf raranr Fwwd Usv, aflsL ivi Rafiwav titat Itcftrt tba ang Tra Iraki vipryi. has! wws tar Ni egars F-s rod Mala Ura Kerttorf Warn, vtrk wa, an VC re- to rarorti rrt t'v ir aw mam tmi a tr ung trftr rima pwrumrowti tto an m. JUtrrgn ul Ktaaa WnfimJ, Bracoa tiramr Fvu, hsmtir.

Nfsitar Rooort Harrowing. M-vfitwrsneraa I ports. hteamer Partimnsd Pall London baeacnw hcaMt, Rx JiMwra jjuirvm oct. filra im Umbrora. at OuronAow gay IV Was Discharged.

John Tobm, brartoutir for TioxAhy F. Fox, wbo keeps a saloon at tb corner of Court and Wyckoff streets, denies that ti was fined $5 bv Jus tie Courtney for awaultuig Edward Coughlin with a club. Coorhiin. he mv. did him and tm waa rt i A lUUrmd hs Death, Oswxgo, N.

Aug. 10. E. M. Britton, manager of tbe Rome, Watertown and Og-dmvburr Railroad, died tha morning from Th etshtli ranaraal da CTWvdto rar-4 maaa.

hr a at rrt in ha to L. rfi Artaftoa. tiri ra fro nr Va f'r troeaf Pf am tra (ka4 tiuTU tfkrf I ft CMCrt Urti A Yardlct for Alicra Wood hall. Lotoow, Aur. 1(X In the suit of Higgins against Alice Wood hail a verdict has been ma far toa apfdawk.


The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.